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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Demon Clan's assault on King's City had been ongoing for a year, with battles unfolding daily beneath the city walls.

Under the city walls, the bodies of Demonic Beasts piled up time and time again. However, after each major battle, Wang Hong personally flew out of the city's protective formation to seize the bodies of these Demonic Beasts.

At the beginning, the Demon Clan would try to contest him for these bodies, but after several attempts, they gave up the struggle. This was because every time they brought over many Demonic Beasts to transport the bodies, some of the transporters would inadvertently become new corpses in the piles.

Wang Hong, on the other hand, appeared alone each time, without hindrance, and directly stored the piles of bodies in his Space. In terms of efficiency, the Demon Clan couldn't compete.

Both humans and Yao (a term used for supernatural beings) were no longer surprised that Wang Hong could retrieve large quantities of items in one go. There were even rumors of some Large-sized storage magic weapons in existence.

As a Nascent Soul Cultivator, Wang Hong was already the most outstanding Cultivator on this continent. Possessing a Large-sized storage magic weapon was not considered unusual.

The bodies he retrieved greatly enhanced the overall strength of the Great Chu Immortal Nation. Even the lowest-ranking soldiers in the country could now consume Essence Core Pills regularly, strengthening their abilities. In this short year, the army had gained a significant number of second-tier warriors.

Now, with a force of six hundred thousand soldiers, each person had at least a suit of armor refined from Demonic Beast hide, along with weapons crafted from Demonic Beast materials. As a result, the Great Chu Immortal Nation's military strength had not only remained intact but had steadily increased over the year thanks to the protection of the city's formation.

"Your Majesty, I must report that due to the continuous use of the city's protective formation, the treasury's supply of Spirit Stones is running low," Xu Lun reported to Wang Hong during the court session.

The daily attacks by the Demon Clan on the city's formation required a significant amount of Spiritual Energy to resist, depleting the Spirit Stones rapidly. Fortunately, Wang Hong had previously raided ten Demon Clan nests, acquiring a large number of Spirit Stones. Otherwise, it would have been impossible to sustain the usage for such a long period.

"How long can we sustain the formation with our current inventory of Spirit Stones?" Wang Hong asked.

He still had about ten high-grade Spirit Stones in his possession. Each high-grade Spirit Stone contained the Spiritual Energy equivalent to ten thousand middle-grade Spirit Stones. However, using high-grade Spirit Stones in this manner was considered highly wasteful. Additionally, his Space required a continuous supply of Spirit Stones to support the growth of various Spirit Plants inside.

"Based on our current inventory of Spirit Stones, it should last for at most one more month. If we were to collect all the Spirit Stones within the city, we might extend it to three months."

"There's no need to collect the Spirit Stones from the citizens; I'll find a solution," Wang Hong replied. Confiscating all the Spirit Stones from the citizens would be impractical and could lead to unrest.

"Your Majesty, the spirit wood in the treasury has also been depleted. Can Your Majesty think of a solution for that as well?" Chen Xiaofeng opportunistically reported.

Everyone could guess that Wang Hong's solution would likely involve raiding the Demon Clan's rear territory, so it was a good time to bring up any material or spiritual needs.

"I recall that there was a significant amount of spirit wood among the items I brought back last time. How did it deplete so quickly?"

"Your Majesty, while we had a lot of spirit wood, it is also the most heavily consumed resource. The main material for crafting Flying Boats is spirit wood, and weapons such as arrows and short spears, which have high consumption rates, also require large quantities of spirit wood."

"Very well, I will address this issue as well. How many Flying Boats has the Ministry of Works currently refined?"

"We have a total of thirteen hundred transport Flying Boats, ten Large-sized combat Flying Boats, and three hundred Medium-sized combat Flying Boats. This allows us to transport nearly seven hundred thousand people in one go."

"It's still not enough. We need to continue refining more Flying Boats. I'll figure out a solution for the materials we're lacking."

With a population of just over a million, Wang Hong didn't want to leave anyone behind if they ever needed to retreat.

"I'll be leaving for a few days. Please keep the city well guarded and refrain from venturing outside to face the enemy."

After giving these instructions, Wang Hong dismissed everyone, quietly left King's City, and transformed into the appearance of a Demon Clan member. He passed through the Demon Clan's encirclement without being noticed.

While Wang Hong and his group had been depleting their strategic resources, the Demon Clan had been consuming the lives of lower-tier Demonic Beasts.

At this point, the Western Demon Tribe was also feeling the pressure. They had been struggling to take down the Qingxu Mountain Range and construct altars for their upcoming ritual. The ten altars previously destroyed by Wang Hong needed to be rebuilt.

All these tasks required time, and they were uncertain about how to deal with Wang Hong after taking King's City. If they failed to accomplish their mission, they would face severe consequences despite being fourth-tier Demonic Beasts.

After some deliberation, the Demon Clan Ancestors unanimously decided to show weakness and request assistance from the Eastern Sea Demon Clan. Although this move would cost them some face and benefits, it was better than failing to complete their mission and facing dire consequences.

The Eastern Sea Demon Clan was much stronger than the Western Demon Tribe. The vast expanse of the Eastern Sea, abundant Spiritual Sites, and natural treasures gave rise to numerous powerful Demon Clans. What was visible was only a small portion of their strength.

The acknowledged strongest clan within the Eastern Sea Demon Clan was the Eastern Sea Blue Dragon clan, but they hadn't even bothered to participate in this matter. They considered it beneath them.

Wang Hong infiltrated the rear of the Demon Clan's army and arrived at a Demon Clan stronghold. He used the Tai Chi Sword Formation to break through the formation and entered the stronghold.

The Demon Clan guards stationed there were alerted by his presence and converged on Wang Hong. He had no interest in tangling with them and released his Poisonous Bees to engage them in battle while he looted the riches.

Currently, Wang Hong had over a thousand three-tier Poisonous Bees and tens of thousands of two-tier Poisonous Bees. Given their current strength, he was confident in using them against the Demon Clan.

Unfortunately, he could only support this number of Poisonous Bees at most. Any more, and he wouldn't have the means to sustain them. It was thanks to the Poisonous Bees' mutation, allowing them to consume meat, that he could maintain such a large population. If they were still limited to collecting nectar before their mutation, he could only support up to twenty thousand.

Maintaining more than a hundred thousand Poisonous Bees was already his limit. These Poisonous Bees required meat, nectar, absorbed a large amount of Spirit Qi from his Space, and even needed to consume some toxic substances.

After shaking off the pursuing Demonic Beasts, Wang Hong began his search inside the stronghold.

First and foremost, he had to find places like the Treasure Vault. Then, there were the cave mansions of fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, and he also needed to locate the mysterious altar, where he hoped to find at least one high-grade Spirit Stone.

Having accumulated experience in looting from previous raids, it didn't take him long to completely empty one Treasure Vault and gain access to a fourth-tier Demonic Beast's cave mansion. He also found the altar.

As he prepared to thoroughly search this Spiritual Site, two powerful auras approached rapidly. The auras were overwhelming, and their targets were Wang Hong, as if they were about to engulf him.

"You audacious thief!"

Wang Hong stopped his actions and called back all the Poisonous Bees. He stared coldly at the two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts that had arrived.

"Are you two looking for death?"

"Youngster, don't think you can do as you please in East Zhou just because you have some skills. This is our Demon Clan's East Zhou."

One of the Demonic Beasts roared in anger. Since Wang Hong had raided ten nests earlier, they had left these four to guard the rear. They had received a message about Wang Hong's appearance and rushed over, but they didn't expect him to turn their territory upside down in such a short time.

"Since you're here to seek death, I won't stop you."

Wang Hong waved his hand, and tens of thousands of Poisonous Bees flew toward the two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts.

The two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts had initially thought of engaging in some verbal sparring with Wang Hong to buy time, as the other two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts were still on their way. Little did they know that Wang Hong had no patience for such banter and immediately unleashed his Poisonous Bees upon them.

With over a thousand third-tier Poisonous Bees and tens of thousands of second-tier ones, Wang Hong was confident in dealing with these Demon Clan members, despite their fourth-tier status.

But it seemed they had different plans—escape!

The two Demonic Beasts, who had been defiant moments ago, suddenly turned to flee.

Wang Hong wouldn't miss such an opportunity. He released four Flying Swords that intercepted the escape route of the two Demonic Beasts, then swiftly transformed them into the Four Symbols Sword Formation, trapping one of the Demonic Beasts inside the formation.

The remaining Poisonous Bees, which had been momentarily blocked, swarmed the other Demonic Beast, leaving it with no chance to escape.

Wang Hong stood on the side and didn't make another move. He believed that with the Poisonous Bees and the sword formation, they could deal with the two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts separately.

While controlling the formation and Poisonous Bees, Wang Hong took out a gleaming spiritual net, prepared to use it to capture the demon cores later.

Fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, like Nascent Soul Cultivators, had the ability to separate their Nascent Souls from their bodies. In dire situations, Demon Beasts could possess their demon cores and use teleportation to escape.

As long as the Nascent Soul was preserved, they could find a suitable body for a rebirth through possession.

However, each rebirth through possession inflicted irreversible damage to the soul. Therefore, it was not a choice anyone would make unless they were truly desperate.

But because of this life-saving technique, it was difficult to kill Nascent Soul Cultivators and fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, as few could catch up to their teleportation speed.

As expected, after just a moment, within the densely packed swarm of Poisonous Bees, a golden demon core flew out.

It was about to use teleportation to escape when a large net descended from the sky and ensnared it. Countless tiny spiritual strands extended from the net, penetrating the demon core, preventing its Demonic Energy from functioning, and suppressing its Nascent Soul.

In this way, any Demon Beast caught in the net would not even have the chance to self-destruct its demon core.

The net was created by Wang Hong using the Ten Thousand-Year Devilish Vine that grew in his Space, along with a mutated poisonous strain that had been cultivated together. It was a perfect tool for capturing demon cores.

After sealing and storing the demon core, the Demonic Beast trapped in the Four Symbols Sword Formation was left with only one demon core, struggling frantically within the formation.

Wang Hong felt that while the Four Symbols Sword Formation was excellent, it was somewhat wasteful as it destroyed the Demon Beast's physical body each time.

For someone who had always been frugal, it was better to use it sparingly.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 566: The Fish Demon


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