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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


During Wang Hong's seclusion for cultivation, the Cultivation World remained as bustling as ever, with various conflicts never ceasing.

Previously, the powerful figures of various clans were paying attention to the Demon Clan and dispatched numerous personnel to investigate the Hezhou mainland. However, they failed to obtain any useful information.

Due to the void passageway that the Demon Clan possessed on the Hezhou mainland, allowing them to continuously reinforce their manpower, it was difficult to make progress in a short period.

Since the current Demon Clan couldn't be taken down, the major forces shifted their focus to the Human Clan.

In terms of strength, the Human Clan was evidently the weakest among the various clans, especially in terms of high-end combat power, where they couldn't compare to the others.

Currently, the entire Human Clan only had three Void Refining powerhouses, and one of them was in a state where their lifespan was dwindling. They could only shrink within a secret chamber, preserving their final strike.

Additionally, in terms of Soul Transformation and Nascent Soul realms, the other clans were far stronger than the Human Clan due to support from other worlds.

Facing this piece of fat meat represented by the Human Clan, all the factions seemed to have reached an agreement and launched attacks against the Human Clan forces.

Among them, the most daring were the Demon Race and Abyss Clan. In the thirty-fifth year of Wang Hong's seclusion, they gathered a large number of elites and launched a joint attack on the Central Continent.

Led by Xuanyuan Immortal Palace, the Human Clan cultivators resisted step by step and engaged in several major battles with the powerhouses of the two clans on the Central Continent. However, they were always outnumbered and had more defeats than victories.

In the end, the three Void Refining powerhouses of Xuanyuan Immortal Palace came out together to confront the five Void Refining powerhouses of the Demon Race and Abyss Clan. They used a plan to lead the two clans' armies to a desperate place.

In order to turn the tide of the battle, one of the Void Refining powerhouses of Xuanyuan Immortal Palace unleashed all the remaining power within their body, instantly killing a Void Refining powerhouse of the Demon Race and heavily injuring another.

As a result, a large portion of the armies of the Demon Race and Abyss Clan were also obliterated by the self-destruction of the Void Refining powerhouse, leaving only a small fraction remaining.

The power of the self-destruction by the Void Refining powerhouse caused a corner of the Central Continent to sink.

Due to the heavy losses in this battle, the armies of the Demon Race and Abyss Clan had no choice but to retreat.

At the same time as the two clans were retreating, the Savage Tribe seemed to have abandoned the Hezhou mainland on the east side of the Desolate Spirit. Surprisingly, they organized a large army and headed west, marching towards Crimson Flame Island.

The Savage Tribe this time assembled a massive army of two million soldiers, including two Void Refining powerhouses and dozens of Soul Transformation experts. Their momentum was overwhelming.

The two million soldiers of the Savage Tribe were different from the previous Celestial Maiden Palace coalition forces. Each individual soldier possessed tremendous strength, with a mix of second and third-tier cultivators, and fourth-tier cultivators were also common.

At this moment, the Savage Tribe had set its sights on the Fengwu Continent, determined to conquer it. If they could take control of the Fengwu Continent, they could use it as a stronghold to sweep westward, all the way to the Central Continent. They could at least claim nearly one-fifth of the territory of the Little Yuan Realm, which was more advantageous than directly confronting the Demon Clan.

Facing the Savage Tribe's formidable offensive, the 500,000-strong army on Crimson Flame Island was clearly no match for them.

However, even though Wang Hong was still in seclusion, the soldiers of the Great Chu Immortal Nation did not show any signs of retreat in the face of a strong enemy. They were unwilling to disgrace themselves.

Fortunately, Bai Lingzi of Xuanyuan Immortal Palace arrived in time to reinforce the Great Chu Immortal Nation, while Qing Yuanzi remained in the Central Continent.

Currently, the entire Human Clan only had these two Void Refining powerhouses. Wang Hong had a good chance of advancing to the Void Realm.

Moreover, if the Savage Tribe were allowed to take control of the Fengwu Continent and lose the defensive barrier of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, the entire Human Clan would be in great danger.

To this end, Xuanyuan Immortal Palace mobilized forces from various factions within the Human Clan to come and reinforce them. However, the mobilization of manpower involved various considerations, and these reinforcements would certainly not arrive in a short period of time. Only Bai Lingzi, accompanied by some Soul Transformation cultivators, arrived ahead of time.

There were several major battles between the two sides around Crimson Flame Island, but they were all staunchly resisted by the armies of the Human Clan.

During these battles, the Great Chu Immortal Nation's army demonstrated formidable combat power. The individual strength of their soldiers was not inferior to that of the Savage Tribe's army. They even had a slight advantage over the Savage Tribe in the Golden Core and Nascent Soul levels.

After witnessing the strength of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, the various factions of the Human Clan gained renewed confidence and firmly decided to resist.

With the arrival of subsequent reinforcements from the Human Clan, a relative stalemate was formed between the Human Clan and the Savage Tribe.

After a year of continuous battles, Zhang Chunfeng led the one million elite soldiers he had trained on Qizhou Island to flank the rear of the Savage Tribe's army, launching a pincer attack together with the defending forces of Crimson Flame Island.

The two sides fought continuously for three days and three nights, and in the end, the Human Clan's army emerged victorious.

In this battle, the army of the Great Chu Immortal Nation demonstrated outstanding performance and became the decisive force.

Especially the Myriad Forms Subduing Demon Array of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, which greatly enhanced the combat power of the army. It enabled them to fight against Golden Core cultivators with Nascent Soul cultivation, and Nascent Soul cultivators against Soul Transformation cultivators.

At that time, there were even ten Soul Transformation cultivators from the Great Chu Immortal Nation forming the Myriad Forms Subduing Demon Array, and they fought on par with a Void Refining powerhouse from the Savage Tribe.

After the defeat in this battle, the Savage Tribe retreated back to the Desolate Spirit Sea, and the Human Clan did not pursue them further.

Through the two major battles in the Central Continent and the Fengwu Continent, the Human Clan demonstrated their strength and determination, making other clans realize that although the Human Clan was a piece of fat, it was also a thorny one that required strong teeth to bite into. They were not to be underestimated.

Due to the outstanding performance of the Great Chu Immortal Nation in this battle, their reputation soared, becoming another powerful force within the Human Clan and gaining some recognition throughout the entire Little Yuan Realm.

Leveraging the influence of this battle, the Great Chu Immortal Nation rapidly expanded its commercial activities to other continents.

After decades of development in the Fengwu Continent, the Great Chu Immortal Nation began to yield various products. The mining of spirit ore in different regions entered a stable track, and there were harvests of various Spiritual Herbs as well.

All the harvested Spiritual Objects were sent to the Ministry of Works. After several decades of development, the workshops of the Ministry of Works had spread across several cities.

The Ministry of Works recruited talents externally and also cultivated their own, resulting in a large number of various technical experts.

Currently, the items refined by the workshops of the Ministry of Works not only met the domestic demand but also had a surplus that needed to be sold to other continents.

The Great Chu Immortal Nation first expanded its sales of Spiritual Objects to territories under the influence of the Human Clan. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Great Chu Immortal Nation established branch offices in every continent where the Human Clan held power.

These branch offices were responsible for selling the Spiritual Objects produced by the Great Chu Immortal Nation, purchasing local specialties, and maintaining communication with major powers.

Having witnessed the strength of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, all the factions welcomed the establishment of these branch offices.

In fact, prior to this, Liu Changsheng had already arranged for some intelligence personnel to infiltrate various continents and gather information for the Great Chu Immortal Nation.

However, since the internal stability of the Great Chu Immortal Nation was not yet fully secured before, the focus was on domestic affairs. Now that the domestic situation was peaceful, the expansion of the external intelligence network needed to be accelerated.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 826: Void Refining


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