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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Finding King Pin's stronghold in Hell's Kitchen was as easy as pie for Reilly, after all, for a long time, the emperor of this criminal empire had been Spider-Man's main enemy, at least in Reilly's memory.

Reilly recalled that later he went to that magical central space, what was King Pin doing there again? Oh, he seemed to have set up some kind of immortality factor industry to promote in the universe, Reilly remembered, he had caught a glimpse of this guy in the Sanctum Sanctorum, still strong and burly, fierce and cold, with a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Spider-Man is all too familiar with this expression, it often appears after King Pin has made some unknown gray transactions with the gang leaders of a certain city, only in that universe it may have been replaced by a big deal with some interstellar civilizations or space pirates.

Reilly also remembered that when he ran into King Pin in the Sanctum Sanctorum, he had an instinctive nervous reaction, which lasted until King Pin smiled and wanted to hire him as a Multiverse salesman, at which point Reilly ran away as fast as he could, Spider-Man had never wanted to see King Pin so much in his life, isn't one Nick enough?

Seeing King Pin again, Reilly felt a sense of melancholy, because this man, who was once incredibly strong and had the strongest muscles of any unmodified human being in the world, had now become a fat, ugly, bloated monster.

He still wore a suit, had King Pin's appearance, only with pointed ears and fangs, a tumor hanging from his waist, and tentacles extending from his back, completely ruining his perfect body, every muscle of which had been tempered countless times.

Standing in the hall of King Pin's Royal Palace, Reilly was surprised at the jumps in his own thinking, but the fact was that Spider-Man had always felt that King Pin's overly strong physique made him a formidable opponent, but now it seemed that when the beauty of the human body was destroyed by these trivial monster elements, it was still enough to make one regret.

King Pin standing in the hall let out a roar, Jessica flew by his side, trying to avoid eye contact with him, and shouted loudly, "Be careful, he has lost his mind!"

Shang-Chi stood in the center of the hall, holding one hand in front of him, quickly making hand seals, his eyes shining with energy, and a gentle breeze blowing under his feet.

"Cast divination!"

Accompanied by one complex character diagram after another lighting up from his feet, the bagua diagram gradually formed, the characters rotating faster and faster, the light getting brighter and brighter.

Reilly understood what Shang-Chi was going to do, so he gestured to Jessica.

Jessica swooped down, the shotgun banging against King Pin's waist, but the bullet couldn't pierce the tentacles at all, Reilly shouted, "Use your fists!"

With that, he webbed a spider web to the railing of the second floor atrium and swung over, kicking King Pin in the shoulder with one foot. King Pin let out a roar and swung his fist back at lightning speed, but was shaken by a shot from Jessica on his foot, unable to capture Spider-Man.

Spider-Man landed and stuck to the column in the hall, climbing up like a real spider, pushing off with his legs to jump onto the second floor railing, then leaping again like a falling leaf to the highest chandelier.

Jessica caught sight of his movements out of the corner of her eye and guessed his purpose, so she flew around King Pin at high speed to attract his attention, but didn't let him hit her, the shotgun firing occasionally, although unable to cause substantial damage, but the kinetic energy released by the bullets could affect the target's balance.

King Pin's strong and powerful legs bent slightly at the knees and he leapt up, wanting to capture the exposed Jessica in mid-air, but a cold smile appeared on Jessica's face under her black hair.

She turned back, her black hair flowing like butterfly wings in a smooth aerial maneuver to dodge King Pin's pounce, then like a panicked moth, she flew shakily towards the center of the hall.

King Pin would not miss such a good opportunity to attack, he propped himself up with his tentacles and quickly jumped between the columns in the hall, chasing after that agile figure, not noticing at all that the chandelier overhead was swinging.

"Bang! Splash"

The chandelier, along with Spider-Man, crashed down heavily, King Pin let out a scream and fell to the ground, but he was not seriously injured, just stunned for a moment by the impact, but that was enough.

"Rest, Injury, Life, Destroy, Scenery, Death, Shock, Open, Eight Doors, Lock!"

A bright bagua diagram fell from above, and several chains locked the huge body with a clear echo.

Shang-Chi turned his palms down, fingertips facing each other, and the airflow and hair fell with him.

"Cool, dude!" Reilly swung over quickly and shouted.

Jessica also landed on the ground, curiously examining the silver magic chains, at least in her eyes, this should be a kind of magic, she looked at the approaching Shang-Chi and shook her head slightly, saying, "You look pretty strong, I thought you weren't one of the sorcerer types."

"I wasn't before, but I'm working in that direction now." Shang-Chi shrugged and said, "Well, actually it's because I'm not very good at fighting, I don't know any martial arts techniques, what's the use of being physically strong?"

At this point, the three of them all turned their gaze to King Pin, Reilly pursed his lips and frowned, saying, "Don't you feel he's a bit weak?"

"Weak? Jessica raised her voice, "Didn't you see me shoot him with a gun and not even a spark came out? He's incredibly strong!"

"I mean he's gotten a bit stupid." Reilly seemed unsure how to express it, he walked around King Pin in a circle and then said, "The old King Pin was very cunning, he wouldn't face me directly, but would first find a group of assassins to exhaust my strength, then set up a bunch of traps in his bedroom or office, making me run around in a panic."

"Finally, he would force me to fight him face-to-face in a completely open space that was completely advantageous to him and had no leverage points at all, even though I'm very strong, I'm light in weight and not in the same league as him, so I can easily be thrown away."

Reilly rambled on about his failed experiences against King Pin, saying, "He's no small fry like Bullseye, he's powerful and cunning, I suspect I've never even fought his true self, those were just substitutes, but now this one..."

Shang-Chi also frowned, he extended one finger and analyzed rationally, "If as Jessica said, all the Superheroes in this world have been infected by a crazy virus, then perhaps what they have gained is not enhancement, but actually weakening."

"This crazy virus makes them more aggressive, growing tentacles and fangs, their minds full of crazy ideas to destroy the world, but it also means they may have lost the most important advantage of being human, which is wisdom, or rather, the ability to remain calm and self-possessed. This is very important."

Jessica furrowed her brow, seeming a bit confused. He shook his head and said, "I only know that if it was the original King Pin, I could have shot him like before and he would have died, his kidneys would have exploded into pieces, but now it's completely impossible. Isn't this considered an enhancement?"

"But the previous King Pin wouldn't even have given you a chance to shoot him." Reilly had a lot to say: "If guns could deal with the problem, King Pin wouldn't have lived this long. There are too many people who want to kill him."

"The ability to accurately judge one's own situation and come up with countermeasures with a strategic mind, and then stably execute the strategy and tactics, this is the most important." Reilly mimicked Matt's tone as he repeated the content of his lecture.

"Humans have five fingers, and even without making a fist, they can make tools and set traps. Humans have mouths, and without using them to insult others, they can still use them to interfere, persuade, and even communicate. But monsters seem to have completely forgotten these things. They traded these most important things for some less important defensive abilities, which is a huge loss."

Jessica seemed to have understood a bit. She nodded and then looked at Reilly with a slightly surprised gaze. Reilly shrugged and said, "Don't look at me, this was said by an elder."

"Who? Your father?"

"No, Daredevil Matt. I don't know if he's famous in your world, but he can also be considered our common father, although I'd rather see him as a mother."

"Daredevil." Jessica raised her voice. Of course she had heard that name, after all, she had lived in Hell's Kitchen for quite a while. If she remembered correctly, Purple Man seemed to have been disciplined by this guy too.

Jessica was just about to open her mouth to say something when a dark shadow appeared outside King Pin's Royal Palace. The three of them turned their heads simultaneously to see a tall figure dressed in a tight suit, a figure very familiar to Reilly.

"Matt!" Reilly exclaimed.

But his Spider-Sense went off, causing him not only to step back, but also rage to surge in Reilly's heart as he saw the specific image of the newcomer.

This Daredevil Matt also had long fangs, a series of tentacles protruding from his chin, and his neck was covered in boils and tumors, with his skin collapsing into a mess.

"Reilly, Reilly, calm down!" Shang-Chi hurriedly grabbed Reilly, seeing Reilly's clenched fists, he had to quickly extend his other hand and slap a Clear Heart Tactic on Reilly's back.

Reilly shook his head hard, took a deep breath, and his arms were still trembling as he gritted his teeth and said, "How dare they..."

"Watch out!" Jessica cried out.

Matt, who had rushed in at an extremely fast speed, was now entangled in combat with Reilly, while the temporarily inexperienced Shang-Chi in close combat had to temporarily avoid the main force and stand on the sidelines of the battlefield, providing assistance with his talismans.

Looking towards the distant skyline of New York, another battle was erupting on Manhattan's commercial street, with Quill and Rocket Raccoon back-to-back, facing the siege of several monsters.

Quill had a shotgun in his hand, while Rocket Raccoon had a hand cannon. Quill first blew off the head of a zombie with tentacles with one shot, then used the gun barrel to knock down a centipede-like bug that was approaching Rocket Raccoon. Rocket Raccoon's hand cannon finished charging, and with a "whoosh", a rocket exploded, knocking the monsters over.

"Wait! What's that?"

Quill stared at the figure walking out of the smoke behind the explosion - tall, muscular, and holding a star-spangled shield. This was probably the only superhero Quill recognized.

In the years before Quill left Earth, he was a household name, but Quill uttered his name in a serious and low tone: "...Captain America!"

"How dare they!"

With a "bang", the tea water on the table was knocked over. In front of the Zen window, Stark could no longer maintain his deep posture. He stared at the words in the notebook with rage-filled eyes and gritted his teeth, saying, "They turned Captain America into a monster! How dare they!"

Strange sat on a single sofa, one leg crossed over the other, still maintaining his dignity, even with a touch of superiority and mockery.

But when another page of the notebook was turned, revealing more densely packed words that his brain understood, he couldn't sit still either.

"This monster Captain America was actually toyed with by the owner of the notebook? Using a burning truck?!"

Strange's tone became even higher, almost cursing.

"He gave up his human form, human wisdom, and even human dignity, just to gain this little bit of ability? What a fool!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter ->Chapter 1396 The Return of the Old Ones (Part Four)


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