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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


With a "snap," the incandescent light bulb hanging from the ceiling in the dark room lit up, the light not soft but rather harsh and glaring.

Amanda Waller sat on one side of the table, while Schiller sat on the other, the heavy collar around Schiller's neck fixed to the back of the chair. Amanda held a remote control in her hand as she looked at Schiller and said:

"The switch that locks your jaw will be opened, Professor. You can speak now, but I advise you not to try to persuade me, as the sensation of being electrocuted is certainly unpleasant, isn't it?"

A "click" sound was heard as the lock was opened, but Schiller remained silent. Amanda looked into his eyes and said, "Do you think you have nothing to say to your former students? Or are you too ashamed to speak?"

Amanda's eyes were fixed on Schiller, staring at the pupils sunken in the shadows under his brow ridge. She said word by word, "You originally prevented me from taking revenge on that group of lunatics because you were one of them, you were in cahoots with them, and you must pay the price for that."


When Schiller's deep, hoarse voice sounded, Amanda immediately felt cold sweat covering her entire body. When she looked at Schiller's face again, it was as if she no longer recognized this Professor.

Amanda found her jaw trembling, and her fingertips were also shaking. She desperately told herself not to be afraid, but she was still overwhelmed by a sense of panic.

"I'm sorry, your family died in a brutal serial murder case, but I did nothing for you, and even prevented you from continuing to investigate the murderer."

Amanda stared fixedly into Schiller's eyes and said in a slightly trembling voice, "You said I used the wrong method, but was your method right? Schiller, you are the proudest lunatic in this world!"

Amanda suddenly revealed a mocking smile and snorted, saying, "The form of a serial killer club you hoped to control and influence has completely failed."

"That group of lunatics, in less than two weeks after you left, had completely broken free and started to act recklessly, committing crimes across the federal states."

"And more ridiculously, their death throes seemed so powerless, lasting only a little over a week, and then the case was cracked and the criminals arrested."

"These proud lunatics like you couldn't even make a decent cry, and next, they will, like you, spend the rest of their lives in the dark, high-security prison."

Schiller slightly raised his head, as if looking at a non-existent window in the air, then gently shook his head and said to Amanda, "The truly proud one is you, Amanda."

Schiller lowered his head and looked at Amanda with his eyes sunken in the shadows. Amanda did not see any resentment in his eyes, even though she knew that it was her former students who had planned all this, imprisoned him here, and subjected him to sensory deprivation torture.

This intensified the fear in Amanda's heart, and she began to feel an urgent need to take the initiative and do something to protect herself.

So, she instinctively pressed the electrocution button, and Schiller convulsed again, then let out a sigh from his throat.

But unfortunately, Amanda didn't see pain and anger in his eyes, but what she saw was the excitement that often appeared in her nightmares before the lunatics acted.

"You're really insane," Amanda said.

"But do you know why I'm insane?" Schiller asked in return.

"Schiller, wake up, this is not in the university classroom or your office, now I'm interrogating you!"

"You see, Amanda, that's how you are. You don't understand me, you don't even understand me. You don't know my experiences over the past few years, you don't know how my thoughts have changed, you know nothing, and you just sit in front of me, feeling strange and afraid of my behavior."

"You're really insane," Amanda repeated, gritting her teeth and saying, "Why should I understand this group of lunatics? They are my enemies! I wish they would disappear from this world forever!"

"But you can't do it... Ugh..."

Amanda's trembling hand gripped the remote control tightly, but Schiller's miserable state of being electrocuted did not give her any sense of security, and her breathing even became a little rapid.

"You damn lunatics, damn killers! You should be locked up in the dark prison forever, and spend the rest of your lives in agony! This is the price you should pay, why should I understand you?"

"If you don't understand them, you can't make them feel pain," Schiller said between gasps. "Just like now, you think you're punishing me, making me feel pain, but that's not the case."

"I know, you're crazier than them," Amanda stood up, walked around the table, and stood next to Schiller, looking at him and saying, "A full week of complete sensory deprivation didn't make you cry out for your parents, or even cause any mental confusion. Schiller Rodriguez, you're terrifyingly insane!"

"You said the serial killers started to commit crazy crimes, and then suddenly all disappeared or were brought to justice?" Schiller suddenly asked.

As she paced behind him, Amanda let out a cold laugh and said in a mocking tone, "Yes, this is the last feeble struggle of these fragile little lambs, powerless and weak, making me want to laugh."

Then Amanda heard a series of deep laughter coming from behind her, the impact of the sound stronger than the icy wind in hell.

"What are you laughing about?" Amanda stopped behind Schiller's chair and raised her voice.

"I'm... feeling happy," Schiller said.

Before Amanda could say anything else, Schiller spoke in the same deep tone:

"In the past few years, I've met a child, who, like you, has a deep hatred for criminals, even more so than you."

"He acted tough and cold, using his strong physique and advanced equipment to cover up his own confusion and pain."

"He's not confused by his hatred," Schiller shook his head slightly. "But by his talent, by the talent that is completely identical to, or even stronger than, the serial killers."

"He doesn't want to become a criminal himself, and for this reason, he's been striking criminals on the road, and even unwilling to deprive them of their lives."

"He wants to demonstrate his own strength, but has actually sealed away his greatest strength, never to be seen."

"But now, I've unlocked that lock, and he understands what is truly... only Criminals can deal with Criminals."

Just as Amanda was about to speak, the door was suddenly burst open, and Davis rushed in, his face still a little panicked. He took a deep breath and looked at Amanda, saying, "William Denechette is dead."

Amanda furrowed her brow, at first glaring at Schiller like a thunderbolt, but then she realized that Schiller had been in her line of sight the entire time, so he couldn't have had the opportunity to commit the crime.

So, she looked at Davis with some dissatisfaction and said, "He's not one of us, so what if he's dead? Why are you so anxious?"

"But he died inside the Federal Bureau of Investigation base in the Metropolis area!" Davis glanced at Schiller, and Amanda immediately understood that Davis was referring to the base where Schiller was being interrogated.

Davis gritted his teeth, walked over to Amanda, and whispered, "William's death was extremely horrific. He was forcibly stuffed into a transparent box less than half a meter in size, dying from internal organ rupture due to self-compression, and... he was still alive when they stuffed him in."

Davis looked around and lowered his voice even further, saying, "We all know that William and Talia belong to a certain organization, and I know you can't stand them meddling, and you've always wanted to use these ruthless criminals to get rid of them."

"But the Federal Bureau of Investigation can't possibly accept such a horrific crime occurring in their own base! This is a slap in the face to all violent law enforcement institutions in the country!"

"It wasn't me!" Amanda said through gritted teeth. "The experiment has finally been successfully implemented, why would I create trouble for myself?!"

Davis took a deep breath, put his hands on his hips, and looked at Amanda, saying, "The problem is that your experiment hasn't yielded any results yet, and that group of lunatics has already become so ruthless. Do you think others will still believe your experiment can succeed?"

"A bunch of rats have already gone so crazy as to dare to pull out the teeth of a cat, who will still believe we can tame them?!" Davis raised his voice.

"Moreover, William and Talia's identities are already very special. Don't forget, the assassin organization called the League of Assassins has contributed a lot to capturing these ruthless killers!"

"Of course I know that! Otherwise, how could I let them meddle in my plan?" Amanda said angrily.

She glanced to the side, using a resentful tone, "They call themselves the best assassins in the world, so how could they not escape from those killers? They have no ability themselves, and they want to blame us?"

"Amanda! This is not the time to argue!" Davis looked at her and persuaded, "We must quickly find the murderer, whether to eliminate him or throw him into this prison, we need to give an account quickly to prove that we are experts in this area, so that the plan can continue!"

Amanda took a deep breath, as if making a major decision, and looked into Davis' eyes, saying, "Activate the second phase in advance, I want to make that group of lunatics understand that they should cherish their freedom, instead of repeatedly provoking me!"

Davis stared at her in disbelief and said, "Are you crazy?! The plan for the first phase hasn't even reached halfway, the most insane serial killers you've gathered from all over the world haven't even been tamed, and you want to just let them out like that?!"

Amanda's expression remained cold, her facial muscles twitching slightly around her nose, and she said in a firm tone, "One week of sensory deprivation has already driven most of them into madness, they already know the pain."

"Besides, we're not completely removing the physical restrictions, how's Dr. Fitzgibbon doing? The micro-bombs that were supposed to be used in the second phase, how's the preparation going?"

Seeing Amanda's expression, Davis knew her mind was made up. He took a deep breath and said, "Dr. Fitzgibbon's research results were completed a year ago, but without mind control, there's no guarantee of the safety of the experiment."

Amanda slowly closed her eyes, was silent for a moment, then quickly walked back to the other side of the desk, leaning on it and staring into Schiller's eyes, saying, "Professor, it's your turn now."

"What are you going to blackmail me with?" Schiller asked calmly.

"I'm not going to blackmail you, this is what you owe me, for having to pay the price of preventing your students from seeking revenge," Amanda said.

"This is what you owe me," Schiller tilted his head slightly and said, "I was trying to prevent you from getting yourself killed."

Amanda slowly stood up from the desk, slightly raising her head and changing the angle to look at Schiller, and said, "I knew you crazy people wouldn't have any sense of guilt."

"The student you value the most, Bruce Wayne's adopted son Dick Grayson's grandfather, was murdered, and the next target of the killer is the Grayson family in Brooklyn."

Amanda slowly lowered her body until she was close to Schiller's eyes, and said to him, "The killer after them is not simple, and ordinary people are fragile enough. If you don't help me, the accident will come sooner than tomorrow, and the students you value will never be able to become a father."

Schiller looked down at Amanda for the first time, and the originally gentle and calm eye contact disappeared, replaced by a cold emotion.

Amanda stared at his eye contact for a while, her expression icy cold as she turned around and said in the same icy tone, "Go get Dr. Fitzgibbon, we'll need some special means to get this renowned Professor to cooperate."

After saying that, she walked behind Schiller, placing one hand on the back of his chair, leaning in and tilting her head to whisper in his ear, "Professor, you won't be afraid of pain, will you?"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1192 Lamb's Cry (Thirteen)


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