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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Ten Demon Clan ancestors found themselves trapped within the confines of the Four Symbols Sword Formation. Wang Hong was momentarily unable to allocate his Spiritual Power to attack them; his sole aim was to keep them ensnared.

Within the formation, everything was shrouded in a white haze that obstructed both sight and hearing. Even Divine Sense was greatly impaired.

The ten ancestors thrashed about within, attempting to break free from the formation's grasp. After each of their attacks, phantom images of the Vermilion Bird, Black Tortoise, Blue Dragon, and White Tiger, accompanied by strange elemental phenomena, appeared briefly within the formation. However, these apparitions and phenomena were feeble and quickly dissipated under their relentless assault, only to reappear moments later.

"Hahaha! I've never seen such a feeble formation before!" one of the ancestor sneered after dispelling a phantom with a flick of their tail.

What they failed to realize was that these phantom images and phenomena were a direct result of their attacks. Wang Hong had orchestrated the Large Formation to ensnare these ten ancestors, who were of the same tier as him, which was already a challenging feat. Moreover, he was currently engaged in a fierce battle with a single-horned Demonic Beast, leaving him with no time to attend to these trapped individuals.

The ten ancestors recklessly attacked within the Four Symbols Sword Formation, and the formation absorbed their attacks, converting the energy into the phantom images and various phenomena, which, in turn, assailed them.

However, the formation could not absorb and convert the entirety of their attacks. It could effectively harness only around twenty percent of their energy.

While the ancestors mocked the formation for its apparent weakness, they remained unaware that they were essentially battling their own power.

Outside the formation, Wang Hong's battle with the single-horned Demonic Beast had escalated to a fierce intensity. Their robes were tattered, their bodies a bloody mess, presenting a gruesome sight.

The other two four-tier ancestor who were encircled had sustained numerous injuries. Their movements grew sluggish, and their bodies stiffened. Despite being four-tier Demonic Beasts, the toxins from the Poisonous Bees caused considerable trouble, especially during combat.

These Poisonous Bees possessed very low intelligence and cared little for their own lives. They infiltrated every opening, biting or stinging whenever an opportunity arose. Accumulating toxins within the ancestors' bodies disrupted the flow of their Demonic Energy, rendering their movements increasingly cumbersome.

Beneath their bodies, a pile of Poisonous Bee corpses had accumulated, several inches thick. A little further away, lay several Human Clan Golden Core cultivators, their fates unknown.

Their magic weapons unleashed a relentless barrage of radiant light, akin to a storm that showed no signs of abating.

Finally, one of the four-tier ancestor could no longer endure. It collapsed to the ground, and from its body, a gleaming golden demon core flew out, executing a teleportation technique to vanish a hundred yards away.

Witnessing this, the remaining Golden Core cultivators could only sigh in frustration, knowing that they could never catch up to a teleporting demon core.

As the demon core was on the brink of disappearing from their sight, a bolt of lightning descended from the distant sky, striking the demon core directly. The demon core quivered uncontrollably under this impact, as if on the verge of disintegration.

From the distant sky emerged a Daoist Master's figure, surrounded by electric radiance. Who else could it be but Jia Liang?

Jia Liang's arrival plunged the two remaining Demon Clan ancestors into despair. The single-horned Elder, who had been locked in fierce combat with Wang Hong, sensed the dire situation and, while deflecting Wang Hong's attack, rapidly retreated.

Then, it transformed into a mist of blood, morphing into a scarlet rainbow, disappearing into the horizon before Wang Hong could give chase.

After this intense battle with the single-horned Demonic Beast, Wang Hong gained a clearer understanding of his Body Refining strength. His physical prowess should now surpass that of Demonic Beasts of the same tier.

Having seen the single-horned Demonic Beast escape, the last remaining Elder felt a deep sense of hopelessness. It lacked the secret Blood Escape technique and had no means of fleeing.

Driven to desperation, it charged headlong into the Four Symbols Sword Formation, while simultaneously, the trapped ten ancestors unleashed their power in a coordinated strike.


The Four Symbols Sword Formation, already barely holding together, was shattered by this combined internal and external assault, a culmination of various factors.

The ten ancestors stepped out of the broken formation and saw a fellow Elder lying on the ground, barely clinging to life.

Their gazes then turned to the sky, where they noticed the sudden presence of a Nascent Soul Cultivator. However, the addition of one more cultivator didn't matter much to them.

"Why are you the only demon left? What about the single-horned and Big Black?" inquired one of the Demonic Beasts, while the others also showed interest, eager to learn what had transpired.

"The single-horned one escaped, and Big Black fell in battle. I was concerned that you, Fellow Daoists, were trapped within the Restriction Formation and took the risk to break it," explained the injured Demon Clan Elder. Then, seeing that the Human Clan members around were not preparing to attack, it recounted the recent events in detail.

Especially when it spoke of sacrificing its own life to break the formation and save the ancestors, its words were impassioned, convincing the other ancestors of its sincerity.

The injured Demonic Beast spoke at length, taking the opportunity to recover some of its strength, knowing that when true danger arose, these ancestors were not to be relied upon, and it had to depend on itself.

"Thank you, Fellow Daoist, for risking your life to save us! If you have any future needs, please do not hesitate to ask," several other Demon Clan members expressed their gratitude.

Wang Hong and his followers had been observing the situation with detached interest. They could see through the insincerity of the Demon Clan members, but they refrained from intervening, using this rare opportunity to recuperate after the recent battle.

Wang Hong retrieved a glistening white pill and swallowed it, quickly allowing his heavily injured body to start healing.

Once the ten Demon Clan ancestors understood the situation, they all turned their attention to Wang Hong. Despite the addition of a Nascent Soul cultivator, they still didn't regard them as a significant threat.

Seeing this, Jia Liang swiftly moved to stand in front of Wang Hong.

"Human, if I were you, I would take advantage of this opportunity to escape while you can."

"Do you think you can contend with us, a bunch of riffraff like you? Ahh!" The Elder was gloating when suddenly, a cry of pain escaped its lips, and a bloody hole appeared in its body.

From the shadows where the Elder had been standing moments ago, a black-robed cultivator emerged. It was none other than Liu Changsheng, who had recently advanced to Nascent Soul. He hadn't had time to solidify his Realm and had rushed here as quickly as possible.

Upon arriving, Liu Changsheng had remained concealed, searching for the right moment to strike and aiming for a single fatal blow. It wasn't until just now that he had seized the opportunity. Although the Demon Beast hadn't died on the spot, it was severely wounded after Liu Changsheng's sneak attack.

After the successful strike, Liu Changsheng swiftly positioned himself in front of Wang Hong. In his efforts to remain hidden, he hadn't even informed Wang Hong of his presence until now.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 557: Retreat


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