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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


While one-eyed Cultivator battled Wang Yi, he sent a message of retreat to all his Nascent Soul comrades through Message Transmission.

After transmitting the message, he sought the opportunity to retreat. It wasn't easy to suddenly withdraw in the midst of the battle; it required waiting for the right moment.

His opponent, Wang Yi, although only in the early stages of Nascent Soul and not having cultivated for long, possessed extensive combat experience.

For the past hundred years in the Northern Region, he had either been engaged in battles or on the path of battles daily, always teetering on the edge of life and death. The dangers he had faced were far greater than those of Wang Hong. It was precisely because of this that he had achieved the supreme fighting prowess of a sword cultivator.

During the battle with one-eyed Cultivator, he had already noticed that the opponent's one eye kept involuntarily flickering, scanning around aimlessly.

Considering the situation on the battlefield below, Wang Yi could easily guess that the opponent must have devised a new plan.

So, he pretended to expose a flaw during the battle and was blasted away by the opponent's Magical Arts.

Seizing the opportunity, one-eyed Cultivator slashed at Jia Liang beside him, while his one eye opened wide, emitting a red beam. All the Magic weapons illuminated by the red light in the air were temporarily immobilized, unable to move an inch.

With the support of one-eyed Cultivator, the pirates of the Redeye Bandit managed to temporarily break free and swiftly retreated, their figures turning into rainbow lights as they fled into the distance.

After shielding everyone, one-eyed Cultivator also intended to escape as a rainbow light.

Wang Yi hadn't expected the opponent to possess such strange supernatural abilities. At this moment, he gripped a long sword, and his entire body merged with the sword.

Then, his whole person, along with the sword, transformed into a rainbow light, resembling a lightning bolt streaking across the sky.

This rainbow light pierced through one-eyed Cultivator's body and stopped in the distance.

After the rainbow light flashed past, Wang Yi's figure appeared from afar, albeit with a slightly pale complexion. It was evident that casting this supernatural ability had taken a toll on him.

At this moment, one-eyed Cultivator, who had just been planning to retreat, stood quietly in the void and then fell downwards.

As the remaining members of the Redeye Bandit fled, observing the situation from both sides, the Golden Core and third-tier warriors took advantage of the moment to cast several large nets, capturing two Nascent Soul Cultivators.

Before the subsequently arrived Nascent Soul Cultivators could interrogate them, these two individuals chose to self-destruct, fortunately causing no casualties.

Since the remnants of the Redeye Bandit had already fled, there wasn't much they could do. With ships nearby, it wasn't suitable for Nascent Soul Cultivators to pursue them over long distances.

Everyone returned to the sea vessel to restore their Spiritual Power. Meanwhile, Hu Jian had arranged for people to dive into the sea to retrieve the corpse of one-eyed Cultivator, along with the belongings dropped by the two self-destructed Cultivators, which seemed to have fallen into the sea.

Wang Yi rested on the sea vessel for two hours before recovering his strength. Slowly, he opened his eyes. Although his body still felt weak, it no longer hindered his movements.

Wang Yi noticed a corpse lying in front of him and glanced at it. It was indeed the one-eyed Cultivator he had slain, his clothing and Storage Bag still intact.

Wang Yi inspected the corpse of the one-eyed Cultivator, which had been split in half from the center by a sword, but now someone had pieced the halves back together.

The robe he wore was damaged and no longer valuable, not worth even a Spirit Stone. Wang Yi's gaze then fell upon the Storage Bag at his waist.

Excitedly, he removed it and checked its contents with his Divine Sense. To his disappointment, while the bag contained many items, they didn't match his expectations for the Cultivator's identity.

He couldn't believe that his brother's subordinates would pilfer his belongings. His brother's followers were loyal and cautious; even if there might be a few individuals with a penchant for wealth among the lower ranks, several high-ranking Cultivators shouldn't be so careless.

Wang Yi carefully searched the body again with his Divine Sense and found a black ring on the middle finger of the corpse's left hand, which seemed somewhat peculiar.

Taking the black ring off, he probed it with his Divine Sense, only to encounter a layer of Divine Sense restriction.

"Indeed, a Large-sized storage Magic weapon!"

A flush of excitement spread across Wang Yi's face. This was undoubtedly a rare storage Magic weapon.

After practicing cultivation for so many years, among all the people he knew, only his brother possessed a Large-sized storage Magic weapon.

Unfortunately, Wang Hong cherished it dearly, keeping it shrouded in mystery, refusing to show it to him whenever he asked.

He didn't understand why his brother had to conceal it so tightly. They were brothers, not Dao Companions; was it really necessary to keep it so secretive? Fortunately, his brother didn't have a Dao Companion yet.

He decided that when he returned, he would proudly display it in front of his brother. From then on, he wouldn't be the only one with a storage Magic weapon.

Suppressing his excitement, he carefully broke through the restriction with his Divine Sense. Since the original owner was deceased, the restriction had already loosened and was quickly overcome by him.

If he didn't use his Divine Sense to break through now, the restriction would dissipate on its own in a few months.

After breaking the restriction, his Divine Sense penetrated into it. The ring's space was about a hundred zhang in length and width, neatly arranged with various treasures.

Wang Yi even suspected that perhaps all the Redeye Bandit's wealth was stored here!

For the next several days, Wang Yi secluded himself in a storage room, excitedly counting each Spiritual Object.

This was the biggest windfall he had ever obtained since cultivating.

While he was tallying the spoils, the fleet was slowly making its way back.

The slow progress was mainly due to the several damaged ships being towed behind.

The Redeye Bandit's ships were indeed of good quality. Despite being riddled with holes from their attack, they were still reluctant to discard them and intended to repair them for future use.

The Great Chu Immortal Nation, cultivated by Wang Hong, instilled frugality and prudence in all his subordinates. Although a few lower-ranking individuals might be tempted by wealth, several high-ranking Cultivators wouldn't be so careless.

Moreover, such Large Sea Ships required considerable effort to construct, and the Great Chu Immortal Nation had only managed to build twenty of them with the nation's full resources.

This time, aside from the sunk ships, they had salvaged twelve ships.

Furthermore, the Redeye Bandit's ships were more powerful in combat than those of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, each equipped with ten concentrated energy cannons, while the nation's ships only had five cannons, with shorter range and slightly less power.

Such valuable assets needed to be salvaged and repaired for future use. The Ministry of Works might even be able to replicate them in the future.

This major victory over the Redeye Bandit not only yielded twelve ships but also contained a vast amount of Spiritual Objects of various kinds stored in their cargo holds.

All these resources, once looted by the Redeye Bandit, were now theirs at a bargain.

The fleet took twice as long as usual, but finally arrived back at Qizhou Island.

Meanwhile, Wang Yi, leading the Cultivators of the Taihao Sect, had already separated from the fleet and returned to their sect earlier.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 623: Background of the Redeye Bandit


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