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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


The defensive line of the Southern Region Human Clan, once breached at a point, began to reveal more breaches one after another.

Despite the vigorous resistance from the Human Clan, they were ultimately no match for the demons in strength. They could only watch helplessly as the breaches widened and eventually connected.

The Demon Clan's army had all passed through the defensive line, quickly engaging in chaotic battles with the Human Clan cultivators. At this moment, the Human Clan had no retreat left; they could only fight to the death.

In the midst of intense battle between the two sides, a group of Flying Boats suddenly appeared behind the Demon Clan.

It was the team led by Wang Hong. They had disembarked from where they originally traded only to find that it had turned into Demon Clan territory.

Worried that the Human Clan was utterly defeated, they hurriedly rushed southward. Upon seeing the intense battle between humans and demons from afar, they finally felt relieved, knowing that there were still people fighting.

At this moment, all the Flying Boats came to a halt. Transport Flying Boats stayed in the rear, arranging Defense Formations, and leaving behind a group to guard.

The remaining individuals, ranging from Foundation Building to Qi Cultivation levels, all stayed on the Large-sized combat Flying Boats, with each Flying Boat retaining either a Golden Core cultivator or a third-tier warrior.

The rest of the high-tier cultivators moved outside the Flying Boats, with Golden Core cultivators forming battle formations, accompanying the Flying Boats in flight.

Meanwhile, the third-tier warriors were clad in heavy armor, wielding melee weapons, marching in formation on the ground.

Fifty thousand people advanced simultaneously on the ground and in the air, steadily infiltrating from behind the beast horde.

The Qi Cultivation disciples from the Qingxu Sect and Taihao Sect, if in any other large-scale battlefield, would have been mere cannon fodder.

However, Wang Hong and Zhang Chunfeng didn't send them to be cannon fodder here; with only a few thousand people, using them as such would be futile.

So, these Qi Cultivation disciples were assigned to each Flying Boat, responsible for miscellaneous tasks and operating spirit cannons during the battle.

After all, these spirit cannons only required Spirit Stones to operate, and Qi Cultivation disciples were capable of handling them.

Now that the team had charged into the midst of the beast horde, these Qi Cultivation disciples operated the spirit cannons, continuously bombarding the beasts below.

With the horde densely packed on the ground, there was no worry about missing the targets.

The Foundation Building cultivators on the Flying Boats all summoned their Flying Swords, shuttling through the horde. Wherever they went, the beasts fell like waves of wheat.

Under the powerful onslaught from the Flying Boats, there were hardly any Demonic Beasts left standing where the team passed.

The third-tier warriors on the ground could easily deal with them with a few casual slashes.

Though the horde of Demonic Beasts was vast, it mainly consisted of low-tier Demon Clan members, with only scattered second and third-tier Demonic Beasts among them.

As a result, most of the high-tier cultivators in the team didn't even have a chance to take action.

The entire team sliced through the horde like a knife through tofu, effortlessly advancing towards the chaotic battlefront.

At the scene of the melee between the two sides, Human Clan cultivators were retreating steadily. Countless cultivators fell in defeat. In this moment of despair, they suddenly saw a group breaking through the horde, heading towards them in an invincible manner.

"Ah! Reinforcements have arrived!"

"Reinforcements are here! We're saved! The Southern Region is saved."

Previously, the high-tier cultivators of the Southern Region had always told them that reinforcements would come, but they were only half-believing.

Now, they had actually waited for reinforcements, and in such a grand manner.

Upon reaching the melee area, Zhang Chunfeng ordered the Flying Boats to continue bombarding the numerous low-tier Demonic Beasts in this manner.

Meanwhile, the accompanying Golden Core and third-tier warriors were all dispersed into teams of five, freely moving around the Flying Boats and joining the melee.

Nascent Soul cultivators were paired up, freely slaying the strong members of the Demon Clan.

The army of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, though not numerous, has quietly been altering the course of the battle since joining the fray.

Wherever they went, the once fierce Demon Clan showed no resistance at all. Human Clan cultivators immediately turned the tables, transforming imminent defeat into victory.

With each conquest by the army, the tide of victory swelled. For every few Demonic Beasts slain, one captured cultivator was freed, who in turn could assist others.

The Demon Clan, realizing this, attempted to organize elite forces to confront the army of the Great Chu Immortal Nation. Yet, in the end, these attempts were futile.

With each victory, the attacking Demon Clan gradually shifted to a defensive stance. And after three hours, they faced a comprehensive defeat.

Under Zhang Chunfeng's leadership, the army, along with Southern Region cultivators, pursued relentlessly, halting only hundreds of miles away.

Along the way, they harvested countless Demon Clan members, reclaiming vast swathes of lost territory for the Southern Region cultivators.

The army of the Great Chu Immortal Nation pursued until they reached the banks of a large river, where they halted their advance.

As the Demon Clan fled, many Demonic Beasts leaped into the river, disappearing swiftly.

Zhang Chunfeng sensed that the Demon Clan must have set up formations within the river, so he refrained from launching a reckless attack.

The army camped five miles away from the river, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements.

This battle marked the first significant victory for the Human Clan in the Southern Region since the outbreak of war.

With weaker cultivators in the rear, now that the battle was over, they were tasked with collecting the spoils of war.

The primary spoils of war from battling the Demon Clan were the corpses of Demonic Beasts.

Zhang Chunfeng led the army to camp for an entire day before the rear cultivators gradually arrived.

"Many thanks to Fellow Daoist Wang, Senior Zhang, and all Fellow Daoists for their assistance. Thanks to your timely arrival, we are saved," expressed a plump middle-aged female cultivator, bowing in gratitude upon seeing Zhang Chunfeng.

Originally, there were only twenty Nascent Soul cultivators in the Southern Region, but now, with the supplies provided by the Great Chu Immortal Nation caravan, each sect's Nascent Soul cultivators increased by at least three.

"No need for formalities, Fellow Daoists," replied Zhang Chunfeng, leading these Nascent Soul cultivators into a large tent, where both sides convened.

"We have agreed that all the spoils of this battle, namely the Demon Clan corpses, will be handed over to you as a token of gratitude," announced Zhang Chunfeng.

"In that case, we graciously accept," replied Zhang Chunfeng without hesitation. This time, with numerous Demon Clan members slain, these corpses represented a significant fortune that could be used to train countless warriors for the Great Chu Immortal Nation.

Afterwards, the Nascent Soul cultivators present discussed the next course of action.

Zhang Chunfeng proposed concentrating their forces here and capitalizing on the recent defeat of the Demon Clan by launching a counteroffensive.

If they delayed, the Demon Clan might regroup, posing a greater challenge.

Though victorious, they couldn't underestimate the overall strength of the Demon Clan, particularly the Eastern Sea Demon Clan, which boasted deep reserves and formidable power.

The others present agreed with Zhang Chunfeng's proposal.

Beyond their encampment, the Southern Region cultivators who had arrived in the rear received orders to hand over all the harvested spoils of war to the Eastern Expeditionary Army.

Yin Ze led a group of ordinary cultivators to process the Demon Beast corpses, packing them into Storage Bags before filling crates with these filled Storage Bags.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 631: Breaking the Formation


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