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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the dimly lit room, only a screen was blinking with a cold luster, and the image on the screen appeared somewhat eerie, with only a gradation of color and almost completely static, appearing cold, cruel, and lifeless.

If someone had truly seen the surveillance screen, they should know that the image on the screen was the scene presented by the night vision device.

The scene showed a narrow, extremely narrow prison cell, with a man wearing a mask sitting on the bed, staring straight ahead, motionless.

After a while, a small opening appeared in the wall in front of him, but there was no one on the other side of the passage, only a passage that opened diagonally upwards, and a sandwich wrapped in a special material between paper and cloth slid out of the passage.

With a "click," the lock on the mask was unlocked by remote control, and the mask could not be removed, but the device that fixed the jaw was no longer effective, and the part of the mask covering the lips in the center could be lifted.

From his mechanical chewing motion, this thing should have no taste, and after eating everything, the lock on the mask was locked again, and a red light lit up above the wall passage, and the person sitting on the bed reached his hand into the outer packaging.

After the outer packaging was removed, the arm was fixed, and the infusion needle pierced the skin, and the nutrients and water required by the human body would enter the body through the infusion.

The infusion time is about half an hour, and after it is finished, there is a small hidden door near the right side of the wall where the passage is located, about half a person's height, and after this door is opened, you can pass through the narrow and low passage to the bathroom with basic facilities.

All the facilities and doors are timed to open and close, but the opening and closing times are not regular, sometimes opening twice an hour, sometimes once every 5 hours, and the delivery of food and infusion are the same.

All these troublesome and cumbersome imprisonment behaviors are to blur the time, so that the prisoner, in the deprivation of the senses, loses the concept of "sky", not knowing how long he still has to stay here, not knowing when this despair will end.

Most experiments call sensory deprivation the most cruel punishment for humans, and its greatest pain lies in blurring the time.

Humans are a species that needs reference objects to accurately feel the passage of time, and if a person only has his own thoughts and no external senses, his experience of time will be completely different from the actual flow of time in the real world.

And in the case of the majority, the time felt in the immersion of thought will be much longer than the real world.

And this infinitely slowed-down boredom and loneliness can almost destroy the will of any human being, and the two people in the monitoring room are well aware of this.

"What a cruel punishment," William, in a suit, smiled as he stood in front of the screen.

And Davis, standing next to him, looked at him and said, "Mr. Denechette, you should understand that it is precisely because you have rich experience in working in other high-security prisons that you can come here, so why should you sigh about it?"

William pushed his glasses and shook his head, "Indeed, many high-security prisons more or less adopt long-term imprisonment and sensory deprivation to deal with prisoners."

"But the main purpose of adopting this kind of punishment is to make those violent criminals quiet, to warn them not to take any escape actions or to harm the guards, and the psychological trauma they bring is just a side effect of the warning."

William gave a cold smile and glanced at Davis, "But here, the purpose of using such cruel sensory deprivation punishment on the prisoners is to make them suffer psychological trauma, so it's quite normal for me to sigh at such cruel means, isn't it?"

Davis walked to the opposite of William, staring at his eyes with a cold and slightly mocking gaze, and then said, "Do you still think they are just ordinary criminals?"

"Including Schiller Rodriguez, all 16 detained criminals have extraordinary abilities in some aspect, which may be supernatural powers that ordinary people can understand, such as great strength, sharp claws, or the ability to influence others' minds."

"These super-powered criminals existing in the society of ordinary people pose a great threat to the public, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation cannot sit idly by."

Davis tightened his lips into a line and continued in a low voice, "If they were just different from ordinary people, they would not be imprisoned here. All the criminals transported to this prison have used their superhuman abilities to commit serious crimes, and they do not deserve sympathy."

"For ordinary criminals, a little bit of punishment will make them quiet, but for these super-criminals, if we don't use torture, they won't repent for their crimes."

Davis turned around, and at this time, the surveillance screen had become many small squares, and in the majority of the cells, the images transmitted by the surveillance cameras were flashing violently, and more than half of the criminals had started to shout and become violent due to their inability to bear this terrible sensory deprivation.

Davis just stared coldly at this scene, his eyelids twitching slightly, and said, "They are dangerous, but also precious. The abilities they possess should have created greater value for this world, but they used them to commit crimes."

"What we need to do is to whip them, admonish them, let them know what pain is, awaken the forgotten fear in their crazy minds."

"We need to establish a new personality and new rules for them, make them feel fear and shame, and save them from their madness, so that their admirable talents can be put to good use and they can atone for the evil they have done in the first half of their lives."

Standing in the cold light emanating from the images transmitted by countless surveillance cameras, Davis spread his arms and looked up, saying:

"These pure and beautiful lambs need a new shepherd to lead them to the glorious sanctuary, to redeem the sins that ordinary people cannot redeem, so that they can be grateful and shout in praise of the Lord's forgiveness and absolution."

"So we will call this great undertaking - the Lamb Plan!"

"The Lamb Plan?"

In the office at the top of the Wayne Group building, Bruce looked at Angela's face and repeated the words she had just said, and the policewoman nodded solemnly, "That's right, I just found out the specific name of this plan."

Angela turned around, holding the back of the chair, and looked out the window at the gloomy sky of Gotham.

"Previously, time was tight, and I didn't have a chance to tell you, and you may have felt a bit puzzled. I was just an ordinary police officer, how did I suddenly join the Federal Bureau of Investigation?"

"Ordinary police officer? Forgive me for being blunt, Ms. Dodge, you are a bit self-deprecating. Your reputation in the federal major case team is well known to everyone, everyone knows that you are best at dealing with those crazy serial killers, and from their behavior, you can find the spider web clues and solve their cases."

"Bruce opened his mouth to speak.

However, Angela gave a bitter smile, she opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but then shook her head lightly and said:

"Yes, I have been fighting these ruthless serial killers all my life, and I have indeed achieved some results, but, Mr. Wayne, what you may not know is that the more you understand them, the more you realize that they cannot be eradicated."

Bruce raised an eyebrow, looking at Angela's expression, the policewoman did not show any special expression, but said matter-of-factly: "I have seen a 13-year-old girl who killed her own parents, the reason was only that her toy teddy bear was sick, and she wanted to cure it."

"I have also seen a Wall Street elite who burned down half a street with a fire, not for revenge on society, but just because he liked the smell of burning human flesh."

"Their madness has no reason, they are thoroughly insane, purely insane. During the interrogation, they do not feel regret for destroying others, nor do they feel pain for destroying their own future."

"I wonder if they are a manifestation of the original sin of humanity... Do you find it absurd? A police officer attributing such things to religious reasons?" Angela gave an absurd smile, but there was no laughter in her eyes, only tears brimming.

"Do you know why I chose to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation?" Angela's reddened eyes were like the afterglow of the Gotham sunset, her tone was very calm, as if she had accepted the reality.

Bruce did not answer, he just silently looked at her, and Angela did not need anyone else to answer this question.

"It's not because I hate them, not because I'm afraid or angry at their cruelty, but because in years of handling cases, I've found that I've gradually come to understand them."

Angela tilted her head back, the muscles in her neck twitched, she fell into a reminiscent mood and spoke:

"Perhaps you know that I once received treatment from Dr. Schiller, at that time, everyone thought I couldn't bear the fear brought by the crimes of those damn lunatics, but the fact is just the opposite."

"In Schiller's, I cried and shouted constantly, but it was not out of fear and anger, but because I was resisting the visions I saw."

"At every crime scene, I could clearly see how the perpetrator cruelly killed the innocent, I could clearly feel their joy and excitement, feel the pleasure and satisfaction they gained from this cruel act."

"I also became excited and satisfied because of this, unable to distinguish the difference between me and them, unable to understand whether I, who understood them, was also an incurable lunatic like them."

"As I got closer and closer to them, understood them more and more, this idea became unstoppable, and in order not to really slide into the abyss, I could only choose to retreat."

"Joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation, although I can still do criminal investigation work, but it also means that I have given up the pursuit of my first half of life, left the frontline that needs me the most, like a coward, chose to escape."

In Angela's usual weathered and sharp eye contact, Bruce saw the fragility of a young girl, and the confusion of a newborn.

"Many people have asked me about the secret of my success, everyone wants to know how I precisely found the clues of those serial killers, if I don't say, they think I'm being selfish."

"But I can't tell them that in every long night I spent alone, on the sofa, in the mirror, on the other side of the bed, there is a crazy figure following me."

"That is a cold-blooded, cruel, and insane serial killer, the criminal I hate the most, and... another me."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1187 The Cry of the Lamb (Eight)


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