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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


After returning to Wayne Manor, Bruce made an effort to adjust his emotions. He called Dick over and said, "What homework did the teacher leave today? We can do it together."

Dick had a surprised look on his face, but the next moment, the panic in his eyes did not escape Bruce's notice.

But soon, as if he had thought of something, Dick let out a sigh of relief and said, "The homework today is not much, I can finish it quickly by myself. I'll go back and do my homework."

"Where are you going to do your homework?" Bruce sat on the sofa, turned to look at the direction Dick was walking, and said, "The study is over there."

"I'm going back to the bedroom," Dick said without looking back.

Bruce frowned, he stood up and followed Dick, saying, "The study has a desk, and the lighting is better. The desk in the bedroom is too small, it can't even hold the books, and the ink bottles are not there..."

Dick stopped in his tracks, and Bruce heard him sigh. Bruce suppressed the rising anger again, walked in front of Dick, and held his shoulders, saying, "Didn't you always want a uniform of your own? I've found a good material, and now we just need a tailor. Let's quickly finish the homework, and then we'll go to the Batcave to customize your uniform."

Dick's eyes widened, seeming a bit delighted, but then his brows and eyes drooped, and he shook his head with pursed lips, saying, "Forget it."

Bruce was also a bit surprised. He furrowed his brows, almost down to the upper half of his eyes, and looked at Dick, saying, "Before, when you saw me tutoring Jason and Tim with their homework, didn't you also want me to tutor you? Why are you not wanting to do it with me today?"

"I never wanted you to tutor me!" Dick immediately turned his head to the side and said.

Bruce was really having a hard time understanding Dick. It's as if Dick had to go against everything he said, no matter what.

Previously, he had read about the rebellious behavior in the child education books, but he didn't think much of it. Now, this kind of defiance seemed completely unreasonable, as if no matter what the parent did, it would be wrong.

Bruce felt like he was losing his patience, or rather, this level of patience was already an extraordinary effort for him. Batman was never a very patient person, especially when it came to dealing with people.

Bruce also felt quite hurt in his heart. He really didn't like going to the school to listen to the principal's compliments, guessing what the counselor was implicitly saying. It made him feel very tired.

Moreover, pretending to be a failed father in front of the counselor made him feel very ashamed. He felt he had already done enough.

So Bruce looked directly into Dick's eyes and said, "I went to your school today. Your teacher told me that your grades are not very good, and they hope I can spend more time with you. So I hope we can finish the homework together tonight, okay, Dick?"

Dick was shocked and widened his eyes. He raised his voice and said, "What did you say? You went to see my teacher and asked about my grades?!"

Before Bruce could explain, Dick angrily shook off his hand and said loudly, "How could you do that?! You completely don't trust me!! Is it because I'm stupid that you're fed up with me?!"

Bruce was just about to try to soothe him, but Dick suddenly burst out, throwing his backpack onto the nearby sofa, and said in one breath, "I know, Jason and Tim's grades are all very good, they love reading and are obedient, so you like to tutor them with their homework!"

"You want to tutor me, it's not because you care about me at all. You just want to see if I'm really dumber than them. I am! Okay?!"

After saying that, Dick, with red-rimmed eyes, wanted to run back to his bedroom. Bruce hurriedly stepped forward to block him. He used up his last bit of patience and explained, "I don't think you're dumber than them. I just hope you can make some progress."

"Hope I can make progress?! Then the way you do it is to go to my school without my consent and ask others, just like you barged into my bedroom?! ... I don't want to talk to you, let me go!"

Dick tried to push past Bruce's outstretched arm. Although Dick was quite agile among his peers, he was no match for Bruce's strength. With a light push, Bruce made Dick take a few steps back.

Bruce just wanted Dick to calm down, but a look of panic flashed across Dick's face. His breathing rate immediately quickened, and his chest began to heave up and down.

He turned around, grabbed the backpack from the sofa, and said to Bruce, "Just let me go. I'm going to do my homework."

Bruce hesitated for a moment, then said, "Can't we talk properly? I can teach you the topics you don't understand."

"I don't have any topics I don't understand."

"Are you really good at every single one?"

Dick stood there, silent, as if he was a bit hurt.

Bruce felt his heart racing, he felt like he had done something wrong again, but he didn't know what he had done wrong.

More importantly, he felt desperate about the fact he had understood, because the book said this rebellious period could last 3-4 years.

That is to say, in the next 3-4 years, he must pay attention to every detail, and use the best solution to deal with the problems Dick might have, so that he won't go astray.

Just thinking about this situation, Bruce would rather go to hell and fight another full-scale war.

Finally, the two of them came to the study room in silence, Dick sat down at the desk, and Bruce sat next to him, they were very close, but it felt like they were far apart.

Dick slowly took out his notebook, watching his movements, Bruce felt irritated, because it was obvious that Dick was delaying time, even if his hands and feet were not agile, he shouldn't have taken three minutes to take out a notebook from his backpack.

Bruce opened his mouth to speak, but the words were swallowed back, this feeling was not good at all, like swallowing a bitter pill, he felt his lungs hurt a little.

After finally spreading out the notebook, Dick spent another 5 minutes filling the pen with ink, and when Dick started writing, Bruce felt dizzy, he felt he had never been so angry before.

Dick started working on the first question, Bruce finally sighed with relief, he felt he could focus on knowledge education, then he found that Dick spent less than three seconds reading the question, and immediately started writing the answer.

Bruce cleared his throat, Dick glanced at him but continued to work on the calculation, so Bruce could only say, "Aren't you going to look at the question carefully? Are you sure you've seen all the data?"

Dick pursed his lips and said, "I've seen it, and I remember it."

Bruce sighed and tapped a finger on the calculation process he wrote, saying, "You've got the data wrong here, it should be 88, not 86."

Dick was silent for a while, then irritably crossed out the 86 he had written and changed it to 88. Although Bruce was not satisfied with his attitude, at least he had corrected it.

Bruce comforted himself in his heart, thinking that it was good that the child could correct mistakes, but the next moment, Dick used 86 again in the next calculation, and Bruce instantly felt a fire burning in his chest.

He searched his limited patience and emotional control in his heart, and forcibly suppressed this fire, then he felt a sense of melancholy and grievance.

Bruce Wayne was a young master, even though his experience was more bumpy than most people, but in this world, the majority of people would greet him with a smile and enthusiasm.

They would remember every word he said, act according to his will, and apologize immediately if they made a mistake, afraid of making him angry.

Even though he made a mistake, not only did he not correct it, but he stubbornly refused to apologize, and Bruce had to convince himself and search his heart to comfort himself and control his emotions. When had he suffered such grievances?

But Bruce was also a man of strong will, he swallowed hard and said to Dick in a voice that was gentle to the point of being false, "Your value is wrong again, it's 88, not 86."

But what shocked him was that Dick forcefully poked the notebook with the pen tip, making a "thud" sound, leaving a large ink blot on the wrong number, and the entire notebook looked like it had been drilled through and became very unsightly.

Bruce felt like his neck was being strangled.

He really wanted to strangle his own neck now, to prevent the rage from turning into a fire spewing out, he reached out and touched his Adam's apple, swallowing the sour taste, and looked at Dick seriously:

"Do you really think what you're doing is right? Don't you think your attitude is a bit too much?"

"It's not me who asked you to watch me here!" Dick threw down the pen and said to Bruce, "I said I wanted to go back to the bedroom to write, but you insisted I come here!"

Bruce sighed with some bewilderment, then looked into Dick's eyes and said, "Okay, let's go back to the bedroom to write, but you have to rewrite the calculation process because you've dirtied the notebook."

"What's the relationship, as long as the answer is right." Dick started packing up, putting all the notebooks and pens neatly into his backpack, then ran out of the room like a cigarette.

Sitting in the chair, the still unresponsive Bruce looked like an old man on the verge of death. He didn't understand what was going on, his mind was full of big doubts.

Was it Dick who was stupid or was it him?

Was it Dick who lacked patience, or was it him who had a problem with his teaching method?

Whose fault was it?

Pondering these questions, Bruce chased after Dick to his bedroom, and then he saw that Dick wasn't sitting at the desk, but was kneeling on the bed, putting the notebook on the bed and writing his homework.

Now Bruce knew where those densely curved marks on the first homework notebook came from.

At the same time, Bruce also knew that if Dick didn't get beaten up today, he really wouldn't live to see tomorrow.

"Dick Grayson!!!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1203 Lamb's Cry (Twenty-four)


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