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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


At the Federal Bureau of Investigation base in La Vera County, Metropolis, Amanda stood in the center of the office and said in a voice full of anger:

"I can't possibly control all the assassins in this world, nor can I be responsible for all the murders in this world! Even if this case occurred within the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

"But, Miss Amanda, you must understand that since the implementation of your Lamb Plan, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has not encountered any good news. If it weren't for your plan, perhaps this murder case would not have occurred within the base."

Facing Amanda, an Old man wearing a Suit and with graying hair pushed his glasses and said, "You must understand me. I am only responsible for the Federal Bureau of Investigation organization in the Metropolis area. I was sent here by the higher-ups, and they only hope to get your positive response, after all, you have been rejecting my Telephone calls in the past few days."

Amanda turned her head to the side, her neck stiff as she said, "My Lamb Plan has no relationship with this case, and I have nothing to explain!"

"Amanda, your attitude is not helpful in dealing with this matter. I know that the brutal murder case that occurred at the La Vera County base may not be directly related to your Lamb Plan, and you may indeed be unaware of it, but the problem is, how many people believe they are connected?"

"This case has brought disgrace to the entire Federal Bureau of Investigation in the Metropolis area. We need someone to be held accountable for this. Do you hope that person to be you?"

Amanda took a deep breath, her face showing a look of humiliation, but she soon pressed her lips together and lowered her tone, then said, "I'm sorry, I've been dealing with some issues lately, so my emotions haven't been great. I'll try my best to adjust my state and give everyone an explanation."

The Old man walked up and patted Amanda's shoulder, then walked past her. Amanda closed her eyes, and the muscles in her mouth and neck were constantly trembling.

After everyone had left, Amanda shook her head vigorously. At this time, Davis opened the door and said to her, "Amanda, we need to go back."

But Amanda suddenly seemed to have an outburst. She turned her head and glared at Davis, saying, "What did you call me?"

Davis was taken aback and then said, "Amanda?"

"You used to call me Ms. Waller! Because I was your superior, and I still am. You are disrespecting me and not showing me any respect!"

Davis was somewhat surprised and said, "But we've worked together for so long, calling each other by our first names is less formal, right? I also don't make my subordinates call me by my last name."

But Amanda strode forward, staring into Davis' eyes with a cold tone, "Because you've hooked up with Wayne's line, he's bribed you, you've taken his money, and now you think you have some backing, so you don't take me seriously... You're all like that!"

"Amanda, calm down. Wayne's willingness to take over this Rotten mess is good news, otherwise we would have to bear the consequences from the Federal Bureau of Investigation."

"Rotten mess?!!" Amanda raised her voice and shouted, "Do you think my plan is a Rotten mess?! You've always thought so, haven't you?"

"Of course not, otherwise why would I join this plan? It's precisely because I also agree with your ideas that I've been working under you all this time. I haven't done anything major wrong, have I?" Davis also seemed a bit irritated.

"Amanda, the incident has already happened. It's just our bad luck that you happened to implement the plan to contain serial killers, and then a brutal murderer struck within the Federal Bureau of Investigation base. Even if there's no evidence to prove the two are related, you can't stop them from thinking in that direction."

"Wayne is right. We no longer have the ability to implement this plan. Since he's willing to take over, let's cooperate with him. As long as the final result is good, isn't that enough?" Davis tried to persuade her.

Amanda clenched her fists tightly. She took a deep breath, as if making a decision.

She gave Davis a somewhat forced smile and said, "I'm sorry, Davis. I lost control of my emotions just now. You're right. As long as the fruits of my years of hard work don't go to waste, let's go back."

Davis didn't think much of it and accompanied Amanda to board the plane back to the Florence Supermax Prison in Colorado State.

As soon as they entered the Prison, Amanda said to Davis, "There was a bit of trouble before due to improper detention that resulted in an inmate's death. I'm afraid the Colorado legislature might hold us accountable for this. You'd better go check if they have any such intentions."

Davis thought about it and pushed up his glasses, "I'm not worried about the legislature, but I'm afraid some media might have noticed this. Luckily, I know a senator's aide who has connections with two newspapers. I'll go have a meal with him."

Amanda nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work."

After Davis left, Amanda clenched her fists again. She paced back and forth in the hallway outside the office for half an hour, but eventually said to a security guard nearby, "Go bring the inmate from Cell 3 to the interrogation room. I need to conduct a special inquiry with him."

"But, Miss Amanda, the inmate in Cell 3 is classified as the highest risk level. Mr. Wayne has prohibited anyone from contacting him, and even canceled all psychological examinations."

"Who is the one in charge of this Prison?" Amanda stared into the security guard's eyes, "Do you want to have the bribery incident written all over your faces?"

"Sorry, I'll go right away."

Amanda went downstairs along the Staircase and soon arrived at the interrogation room.

After pushing open the door, Schiller, who was sitting in the center of the room, was tilting his head back, letting the security guard adjust his mask.

Schiller still could not speak, but Amanda read a sentence from his eye contact: "Amanda, we meet again."

Amanda, holding the keys, stood in the center of the room, looking at the inmate covered in security measures, but felt like she was the one being punished.

Schiller blinked his eyes, and Amanda read another sentence in the changes of his eye contact: "Did they put a lot of pressure on you?"

Amanda gently turned her head to the side, her Adam's apple trembling constantly, her arm muscles tense, her eyes reddening.

"Take off his mask," Amanda said, struggling to control her trembling voice.

The security guard removed Schiller's mask, and Schiller first let out a light sigh, then in a low voice said, "Foolish girl..."

But Amanda could no longer control her emotions. She was like a volcano that had been brewing for a long time but never had the chance to erupt. Her whole body was shaking as if she had been electrocuted.

She staggered a few steps, bracing her hands on the table, and looked at Schiller with tear-filled eyes, "They want to take everything away, Wayne, Davis, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, they're all thieves, damn thieves..."

Schiller looked up at Amanda and said, "As a psychology researcher, you should know very well that just because someone speaks to you gently and has a good attitude, it doesn't mean they are on your side. And just because someone is blunt and hits the nail on the head, it doesn't mean they are your enemy."

Schiller leaned back in the chair, no longer looking at Amanda, but staring at the empty space beside him, "Miss Waller, actually, I don't understand what hatred we have that makes you firmly believe that I am your only enemy?"

"What is it that is controlling you, making you treat everyone as an ally in order to deal with me, without even caring whether they share the same interests as you or not?"

"Did I misjudge your evaluation of you?" Schiller stared into Amanda's eyes and said, "If you weren't a foolish girl, you'd know that many people will allow you to propose a plan and let you work hard to make it happen, but they'll never let you reap the rewards."

Amanda was panting heavily, her hands clenched into fists on the table, her nails digging deep into the flesh. Schiller glanced at her hands and said, "If you weren't talentless, you wouldn't have been so defenseless, letting Wayne take away your rights."

"Indeed, there are many people in this world who work for money, but if you truly have enough personal charm and are a good leader, won't those subordinates who betray you feel completely at ease, without a trace of guilt?"

"If you weren't too emotional, blinded by hatred, would you have only thought of your mentor and savior, who has the ability and willingness to help you, when you had no other choice?"

Amanda stood there in a daze for a while, then slowly shifted her gaze to Schiller and said, "... Will you help me?"

"Since our first meeting, we've had no conflicts. It's you who unilaterally felt I was your enemy, but I don't think so, because I'm not a simple-minded, emotional foolish girl."

Amanda pressed her lips together, stood up straight, and glanced at the collar around Schiller's neck, saying, "Even if I treat you this cruelly?"

"So you know this method is cruel." Schiller blinked again and said, "Because you were ignorant and willful, I endured two weeks of sensory deprivation torture and an inhumane surgery, and you even let the control switch fall into Wayne's hands."

Amanda wiped her eyes, her tone becoming a bit anxious, "I didn't know that you were actually..."

"Let's not bring up the past." Schiller shook his head and said, "I'll want to help you, but only because I have to teach Bruce Wayne a lesson."

Amanda couldn't take her eyes off Schiller's face. Now she couldn't make any moves, or rather, she didn't dare to.

The Schiller in front of her was pale, his eyes sunken deep into their sockets, appearing gloomy and unclear, but everyone could read the madness and neuroticism in them.

Every Born Psychopath in this world is a control freak, a sadist, and a pervert. They have always been the ones invading others' territories, and if anyone dares to make them feel offended, they will be repaid tenfold.

"You know, I don't care if Bruce Wayne makes me confess or puts me in prison. I don't care if he subjects me to torture or tries to control me with some device. I don't even care about bleeding, pain, and humiliation."

Schiller always behaved very elegantly, never hysterical. The only way he could express his coldness and madness was through those gray eyes.

Amanda heard Schiller say in a low, hoarse voice, "But he lost the most basic courtesy. When he saw me again, he didn't even greet me. I hate impolite people."

"He must pay the price and receive a painful enough lesson."

When Schiller shifted his gaze to Amanda, she instinctively took a step back, lowering her head and covering her mouth, unable to say a word.

Instantly, all the expressions on Schiller's face disappeared, and the terrible oppressive feeling was gone too. He became calm and elegant again, looking at Amanda and saying unhurriedly, "Tell me the current situation."

"The Federal Bureau of Investigation has completely distrusted me. They've put a lot of pressure on me, demanding that I explain the murder case that occurred at the La Vera County base. They just want to make me responsible!"

"Davis and the security employees of Majority are on Wayne's side. He also has the remote control for the Nanotech Neural Control Device. Our chances of resisting him are already very slim." Amanda said with great difficulty.

"That's for you." Schiller shook his head slightly and said, "I'm different from you. I haven't spent so many years becoming a loner. I still have many friends."

Amanda opened her mouth slightly, looking at Schiller with a complex expression and said, "Bruce Wayne is really your good student. You two are exactly the same... Sorry, Professor."

"Remember that phone call?" Schiller looked up at Amanda.

Amanda frowned deeply, recalling the scene of that day, and asked, "Who is Lucifer Morningstar?"

"A son who has been entangled in a conflict with his old man for thousands of years." Schiller summarized very briefly, and before Amanda could speak, he quickly said, "He can't provide us with any direct help..."

"But precisely because he is also a father's son, and understands me very well, he can bring me the ally I want the most."

"What do we do?" Amanda asked.

"Do nothing. Leave here and let me stay until night."

"Why?" Amanda asked very puzzledly.

"Because the night belongs to Batman."

The night in Colorado was nothing special, just as deep and dark as anywhere else. Only in the small interrogation room, as the night fell, it became completely pitch-black.

Schiller sat calmly in the center of the room, his expression very calm, as if waiting for someone to keep an appointment.

The clock's hands turned to 1:05 a.m., and suddenly there was a slight movement in the quiet room. Schiller then spoke:

"It seems Lucifer Morningstar didn't let me down."

The black figure that had just entered the room paused, and when those gray eyes swept over him, he knew he had found the right person.

"You seem to know I was coming." The deep voice sounded.

Schiller didn't answer. He just looked at the black figure who had entered the room. He was tall and strong, his long cape wrapped around his body.

The dim light shone on him, and the shadow behind him stretched long, covering the corner of the room and half of the ceiling.

And at the end of the shadow, the most eye-catching thing was the two long pointed ears.

"Long time no see... or should I say, I'm happy to meet you for the first time, Batman."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1200 Lamb's Cry (Twenty-one)


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