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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


As they watched the Demon Clan Patriarch hastily retreating, Wang Hong and his companions returned to King's City.

The citizens of King's City, witnessing their sovereign personally join the battle against the horde of demons and ultimately repel the formidable foes, erupted into thunderous cheers.

Wang Hong ascended into the skies above King's City and delivered an encouraging speech to the crowd before returning to the Royal Palace.

Liu Changsheng needed to continue his seclusion to stabilize his realm, so all matters regarding King's City's security were entrusted to Jia Liang.

After resting for two days in a cultivation room within the Royal Palace, his injuries were fully healed.

At this moment, he took out a set of green leaf magic weapons for a closer examination.

The refinement technique of this set of magic weapons was not exceptionally advanced. Its remarkable defensive capabilities were primarily derived from the exceptional quality of the materials used, resulting in its unique defensive properties.

The jade tree within the spatial realm was covered in these runes. Whenever it was subjected to an attack, the runes would light up, generating formidable defensive power.

Therefore, harvesting these leaves from the tree for refining tools had been an incredibly strenuous task.

Wang Hong had spent a lot of time contemplating these runes within the spatial realm and could sense that they were a defensive type of rune.

He had also considered incorporating these runes into talisman-making or tool refinement, which would produce powerful defensive magic weapons or talismans.

However, this idea was shattered because these runes were too potent. Even the highest-quality materials in the Cultivation World could not withstand them. Once these runes were inscribed, any material would instantly crumble.

Only Fusang Wood could withstand these runes, but once inscribed on Fusang Wood, the runes would gradually dissipate.

However, he could pluck a few more leaves from the jade tree. Although the tree had grown for over ten thousand years, it was currently only slightly taller than a one-story building, and he was reluctant to cut down the trunk, but there were plenty of leaves.

Wang Hong planned to pluck some leaves and refine several more magic weapons.

Even though the Demon Clan Patriarch had retreated this time, they would undoubtedly return even more ferociously.

The Demon Clan army consisted of over ten million demonic beasts, slowly advancing toward King's City. In the upcoming battle, the enemy would have a significant numerical advantage.

The Great Chu Immortal Nation's army not only had to deal with the middle and low-tier demonic beasts but also had to be constantly vigilant against attacks from the enemy's fourth-tier demonic beasts.

There were no rules in battle, and it was not child's play. There were no restrictions like high-tier beings not attacking low-tier ones; anything was fair game in pursuit of the goal of eliminating the enemy.

Entering the spatial realm, Wang Hong knew that the highest-tier spirit wood within was likely the jade tree and the Fusang Wood.

He had planted numerous Fusang Woods, all with an age of over ten thousand years.

However, there was only one jade tree because it grew exceptionally slowly, hardly producing any branches in the past. Moreover, it was not easy to cut off its branches.

Wang Hong was now a Nascent Soul cultivator, and his strength had increased manyfold since the last time he had harvested leaves from the tree.

He still used the same method, first isolating the tree from Spirit Qi to prevent it from replenishing its spiritual energy. Then, he used a flying sword to chop at it. This time, it took him only half a day to deplete the spiritual energy accumulated in the jade tree.

Wang Hong felt that even doing this once was quite a challenge. Thus, this time, he cut off a branch the thickness of a small arm from the tree.

On this branch, there were many smaller branches, which he cut down and planted in the spatial realm. Since this spiritual tree grew slowly, he figured he'd let them grow gradually.

As for the main branch, he kept it aside for future tool refinement.

The leaves on this main branch numbered in the thousands, far more than he needed at the moment. He decided to store the surplus leaves for later use.

With limited time on his hands, Wang Hong planned to refine a few leaves first and equip his subordinates with them.

After advancing to Nascent Soul, his strength had increased, and his tool refinement skills had improved rapidly. However, refining these leaves was still challenging; he could only perform a basic refinement, making them suitable as magic weapons for his subordinates.

Since these magic weapons were intended for his subordinates' use and had a chance of being lost, especially in the recent battle where he could sense that the Demon Clan Patriarchs coveted his tree leaf magic weapons, he secretly left a backdoor while refining them. If these magic weapons fell into enemy hands and were used against Wang Hong in the future, they would be in for a surprise.

Over the next month, the Demon Clan did not disturb him. Wang Hong successfully refined five tree leaf magic weapons during this time.

In the refinement of these magic weapons, he referred to Chen Xiaofeng's technique of combining them with flying swords.

Each leaf served as an individual magic weapon, capable of being wielded by one person or used collaboratively by multiple individuals. Furthermore, the five leaves could be combined into a set of magic weapons for even greater power.

After completing the refinement of these magic weapons, Wang Hong summoned Xu Lun and asked, "What's the situation with the Demon Clan during this period?"

"Your Majesty, since the last major battle, several Demon Clan Patriarchs have not appeared. The Demon Clan army is expected to arrive in about three months."

"How are the training and equipping of the five hundred thousand new recruits progressing?" Before his seclusion, not all of the recruits were properly equipped, and half of them were training empty-handed.

"Thanks to the materials Your Majesty brought back, and with the Ministry of Works working tirelessly on it, we are only ten thousand short of fully equipping the soldiers."

In one or two months, the Ministry of Works had managed to craft over a hundred thousand weapons, which was quite remarkable, though the weapons' designs were somewhat crude. Some swords weren't even straight, and the spearheads of some long spears even had splits. Nevertheless, these new recruits hadn't seen much of the world, and they were overjoyed to receive a weapon.

"I have four defensive magic weapons here that can be used by Golden Core cultivators to withstand a Nascent Soul's attack. Take them and distribute one to each of the Imperial Dragon Army, East Zhou Army, Renaissance Army, and Demon Subduing Army."

Wang Hong specified their effectiveness against Nascent Soul attacks because if a Golden Core cultivator wielded these magic weapons, they would likely deplete their spiritual power after taking a Nascent Soul-level attack and become incapable of further combat.

With one tree leaf magic weapon per army, they could at least withstand an attack from a fourth-tier demonic beast. If they coordinated well, they could withstand multiple attacks.

He planned to give the remaining leaf magic weapon to Liu Changsheng's immortal way trading company. The personnel of the immortal way trading company often faced life-threatening situations and needed additional protection.

At this point, Liu Changsheng had also completed his seclusion to stabilize his realm, and Wang Hong found him in the same courtyard where they had met before.

"I'm giving you a magic weapon, usable by Golden Core cultivators. It can withstand at least one Nascent Soul-level attack."

Wang Hong handed a leaf magic weapon to Liu Changsheng.

Liu Changsheng had seen Wang Hong use this type of leaf magic weapon in the previous battles and knew its formidable capabilities.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 560: Mobilization in the Southwest


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