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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After leaving the Taihao Sect, Wang Hong moved stealthily all the way, taking a detour to the West Zhou Demon Realm, where he looted along the way.

With his current cultivation level in the later stages of Nascent Soul, he roamed Hezhou, his actions elusive, his demeanor arrogant, and his methods brutal.

From ancient demons with thousands of years of life to Demonic Beast eggs not yet born, all fell victim to his ruthless hands, his actions leaving the demon world appalled.

This caused chaos among the Western Demon Tribe, as they scoured the land in search of Wang Hong's trace, and only then did he leave the Hezhou continent contentedly.

In the northern part of the Desolate Spirit Sea, he found his subordinates who had been hunting in the vicinity, and joined them.

"How did it go? What did you gain?" Wang Hong asked as he took a cup of wine poured by Skinny Monkey.

"We did well. We gathered over a dozens of Tier 1 and 2 Blood Crystals, five hundred Tier 3 Blood Crystals, and eighty Tier 4 Blood Crystals. We also collected a substantial amount of savage beast meat, which should last us a while when we return," Skinny Monkey said with a smile, presenting a string of figures.

"Excellent! Well done. Take a trip back for me and deliver these two Jade Scrolls to Xu Lun and Zhang Chunfeng. They'll know what to do when they read them," Wang Hong ordered.

Following Wang Hong's command, Skinny Monkey packed up and loaded the spoils they had collected earlier. With a few dozen men, he boarded a large-sized Flying Boat and headed back.

Wang Hong remained in the Desolate Spirit Sea, with his subordinates roaming this particular area daily.

Through their exploration, they discovered that the distribution of savage beasts here was centered around a specific point. The closer they ventured towards the central area, the stronger and denser the Demonic Beasts became.

Their fleet dared not venture deep into the central area yet and confined their hunting activities to a fixed range.

One day, after they had just slain a savage beast, a massive disturbance occurred in the distance.

Looking up, they saw the central area erupting like a fireworks display, with white waves rolling and countless savage beasts frantically fleeing outward.

Countless savage beasts in front of them appeared greatly alarmed and were desperately rushing away from the central area.

Among the fleeing savage beasts, there were no shortage of Tier 4 savage beasts, and one or two of them seemed to have a presence exceeding Tier 4.

"Turn around and run!" Wang Hong shouted a brief command as he flew into the air.

They were currently blocking the path of the fleeing savage beasts, and regardless of the reason, it would be suicidal to obstruct them.

Upon receiving Wang Hong's order, all the sea vessels and Flying Boats changed course and fled towards the outskirts of the central point.

Although the sea vessels had a large size and strong transport capabilities, their speed was not fast. In order to maintain their overall combat capability, the nine Flying Boats did not leave early.

Instead, they flew in the air above the sea vessels, moving alongside them.

Seeing that many savage beasts were about to catch up with the fleet, and even if these savage beasts did not actively attack, the impact of their stampede during their escape would still be problematic.

At this critical moment, Wang Hong ordered the sea vessels and Flying Boats to split up. The combat-type Flying Boats had a mode that consumed a large amount of Spirit Stones for rapid escape, which could double their speed.

Receiving Wang Hong's command, the nine Flying Boats accelerated and quickly left the savage beasts far behind.

Meanwhile, the three sea vessels left behind by the Flying Boats began to emit a layer of Light Screen, and their hulls gradually sank, eventually submerging entirely beneath the water.

As the sea vessels submerged, the Light Screen prevented the seawater from flooding in, allowing them to witness schools of fish swimming around them.

The ship continued to sink and move forward, and the number of savage beasts in the deep waters significantly decreased.

At this point, many savage beasts had already escaped quickly from above the sea vessels. Wang Hong and his group followed behind these fleeing savage beasts as they left the central area.

After traveling several hundred miles, they suddenly felt a tremendous suction force coming from behind, creating a massive whirlpool in the central area.

This suction force not only forcibly absorbed Spirit Qi but also directly sucked away weaker savage beasts, pulling them towards the central area with tremendous force.

Countless loose Spirit Qi and a multitude of savage beasts were drawn into the whirlpool and disappeared without a trace.

The sea vessels were affected by this suction force, and the Spirit Qi on the transparent Light Screen was rapidly drained, causing it to dim. The crew on the sea vessels quickly removed the remnants of the consumed Spirit Stones and replaced them with Intermediate-grade Spirit Stones.

However, as soon as hundreds of Intermediate-grade Spirit Stones were replaced, they too quickly turned into remnants. The rate of Spirit Stone consumption was so rapid that even a Nascent Soul Cultivator would be unable to replace them in time.

They had to call in several martial practitioners to cooperate in replacing the Spirit Stones to keep up with the consumption.

Despite the continuous drain of Spirit Stones, they had to maintain the Light Screen.

Otherwise, if the defensive Light Screen disappeared, it would not only submerge the entire sea vessel in water, which was a minor concern, but also potentially suck away the sea vessel and the Cultivators on board with this tremendous force.

The suction force originated from the central area, becoming weaker the farther they went, and the sea vessels were not originally in the centralmost area. They had already escaped several hundred miles, indicating the immense power of this suction force.

The Flying Boats that had left earlier were relatively lucky, having already flown out of the suction range. They were now resting on a small island, quietly observing the central area.

Alongside them, many savage beasts gathered outside the suction area, refusing to leave. It seemed that there was something inside that was still attracting them.

As they watched, three Large Sea Ships gradually emerged from the sea's surface. After consuming a massive amount of Spirit Stones, these sea vessels finally escaped the suction area.

Once the sea vessels and Flying Boats reunited, they noticed that the savage beasts still lingered outside the suction area, not leaving and not engaging in combat with each other. It appeared as if they were waiting for something, and Wang Hong's group followed suit, waiting alongside these savage beasts.

Ten days later, the suction force gradually weakened and eventually disappeared. The sky cleared, the sea calmed, and everything returned to normal. Even the usual force that absorbed Spirit Qi in the Desolate Spirit Sea had vanished.

As the suction force disappeared, the savage beasts that had been waiting and observing suddenly rushed towards the central area as if they were on fire.

"Your Highness, should we follow them?" Hu Jian approached Wang Hong and inquired. Even a fool could tell that there must be a tremendous opportunity inside.

However, from the savage beasts that had just escaped, it was clear that even the weakest among them possessed the strength equivalent to Tier 3 Demonic Beasts.

"Hu Jian, He Yuan, An Hui, Jin Jifa, Kong Qinglong, you five come with me to check inside. The others stay here," Wang Hong ordered.

He had brought ten Nascent Soul Cultivators with him this time. Since Skinny Monkey had already returned, there were nine remaining. Now, he was taking five of them inside, leaving the other four behind to handle any potential dangers.

The level of danger in this mission was relatively high, and the involvement of these soldiers would serve no practical purpose, only increasing casualties.

It was better to bring along a few strong individuals to maintain greater flexibility in their actions.

After arranging for the Cultivators to stay behind, Wang Hong and the five others followed the fleeing savage beasts towards the central area.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 606: The Seal


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