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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


The cold moonlight shone through the intact window into the room.

The room with a red wooden floor and green wall lamps, where the office desk, single sofa, and other furniture had disappeared, was replaced by a long table, with a dark green tablecloth covering the desktop.

The silhouettes of the people sitting on both sides of the desktop looked a bit strange.

The first person was wearing a police uniform, with a sturdy build and a serious expression.

The second person had a pair of large wings, blond hair, and blue eyes, handsome and beautiful.

The third person was dressed in a suit, with a red poppy flower pinned to the chest.

The fourth person was wearing a purple long suit, with a smiling expression on his face.

The fifth person was dressed in a tweed overcoat and a beret, looking like a British gentleman, but seemed uneasy.

The sixth person was thin and pale, with a cold expression and a hawk-like nose that was unpleasant to look at.

The person standing at the head of the table was wearing a dark green suit, a red tie, and holding an empty wine glass in his hand.

Schiller's expression was not exactly cold, his facial muscles were relaxed, but no one could feel at ease because of that. As he slowly paced around the room, the sound of his leather shoes hitting the floor was deafening.

"I know you might be wondering why I have so rudely invited you to my banquet without preparing any dishes?"

Schiller suddenly stopped, turning his head to look at the table and the people sitting on both sides. He gently twirled the wine glass in his hand and said in a low voice:

"I know there are many of my kind in this world, but once they start to proliferate, I feel disgusted, just like how you detest large-scale pig farming."

"For this reason, I have to take some measures to control their numbers, but it's a very boring process, and I hope someone can do this for me... Batman would be a good choice."

Schiller stood in front of the long table, gently placing the wine glass down and said, "I initially thought he would be a good knife, but now I've changed my mind, so those delicious dishes that were supposed to be in front of you are no longer necessary."

Sitting on the left, Gordon turned his head to look at Schiller and asked, "...What did you do to Bruce?"

Schiller looked at him and shook his head slightly, saying, "Detective, I'm not a killer, I never kill anyone, nor am I a sadist, I have no interest in torturing anyone."

"I also never demand anything from anyone, all those who come to me in pilgrimage are my humble, pitiful, but devout believers, a flock of lost lambs."

Schiller gently spread his hands and said, "I have never set any traps, told any lies, or used deception, I just don't hesitate to reveal the true me to anyone."

Gordon felt his heart pounding rapidly, the pressure Schiller brought made it hard for him to breathe. Schiller slightly turned his body and leaned towards Gordon, looking into his eyes, saying, "They voluntarily offer me something, it has nothing to do with me."

Gordon slowly closed his eyes, his fingers gripping the armrest, while the figure sitting on the right side of the long table suddenly turned his head, looking towards the door to the rest room in the corner of the office.

The tip of his huge white wings trembled, Lucifer Morningstar placed one hand on the table, looking at Schiller with a serious expression, "Don't do this, Schiller, you know it will only take you further away from what you want."

Schiller suddenly turned his head, staring into Lucifer Morningstar's eyes. He reached out and grabbed the wine glass on the table, looking at Lucifer Morningstar before turning and walking towards the wall where the rest room door was.

There was a faucet there, delicate and slender, reflecting the metallic luster.

The glass wine glass was placed under the faucet, and a hand gently turned the valve, as the red liquid fell into the glass. The expressions of all the people around the table were different.

Sitting at the far end, Copperpot slightly moved his nose, and the previously squinting Jack suddenly became alert and a bit excited.

Alberto remained expressionless, Thomas Constantine looked puzzled, while Lucifer Morningstar frowned deeply, occasionally turning his head to look at the rest room door.

Schiller carried the half-filled glass and walked back, coming to Lucifer Morningstar's side, bending down to bring the glass to his mouth.

Lucifer Morningstar looked up at him, and Schiller slightly raised the corners of his mouth, bending his waist even lower, whispering in his ear, "You and I both know he is special."

"Schiller," Lucifer Morningstar called his name very seriously, with a solemn expression, "If you do this, you will never have the freedom you want."

"Yes, anyone who comes into contact with him has the potential to become a stepping stone for his growth, not dying, only living in eternal suffering, and then continuing to burn themselves when he needs them, adding luster to his greatness."

"No one can escape this fate, including you, and including your father, all your powerful and mighty abilities are nothing in the face of his fate, your ability to overturn the heavens and earth, to create and destroy space, may at any time be written in a few brief sentences and disappear forever."

Schiller turned his head, staring directly into Lucifer Morningstar's eyes and said, "You are deeply afraid of this, but now you have a chance to prove your pride..."

Schiller brought the wine glass a little closer, until it touched Lucifer Morningstar's lips, while Lucifer Morningstar kept leaning back, avoiding the approaching glass, until his head was resting on the back of the chair.

Lucifer Morningstar turned his head and looked up at Schiller, saying, "You really remind me of someone I know... a snake."

Schiller slowly straightened up, lowering his eyelids and glancing at Lucifer Morningstar, then carried the wine glass back to the head of the table, placing it down and saying, "You don't have to worry, my friends. This is not a privilege for my friend Lucifer Morningstar, you will all get a glass of wine - 1000 milliliters is enough for each of you."

In the dim room, various pieces of furniture were piled up, with chairs overturned and placed on the tables. The shadows cast by the moonlight on the chair legs resembled talons, enveloping a person and making them feel as if they were being dragged into hell.

Against the wall near the door, a single-seater sofa was placed, and the silhouette of a person sitting on it had their head bowed, with strands of hair covering their pale face. Their hands rested on the armrests, as if they were bound.

One of the arms had a thick, frightening injection syringe attached, and the bright red blood was flowing up through the curved tubing, passing through the concrete and steel of the wall, and into a delicate glass cup.

Lucifer Morningstar shifted his gaze and turned to Schiller, saying, "This is all your plan... You want to take revenge on us."

"But no matter what pressure you use to force Batman to harm himself, the blame will fall on you... Schiller, stop this. Do you really want your students to tear open their own chests and bleed to death?"

Gordon suddenly stood up, his eyes filled with shock as he looked towards the door of the rest room, even though he couldn't see through walls. He could see the snaking tubes like snakes, a pair of shoes, a pale arm, and equally pale lips.

Schiller tapped the bottom of his wine glass on the desktop, making a "clang" sound, and everyone understood the warning it conveyed.

"This is just the beginning, my friends. The lamb has not yet begun his performance."

As Schiller turned to walk towards the door, Lucifer Morningstar suddenly spoke with his eyes closed, "Let's make a bet. If I win, you'll spare him and yourself."

Schiller, holding the glass, turned around and looked at Lucifer Morningstar. A tense atmosphere spread through the room, and after a long silence of about 10 seconds, Schiller finally spoke, "...What do you want to bet on?"

The sound of the door being pushed open echoed clearly in the dark room, like the prelude to a death sentence.

The person who entered did not turn on the lights, but Bruce, with a pale face, could hear the heavy footsteps. He looked up and saw Schiller's face in the darkness.

"How's the taste?" Bruce's hoarse voice asked.

Schiller stood silently in the darkness, and after a moment, he replied, "...Quite good, thank you for the hospitality."

"...My pleasure."

As Schiller stood motionless in the darkness, he seemed to blend into the endless black, with only his calm face standing out. No one could have imagined that divinity and evil would coexist so harmoniously on the same face.

"You've performed well, so I'll keep my promise and not harm the others," Schiller said, but Bruce did not react. Schiller continued, "But I hope to get a little more, otherwise I might still put them on the table... Are you willing?"

"How much do you want?" Bruce asked, his head bowed.

"Another 1000 milliliters," Schiller replied.

Bruce's breathing rate was very slow, a typical sign of a lowered heart rate. Even upon hearing the number, he did not react.

When Schiller turned his gaze towards him, he could not see any expression on Bruce's face, until his hoarse voice spoke again:

"Do it."

Schiller's lips twitched, and he moved closer to Bruce, placing his hands on the armrests of the chair Bruce was sitting in and leaning over him, looking down at him.

"If I heard correctly, you're letting me drain your blood to keep me from going after those serial killers?"

Schiller straightened up slightly and then reached out, grabbing Bruce's neck and forcing him to look up, staring into his eyes.

"Are you willing to die for those criminals?"

The blood-drawing machine had not stopped, and Bruce had already lost more than 1000 milliliters of blood, causing his pupils to start dilating. But he still managed to speak with some difficulty, "I don't want you to kill anyone."

Bruce's unfocused pupils stared into Schiller's eyes, and he noticed that Schiller's gaze was becoming increasingly intense, like a starving person who had suddenly seen a perfectly cooked piece of meat.

The next moment, the room was illuminated, and Schiller, maintaining his original position, released Bruce's face and stood up straight.

The figure of Lucifer Morningstar with outstretched wings appeared at the door, and Schiller, as if annoyed, turned around and waved his hand.

Lucifer Morningstar snapped his fingers, and the blood flowed back into Bruce's body. Gordon quickly walked to Batman's side, removing the injection syringe from his arm, and then said, "I suggest you start believing in God. If it weren't for Lucifer Morningstar, you'd be in big trouble."

Bruce's head was still a bit dizzy, so he couldn't clearly see Schiller and Lucifer Morningstar at the window. He turned his gaze to Gordon's face and asked, "What's going on?"

Gordon glanced back at Schiller, but it seemed like he didn't dare to keep his eyes on him for too long, quickly turning his eyes back to Bruce and saying, "The good news is, he's not as cruel as you think, but the bad news is, he's a hundred times harder to deal with than you imagine..."

"Schiller and Lucifer Morningstar made a bet," Gordon continued to explain. Bruce looked up at him, and Gordon let out a soft sigh, "The bet is about who you're willing to sacrifice yourself for."

Bracing himself on the armrest of the chair, Bruce could still vividly remember the feeling of weakness. With one hand on the chair, he bowed his head and slowly spoke:

"I'm human, not a soulless, emotionless monster. I know who has sacrificed for me and how they have changed me."

"In my life, there have been too many difficult choices, and no matter what I choose, someone has to sacrifice. The scenario I've dreamed of and yet failed to achieve is exactly like today - the balance is me, and the only power I have is the choice to sacrifice myself without feeling guilty."

"But if he makes me choose the side that was lifted by my downfall... "

Bruce drew out the last word, making his tone sound like a sigh.

He looked towards the calm, serene Schiller standing by the window, as if he didn't belong in this world, and continued, "Of course, it will be him, the one who has never given up on saving me, making me feel that I have someone to rely on... Professor."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1171 Teacher and Student (Part 1)


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