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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Schiller walked unhurriedly behind the glass partition wall, washed his hands clean in the washbasin next to the examination bed, then took a towel from the side and dried his hands as he walked out.

He sat back down on the single sofa, and Valentin was lying on the floor at his feet, with blood continuously flowing out of his eye socket, staining a large area of the carpet.

The sight of the human's injured posture and the bloody smell made Bruce instinctively want to go forward and bandage the injured person, but in the end he didn't, and instead walked back into the shadows.

It wasn't because he realized that Professor Pigface was actually a Serial Killer, but because to get to Valentin's side, he would have to walk past Schiller.

This was definitely not a good idea, because Schiller had already casually thrown the towel aside and was about to start talking.

"If you come to a psychologist's office, but don't intend to confess to him, but rather to listen to him speak, then what you will hear is most likely some comforting words, but in fact, every psychologist knows that simply comforting the other person based on their situation is ineffective."

"No one can comfort you better than yourself, and if you can't even comfort yourself, then paying someone else to comfort you is meaningless, you should rather go take medicine to cure the physiological illness, and then rebuild your psychological defenses and regain the ability to self-comfort."

"But if you come to a psychologist's office, pay money to listen to him talk, then a professional psychologist should naturally find the best way to comfort you, rather than make excuses because it's difficult."

The sofa opposite was now empty, so Schiller draped one leg over the other, sat upright against the back of the sofa, and said, "Every psychologist has a set of methods to comfort others, and I am no exception."

"All the psychological treatments I do are aimed at making the patient feel that they have gained understanding, and the best way to make the patient feel that they have gained understanding is not to repeatedly say 'I understand you', but to talk about yourself."

"You have to let the patient understand you first, then they will see from your words and actions whether they have gained understanding."

"So let's start by talking about the part that interests you the most..." Schiller leaned back, resting his hands on the armrests, and turned his head to look at Valentin and said:

"Why don't I recognize humans as my own kind?"

In the second before this question was asked, Bruce was still looking at Valentin, imagining what his inflamed eye injury would look like, but as soon as Schiller's words fell, Bruce had to look at this Professor.

"I am a psychologist, and in the eyes of many people, this profession is mysterious, and it is indeed the case, but more importantly, this profession will make you realize a truth - the thing that drives humans forward is actually dirty, ugly and disgusting."

"The evil in human nature is not a burden for them, but an inseparable part of them, the basis of their survival, but they have never recognized this, and have formulated a set of rules to constrain this evil, which they call morality."

"Humans are easily domesticated by their habits, all social animals are domesticated by social morality, of course, there are also some individuals who are not so thoroughly domesticated, and in order to restrict the actions of these individuals, people have also formulated a set of rules called laws."

"The reason I don't recognize the ordinary people living within the constraints of morality and law as my own kind is that they have become other domesticated species, rather than the original humans."

Bruce turned his head to the side, but Schiller suddenly changed the subject and said:

"But I can fully understand this phenomenon, human society has developed through mutual cooperation, and in order to build a society and live within it, there must be a set of rules to maintain the operation of the society, ordinary people seek a position in society and follow these rules, which is very normal and understandable."

"Or you could say, they should do so, and I would do the same, if I wanted to integrate into a group, I would act according to the rules of that group, but it's not because I'm kind, but because I know this is an effective method."

"The most successful education that parents give to their children for a lifetime is to teach them how to become a social animal and gain their own position in society."

"I don't despise ordinary people." Schiller shook his head lightly and said, "I fully understand them, and I can also put myself in their position in society to think about the troubles they are facing now, and that's why I can become a psychologist."

"I fully understand this society, know how it really operates, and also understand the individuals in society, how their emotional system really works."

When Schiller said this, Bruce looked at him, and Valentin also turned his head to look at him, even though he could no longer see, they both had the same question they wanted to ask, and Schiller also saw this question, so he explained:

"To be precise, I don't see myself as a social human, I acknowledge that my race is human, but I don't follow the rules that exist in human society, whether it's morality or law."

"This is because the mental illness I suffer from, that is, autism, makes me unable to get any feedback from this society, and I don't need any feedback from social individuals."

"This is a typical symptom of many autistic patients, no giving of emotions, no acceptance of emotions, no response, no feedback."

"The most important point in their symptoms is that they have no need to exchange emotions with others."

"So what people often say, that the so-called autistic patients have low morals, is inaccurate, there must first be a need for social humans to exchange emotions, before there can be 'morals' to constrain each other's emotional responses, if there is no need, then there is no morality."

"Since I don't participate in emotional exchange, naturally I don't need to participate in social rules, this is the original Scholar type autistic Schiller, from beginning to end, he has never been a social human."

Schiller sighed lightly, then picked up the water glass and took a sip to moisten his throat, then continued, "So next, we'll talk about the second thing that interests you - why I want to eat my own kind?"

Hearing Schiller so bluntly say this out loud, Bruce couldn't help but raise his hand and cover his eyes.

"Autistic patients are not without emotions, it's just that they accept and understand emotions differently than ordinary people, but they equally crave emotional stimulation, which is the inherent nature of the human race."

"As mentioned earlier, I do not engage in emotional exchange with any members of society, so I cannot obtain emotional stimulation from any ordinary person, as they may be attached, fearful, or worshipful, which are all meaningless to me."

"The way they exchange emotions is something I cannot empathize with, so in my eyes, their wailing and rolling on the ground is like a pig wallowing in the mud, unable to deal with my emotional needs."

"But fortunately, I am not an individual, but a category, and the world is so vast that there are bound to be a few human individuals similar to me, whose emotional patterns are in sync with mine, so I can obtain the emotional stimulation I desire from them."

"However, as non-social creatures, we cannot possibly establish a new system of emotional exchange, formulate new rules, and form a new society for each other, as this is something we cannot adapt to."

"The way ordinary people use to understand each other is tamed by social rules and laws, while the untamed me hopes to understand my own kind in the most original way of the human race."

Schiller sighed lightly, his tone of voice unchanged, dry and dull, like lecturing a class, but if one understands every word he said, it would be chilling.

"Appetite is a very wonderful thing," Schiller shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "It is not hunger, not the body reminding you to obtain nutrients."

"Hunger will make a person devour everything in front of them, but appetite is the guard standing in the way of the crazy binge, if something cannot arouse human appetite, then even if the body is hungry, the person will not eat it."

"Appetite is quite prudent and restrained, the food must be able to make you associate its taste in terms of color, shape, aroma, etc., thereby stimulating the taste buds and secreting saliva, before you will put it in your mouth."

"And when you taste the food in your mouth, you will also evaluate whether it meets your expectations, then swallow it, wait for it to be digested, provide you with the necessary nutrients, and then convert the nutrients into the fuel of life."

"This process is long and wonderful, it is the first pilgrimage road that humans have built beyond survival, with quite special significance."

"And before the thing swallowed into the stomach is transformed into nutrients, the imagination of the taste of food driven by appetite is the peak of human understanding, empathy and imagination."

"Therefore, I naturally want to devote my most focused moments to the few of my own kind in this world."

When Schiller's words fell, Bruce's ears were a little sore from holding Harley's ears. But he actually heard what Schiller said, because he was holding Harley's ears.

At this moment, Bruce felt that his greatest progress was the ability to accurately judge the level of logical consistency of a madman, and to decisively give up when the level of consistency far exceeded his persuasive power.

This is a very great ability, and the anger shielded by this ability can make a person live many more years.

Bruce sat down across from Schiller and looked into his eyes, saying, "I will take Valentin away, heal his wounds, and then let him face legal judgment."

"This is not because I care so much about the law, but because you cannot kill him, let alone eat him."

"Bruce," Schiller called his name and focused his gaze on him, saying, "I hope to host a banquet, so I need abundant ingredients."

"I won't go kill pigs or people," Schiller stood up and walked to the table, picking up the jar that just held the eyeball, holding it up to the light and examining it, then said:

"But regardless of whether this is judged as evil by the rules of society, you cannot stop them from opening their own chests, voluntarily and willingly, to give me what I need."

"Don't use your professional skills to harm others anymore," Bruce said, turning his head to look at him, "Don't do that anymore, Schiller."

"I'll remember to send you an invitation when the banquet is held," Schiller said, looking into Bruce's eyes.

Bruce took a deep breath, feeling his back molars clenching. He put his palms together and pressed his fingers against his nose, feeling dizzy.

Just as Schiller said, self-harm by normal people is not illegal, and if they are incited, you can only say it violates morality.

But Schiller actually didn't incite them, he just revealed the tip of his crazy iceberg to that group of lunatics, telling them that the full answer is at the top of the mountain, those who have no fear of pain and don't care about death will rush to put themselves on the table, Valentin is an example.

And Bruce still doesn't know how to stop all this.

While Bruce was thinking, the telephone behind the glass partition suddenly rang. Seeing that Schiller had no intention of answering the phone, Bruce stood up and walked over to the phone, picking up the receiver and hearing Gordon's slightly anxious voice:

"Schiller, Roman·Sinnett has escaped! He's likely coming after you, you must be very careful!"


I came across this book's fan fiction while browsing Lof today.

As soon as I went in,

I was beaten up by a bunch of pants.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1168 Professor (Forty)


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