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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


As Wang Hong continued his escape, he managed to replenish his depleted Spiritual Power. While fleeing, he couldn't avoid some attacks, but they were deflected by the surrounding leaves.

Deep in thought, he realized that continuing to run wasn't a viable option. He had left the Defense Formation to engage in battle, not to be a punching bag. Otherwise, he might as well have stayed safely within the city.

With this in mind, while on the run, he raised both hands, and countless Poisonous Bees swarmed out, forming a massive shadow behind him. They blocked the path of the pursuing Demon Clan and launched an attack.

The more than ten Old Ancestors who were pursuing him suddenly encountered a strange swarm of insects in their path. These insects swarmed towards them, brandishing tusks. The Old Ancestors quickly used their techniques to combat these peculiar creatures.

Most of these insects possessed the strength of the second tier, and there were a multitude of them, covered in armored shells, with sharp tusks. What made them even more dangerous was their fearless determination to die in battle.

Even these fourth-tier Demonic Beasts would suffer greatly once their bodies were invaded by copious amounts of poison.

Over a dozen Old Ancestors were surrounded by Poisonous Bees, with each one of them facing the onslaught of tens of thousands of these creatures. Furthermore, some of the Poisonous Bees were third-tier.

These third-tier Poisonous Bees had even sharper tusks and more potent toxins. Some had learned to cultivate their tail stingers into magical weapons, capable of launching long-range attacks.

The fourteen Old Ancestors found themselves overwhelmed by this relentless assault. They were momentarily thrown into disarray and couldn't eliminate these suicidal Poisonous Bees in the short term.

They were forced to abandon their pursuit of Wang Hong as he came to a halt during his escape. Wang Hong immediately turned around, and four crimson Flying Swords shot out from his body.

Having been under continuous attack without a chance to retaliate, he now seized the opportunity to employ his most potent technique.

The four Flying Swords separated in mid-air and rapidly formed a sword formation under the guidance of his aura. This formation was none other than the Four Symbols Sword Formation.

As the formation took shape, a faint radiance enveloped it, trapping one of the Demon Clan Old Ancestors within.

This particular Old Ancestor had been fervently fighting off the strange insects when suddenly, he found himself surrounded by a white, hazy environment.

Before he could react, countless phantoms emerged within this white haze. There were Blue Dragons, White Tigers, Vermilion Birds, and Black Tortoises, all charging toward him with formidable auras.

Simultaneously, there were manifestations of the four elements—gold, wood, water, and fire. The Demon Clan Old Ancestor felt as if his body was on the verge of assimilation.

He quickly became submerged in various phantoms and anomalies, without even raising a ripple.

From releasing Poisonous Bees to obstruct the enemy, to employing the sword formation and entrapping this Old Ancestor, it all happened within a moment.

By the time the other Old Ancestors managed to clear the Poisonous Bees around them and had the opportunity to deal with Wang Hong, one Old Ancestor was already missing from the scene.

"Insolent scoundrel! You seek death!"

The remaining thirteen Old Ancestors roared in anger and began to attack Wang Hong one after another.

The number of Poisonous Bees that remained was now quite small, and most of them had been forcibly scattered far away by the Old Ancestors' Demonic Energy, leaving them in a dazed and disoriented state. They were effectively incapacitated for the time being.

Unable to maintain the sword formation while defending against numerous attacks, Wang Hong had no choice but to dispel the formation and make a hasty retreat.

The thirteen Demon Clan Old Ancestors joined forces in their attack, which was no easy feat. Especially daunting was the Old Ancestor with a single horn on his head, who was already a mid-tier fourth-tier cultivator, equivalent to the Nascent Soul mid-stage. He was a formidable adversary.

As the Four Symbols Sword Formation dissipated, the Old Ancestor's true form was revealed. However, only half of his body remained intact; the rest had disappeared into thin air.

Suddenly, a fist-sized, golden, radiant demon core flew out from the remaining half of his body.

The other thirteen Old Ancestors temporarily shifted their focus from attacking Wang Hong and reached out to grab the demon core. Demon cores were valuable not only to Human Clan cultivators but also to Demon Clan members, as consuming one could greatly enhance their strength.

Their cooperation was based on self-interest and the command of the Great Demonic Envoy; they had no deep bonds of friendship among themselves. Given the opportunity to devour each other, they wouldn't hesitate.

The demon core floated in mid-air, spinning rapidly. As many hands reached out to grasp it, the demon core suddenly emitted a brilliant light and vanished from its original location.

The demon core reappeared several hundred yards away, then vanished again in an instant, only to reappear another few hundred yards away.

This was a teleportation ability known only to Nascent Soul cultivators and fourth-tier Demonic Beasts. It was the highest-level secret technique for survival, but it required the separation of the soul from the physical body, so it was rarely used except in dire circumstances.

In just a few moments, the demon core had escaped beyond the range of their Divine Sense, making it impossible to capture.

After the demon core fled, the Old Ancestors redirected their attacks toward Wang Hong once more.

Wang Hong could only flee once again. As he passed by the edge of King's City, he discreetly sent a few messages using Message Transmission before swiftly moving on.

His escape route continued to stay near King's City. Initially, the Demon Clan Old Ancestors were worried that he might enter a formation within the city and remain hidden, but when they saw that Wang Hong had no such intention, they felt relieved.

However, as Wang Hong once again passed by a corner of King's City, he suddenly came to a halt and activated the Four Symbols Sword Formation again, enveloping the pursuing Demon Clan Old Ancestors.

Realizing the dire situation, the Old Ancestors attempted to escape, but they were met with radiant lights raining down from above. Each of these radiant lights was a magical weapon, covering all possible escape routes.

The Old Ancestors belatedly discovered that, hidden behind the formation, three hundred Golden Core cultivators had been lying in ambush. The formation had prevented their Divine Sense from detecting them earlier.

The three hundred cultivators simultaneously unleashed their magical weapons, blocking the Old Ancestors' escape routes.

The Poisonous Bees that had been scattered earlier had also regrouped in the vicinity. Those that had survived the previous battles were the stronger ones, and they now surrounded the area, preventing the Old Ancestors from fleeing.

Finally, the Four Symbols Sword Formation descended, trapping only three of the Demonic Beasts. The other ten fourth-tier Demonic Beasts had been ensnared in the formation, while the remaining three were outside.

As Wang Hong maintained the Four Symbols Sword Formation with his Divine Sense and Spiritual Power, he also charged towards the lone Demonic Beast that had just broken free from the encirclement.

Though he had to use all of his Spiritual Power to maintain the formation, he still possessed physical strength.

This particular horned Demonic Beast, being a mid-tier fourth-tier Demonic Beast, was the strongest among the Old Ancestors. He had endured dozens of hits from magical weapons in his escape before finally breaking free from the encirclement.

Before he could steady himself, Wang Hong swung a wooden staff towards him, and he quickly blocked it with his forearms.

With a resounding crash, the two collided with immense force. The wooden staff shattered, and the Demonic Beast's forearm split open.

Wang Hong discarded the broken staff and delivered a powerful punch to the Demonic Beast, initiating a brutal contest of pure physical strength between the two.

Meanwhile, the other two Demonic Beasts that had broken free from the encirclement found themselves surrounded by three hundred Golden Core cultivators.

Already wounded from their earlier escape attempt, and with tens of thousands of Poisonous Bees relentlessly attacking them, the two Demon Clan Old Ancestors were clearly at a disadvantage.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 556: Four Symbols Sword Formation


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