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U.S., Colorado, Denver, Florence ADX Supermax Prison, 7:20 PM.

A massive box truck, black in the front and white in the back, stopped on the specially-made concrete road surface. Due to the vehicle's heavy weight and strong inertia, when the brakes were applied, the tires left a black mark on the road.

Following the box truck were four U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation escort vehicles. After the truck stopped, the lead escort vehicle continued forward, turning to block the front of the truck.

When the small vehicles stopped, four armed police officers emerged from the doors, taking positions on both sides of the truck.

The last escort vehicle stopped at the rear of the truck, and this time, two FBI agents in field uniforms, a scholar in a suit, and Davis in a civilian uniform exited the vehicle.

After getting out of the vehicle, Davis first put on his sunglasses, even though it was nighttime, as the headlights of the many vehicles were a bit dazzling. Suit-clad William approached and shook his hand, but Davis just glanced at him without saying anything.

Davis picked up the walkie-talkie on his waist and began directing the armed police and agents to complete the final step of the transfer, which was to transport the prisoner into the prison.

After the personnel and armed officers had all entered, the specialized driver moved the other small vehicles out of the scene to prevent any tampering.

Only the truck and the armed police's anti-explosion barricade remained in front of the prison. All the armed personnel took cover behind the barricade, aiming their weapons at the truck door.

The command personnel withdrew 200 meters away, and a fully-armed police officer and a supervising agent approached Davis. Davis put down the walkie-talkie, took off his sunglasses, and watched as the agent inspected the equipment of the armed officer.

After the inspection, a female agent with a form approached. Davis glanced at the form, picked up the pen next to it, and signed his name. The female agent then had the armed officer and supervising agent confirm the form.

Once everything was confirmed, the armed officer and agent went to the truck door. Suddenly, the sound of guns being cocked rang out, and all the lighting equipment was focused on the door, illuminating it as bright as day.

In the intense light, the door slowly opened, but instead of a prisoner, there was a sealed square metal box. From the equipment attached to the outside of the box, it was completely airtight, with air exchange handled by a machine and oxygen supply system.

The armed officers adjusted the position of the weapons on their chests, grabbed the armrest at the door, and entered the truck bed to unlock the restraints holding the box in place. They then pulled the control lever on the right side, and the overhead sliding rail slowly lowered.

The agents standing outside the truck pulled the front end of the sliding rail down, extending a set of stairs. The agents then secured the stairs to the ground and entered the truck bed, working together to push the metal box along the sliding rail.

Once the box was on the ground, the two teams of six armed officers took positions on either side, their fully-loaded weapons all aimed at the box door.

Davis stepped forward and entered the code on the lock. After he stepped back, another agent entered a second code, followed by a third. Once all the codes were entered, the door opened.

Instantly, the bright light inside illuminated the figure inside, making it impossible to make out any facial features or details. This was intentional, to temporarily blind the prisoner and prevent any violent outbursts.

In reality, the prisoner inside posed little threat, as he was restrained in a straitjacket, wearing a metal face mask, with shackles on his feet. He was also locked inside an iron cage, the bars thicker than a fist.

Using the same method, they pushed the iron cage out of the box. This time, they didn't need to open the cage door, as it had wheels on the bottom. The agents and armed officers pushed the cage towards the prison door.

All the armed officers lined up on both sides, with Davis bringing up the rear. He watched the back of Schiller in the cage, slowly narrowing his eyes.

In that fleeting glimpse, he had seen Schiller's desolate, gray eyes. They were nothing like the refined and gentle scholar he had seen in the hall, but his bearing did match the intense level of monitoring.

The escort team slowly advanced through the darkness, first crossing an open square, then ascending a slope to enter the building. This was not the main prison entrance, reserved for visitors and journalists. The route for transporting prisoners was special, with high walls and electric fencing outdoors, and surveillance and weapons indoors.

After going around to the rear of the building, there was a small door that only allowed two people to push the cage at a time. The remaining personnel had to follow behind. Two armed officers went in first, and then Davis entered from a different door on the building's side, following the cage into the elevator.

In the elevator, there were only the two escort personnel, Schiller in the cage, and Davis.

The bottom of the cage was raised, with Schiller's feet completely fixed to the metal base, unable to move. His upper body was also restrained by chains attached to the cage bars on both sides.

Normally, even for the most serious offenders, such dense restraints would not be necessary, as most human criminals, even bomb makers, are still carbon-based lifeforms, unable to match the strength of steel.

But Davis knew this prison was no ordinary facility. The Federal Bureau of Investigation had decided to activate it early, specifically to handle special, high-risk offenders like Schiller, for whom ordinary restraints might be completely ineffective.

According to Davis, there were at least a dozen more targets like Schiller, and the ultimate purpose of this prison was not to keep them locked up until death, but to find a way for them to contribute to federal security.

The elevator slowly stopped, and Davis exited first, followed by the escort personnel and the cage containing Schiller. They walked down the dark corridor, the cage moving like a time-traveling train between the rows of doors.

Davis stopped in front of a door at the end of the hallway, and the escort personnel aligned the cage door with the room door, the two locking seamlessly together.

One of the escort personnel then pointed his gun at Schiller's head and sternly said, "Don't move your head, keep your eyes forward, and remain completely still until I tell you to do something, or we will shoot."

Schiller remained silent, standing still. Davis approached the back of the cage, squatted down, and entered a code on the lock, then pressed a button.

Two escort officers were pulling the fixed metal from the feet of Schiller, giving him some mobility in his steps. The escort officer shouted, "Step up onto it."

Schiller lifted one of his feet and stood on the metal block. Immediately, the chains that were attached to the restraint suit on the railing were released. Another escort officer stood behind Schiller and said, "I will unzip the back of your suit. Do not make any aggressive moves, or we will open fire immediately."

After saying that, one of the escort officers pointed a gun at Schiller's head, while the other reached through the railing and unzipped the back of Schiller's restraint suit. Since the sleeves of the restraint suit had two heavy iron chains attached, after the zipper in the back was unzipped, the suit fell off Schiller's body, exposing the prison uniform.

"There is a pair of handcuffs hanging in front of you, please put them on immediately."

Schiller looked up and saw a pair of handcuffs hanging on the top of the prison room doorframe, within his reach. He stretched out his hands, took the handcuffs, and put them on his wrists.

"Now, walk into the room, turn towards us, and raise your hands overhead."

Schiller stepped out of the cage, crossed the threshold, and entered the room. He was barefoot, but the floor was not cold, indicating some form of insulation.

Schiller walked over, turned around, and stared at the eyes of the mask worn by Davis, who was standing at the door. One of the escort officers turned and left, controlling the door remotely from a distance, causing it to slowly descend and close.

Once the door was closed, the entire room was completely sealed, with no windows or observation ports. It was a completely enclosed, airtight and lightproof space.

The cell was less than 4 square meters in size. The bed, which was actually more like a slightly wider chair, was only 1.2 meters long and pressed against three walls. Apart from the narrow walkway leading to the door, there was nothing else in the room.

It was similar to a second-class train compartment, with the prisoner's space being just a chair to sit on and a small area for their legs.

The only advantage compared to a train compartment was the high ceiling, about 4 meters from floor to ceiling, making the cell resemble a deep well. This design was not for spaciousness, but to accommodate the air supply system, monitoring equipment, and speakers, all located on the ceiling to prevent the prisoner from accessing them.

As soon as Schiller sat on the edge of the bed, the speaker above him activated, and Davis' voice was heard.

"Good evening, Professor Rodriguez. I imagine you've already discovered that your mask not only prevents biting, but also fixes your jaw, rendering you unable to speak."

"We understand the power of a psychologist's language, so we apologize, but during your incarceration, you will only be allowed to remain silent unless we give you permission to speak."

Schiller looked up at the ceiling, and through the monitoring system, Davis observed a hint of innocence in Schiller's focused gaze, which sent a chill down his spine.

"Professor Schiller, you need not worry about whether you will be able to leave this place before your sentence is up. The answer is already quite evident."

"But more importantly, these strict monitoring measures are not just to restrict your freedom, but also to protect you."

"To ensure our upcoming conversation can proceed more pleasantly, I would like to express our sincerity first."

"When you got off the vehicle, you should have seen that William Denechette came here with me. But the difference is, I'm here to ensure your safety, while he wants your life."

"To demonstrate our sincerity, I agreed to his request to conduct the first psychological evaluation on you after your incarceration. I hope this offering can lay a good foundation for our future cooperation."

"Of course, I know you're not stupid enough to commit murder in this heavily monitored prison, and you won't actively increase your sentence through such violent acts. But we will provide you with a little assistance."

"Over the next week, you will be kept in this isolated prison, subjected to the extreme sensory deprivation punishment, to atone for your past crimes."

"In the darkness and solitude, you will accumulate your crazed desires, preparing a bloody feast for your prey."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1185 The Cry of the Lamb (Six)


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