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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After suffering several losses, the Demon Clan decided to emulate their adversaries. They mobilized a large number of elite demons to form special teams, specifically tasked with besieging Human Clan cultivators.

This time, they managed to shake off the burden of low-tier Demonic Beasts and finally caught the Human Clan cultivators in a tight spot.

Moreover, all they needed to do now was to trap the Human Clan cultivators here. Once the two sides of the Beast Tide converged, it would surely spell doom for the humans.

Zhang Chunfeng looked at the Demon Clan surrounding them. Surprisingly, all of them were at least second-tier in strength, numbering tens of thousands. Their overall strength was not necessarily weaker than theirs.

The Demon Clan had always been much stronger than the Human Clan. While the Human Clan had almost depleted its resources to gather this force, the Demon Clan didn't seem to face such difficulty in mobilizing this batch of power.

"Everyone, we're surrounded on all sides. There's no retreat, only a fight to the death!


Form up!


Follow me to battle!"

With Zhang Chunfeng's loud command, the team quickly formed a wedge formation. Surprisingly, at the forefront were ten fourth-tier warriors and a Nascent Soul cultivator.

The Flying Boat in the sky also arranged itself in battle formation, its defensive shield lit up, and spirit cannons began charging.

This matter concerned the life and death of the Southern Region Human Clan. Everyone was prepared to fight to the death.

Even Wang Hong, who had always remained hidden, flew out from the Flying Boat at this moment. He stood in the air with several Nascent Soul cultivators by his side, including Skinny Monkey and Ling Shuai.


With a roar, everyone charged towards the group of Demonic Beasts ahead.

Zhang Chunfeng and Hu Jian dashed at the forefront, both clad in heavy armor and wielding black long spears.

Before the two sides even closed in, the air between them was already filled with the radiance of magical arts and magic weapons, accompanied by thunderous crashes when they clashed.

The powerful aftermath of Nascent Soul-level combat shook the surroundings, causing flying debris and stones. Some Foundation Building cultivators who were too close were even injured by this aftermath, blood oozing from their mouths and noses as they persisted forward.

Seeing this, several Nascent Soul cultivators at the front waved their spiritual power, blocking all the residual force, and then led the team to continue charging towards the magical arts ahead.

Normally, in a battle, they would keep a considerable distance, using magic weapons or magical arts to attack from afar. Only body cultivators would engage in close combat, and neither side would approach each other.

But the situation was different now. There was no time to engage in such a prolonged battle; they had to quickly break through the enemy's blockade.

So, the Human Clan cultivators pushed forward against all kinds of magical arts and magic weapons. During this time, the Nascent Soul cultivators at the forefront bore the greatest pressure, enduring almost all the attacks.

By the time they reached the Demon Clan, they were already exhausted, and the Nascent Soul cultivators at the rear immediately took their place.

Only Zhang Chunfeng and Hu Jian, as leaders, did not retreat. They each took a big gulp of spirit wine, exchanged a glance, and with a loud shout, charged into the midst of the demonic beast group.

Within the beast horde were also dozens of fourth-tier Demonic Beasts. The Nascent Soul battle erupted first as dozens of Nascent Soul cultivators clashed with the fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, creating earth-shattering sounds and blinding radiance, making it impossible for others, whether human or demon, to approach.

Several second-tier Demonic Beasts were caught in the crossfire and instantly turned to dust.

Several third-tier warriors attempted to push forward, but they were blasted away dozens of yards as soon as they got close, their fates unknown.

"Your Majesty! If we continue like this, the cultivators in the rear won't be able to break through. When the Beast Tide catches up, it'll be too late. Shouldn't some of us go down there to help Zhang Ge and the others?"

In the air, Wang Hong and his companions were slashing through some flying Demonic Beasts that approached, finding it somewhat easier than the ground combat.

After observing the situation on the ground, Wang Hong said, "The enemy's strength is not weak. Helping them now won't quickly end the battle. You all should go down and protect the team below, find a way to break through the fight first."

Seeing Skinny Monkey and others still hesitating, Wang Hong added, "You don't need to worry about my safety. These mere Demonic Beasts can't harm me."

"Your Majesty, take care!"

With a bow, they flew downwards towards the army. Skinny Monkey shouted towards the military formation, "By order of His Majesty, everyone follow me and break through!"


Skinny Monkey and Jia Liang led tens of thousands of cultivators, bypassing the Nascent Soul cultivators' battlefront and charging into the horde.

The fourth-tier Demon Clan in the horde had been drawn away, engaged in a fierce battle. With the joint assault of their Nascent Soul cultivators, these second and third-tier Demon Clan had no resistance and were routed in no time.

Following the Nascent Soul cultivators were tightly formed groups of third-tier warriors. In some smaller factions, cultivators at the Golden Core level were often revered as patriarchs, holding esteemed positions. However, in the Great Chu Immortal Nation's army, they were like ordinary soldiers, arranged in formation, wielding standardized melee weapons. A thrust here, a sweep there, and a swath of Demonic Beasts would fall.

With Nascent Soul cultivators and third-tier warriors clearing the way, the second-tier warriors and Foundation Building cultivators behind found it much easier.

Meanwhile, the Flying Boat in the air coordinated with the ground cultivators, cutting through the horde along the same path.

The Human Clan army surged into the horde, like a hot knife through butter, carving out a bloody path and dividing the horde into two.

"Faster! Hurry!"

The cultivators at the front had already pierced through the horde. Several Nascent Soul cultivators guarded the passage they had made, directing the rest of the cultivators to quickly charge out of the bloody channel.

Only when everyone had broken through the encirclement of Demonic Beasts did they lead the Human Clan army far away.

Wang Hong did not leave with the Flying Boat but returned to the horde after leading them through the breakthrough. He headed towards the location where the Nascent Soul cultivators were battling.

At this moment, Zhang Chunfeng and Hu Jian, among others, were gradually losing ground in their fight against the Demon Clan.

"Everyone has broken through. We should prepare to retreat."

As Zhang Chunfeng triggered a spell to create a sinkhole, he transmitted a message to everyone.

As the Human Clan army retreated, the Beast Tide of the Demon Clan was about to catch up. A distant black tide-like wave could be seen, accompanied by thunderous hoofbeats, greatly shaking everyone's spirits.

In the midst of the battle, Zhang Chunfeng suddenly grabbed a red bead and threw it towards the Demonic Beasts ahead. Several other Nascent Soul cultivators also threw similar beads.

These beads exploded, releasing golden flames. Any magic weapon thrown by the Demon Clan would immediately ignite upon contact with these flames.

Startled, the fourth-tier Demon Clan retreated repeatedly, afraid to touch the flames.


The Nascent Soul cultivators of the Human Clan took this opportunity to turn into streaks of rainbow light, attempting to escape. But just then, a golden giant figure appeared, blocking their path.

With their path blocked, everyone had no choice but to return to their original position, nervously staring at the golden dragon-like figure in the sky.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 637: Golden Dragon


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