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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


The formidable procession headed towards Qingxu Mountain suddenly received news that their own lairs had been raided by Human Clan Cultivators.

All the groups halted their advance, and the patriarchs of each clan returned to inspect the situation. The outcomes varied - some Demon Clan lairs had indeed been thoroughly plundered, with all Demonic Beasts annihilated and not a single corpse left behind. All the Spiritual Objects had been looted, houses demolished, and, most importantly, the painstakingly constructed altar had been shattered.

This amounted to decades of hard work since their descent into East Zhou, all gone to waste, with significant losses. Starting over from scratch was a painful prospect.

Of course, some patriarchs returned to find their lairs intact and were relieved. Compared to the unfortunate ones whose homes had been raided, they considered themselves fortunate.

Subsequently, the Demon Clan patriarchs frantically searched for Wang Hong's whereabouts, turning the entire Demon Clan region upside down but to no avail.

Soon, the Demon Clan patriarchs gathered to discuss the situation and realized that they needed to change their strategy.

"In my opinion, all eighteen of us patriarchs should unite and directly crush Qingxu Mountain, leaving no one alive. It will be more convenient that way," declared Moonwatch Rhino, his heart seething with hatred for the Human Clan of Qingxu Mountain.

"Yes, with eighteen patriarchs, we can simply storm the mountain. The Demon Clan army can follow and take over afterward," another agreed.

This proposal quickly gained support from many patriarchs, as they sought to expedite matters and manage the aftermath. Additionally, it would help them deal with the numerous Golden Core Cultivators of the Great Chu Immortal Nation, who posed a threat due to their increasing numbers.

Now, their anger was driving them; they didn't want to delay any longer and wished to destroy the Great Chu Immortal Nation immediately.

"Wait, what if we attack Qingxu Mountain, but their Nascent Soul Cultivator isn't there?" inquired Yaohou Clan Ancestor amidst the fervor.

"In that case, we'll destroy Qingxu Mountain first and then hunt down the Nascent Soul Cultivator! Do you have a better plan?" Moonwatch Rhino glared with fiery eyes, his nostrils spewing white smoke, intimidating Yaohou Clan Ancestor.

Yaohou Clan Ancestor gave Moonwatch Rhino a sidelong glance and continued calmly, "The strength of a Nascent Soul Cultivator is formidable. If they choose to hide, finding them would be as difficult as searching for a needle in the ocean. If they harbor a grudge, we might find ourselves under attack at any moment, perhaps right at our doorstep."

Yaohou's words soon calmed many patriarchs. Some of their lairs were still intact, and their anger wasn't as intense as it initially seemed. They were more concerned about the possibility of Human Clan Nascent Souls raiding their lairs when they were unprepared.

As a result, the eighteen patriarchs split into two factions. Ten patriarchs, whose lairs had been completely ransacked, were now acting recklessly. The remaining eight, whose lairs were still intact, had reservations and feared their homes might be destroyed if they acted without caution.

After countless debates and skirmishes, both sides reached a compromise. Four patriarchs would stay behind to safeguard their territories, while the remaining fourteen, along with their four-tier Demonic Beasts, would march towards Qingxu Mountain. The Demon Clan army, led by three-tier Demonic Beasts, advanced slowly behind them.

Meanwhile, Wang Hong returned to King's City, filling the city's warehouses to the brim with various Spiritual Objects he had looted. He then sent a Transmission Talisman to Chen Xiaofeng, asking him to find any materials he needed.

Upon receiving the Transmission Talisman and discovering the wealth Wang Hong had plundered from the Demon Clan, Chen Xiaofeng was left speechless and astonished.

Wang Hong couldn't find Jia Liang in King's City; he had accompanied Liu Changsheng to Qingxu Mountain. It seemed Liu Changsheng was about to form his Nascent Soul, which would make the Great Chu Immortal Nation boast four Nascent Soul Cultivators.

In King's City, the newly recruited fifty thousand soldiers were undergoing training. After dedicating substantial resources, these soldiers had rapidly progressed, now all reaching the rank of first-tier warriors.

With fifty thousand first-tier warriors, if they fought in formation and cooperated, they could eliminate several waves of Demon Clan Beast Tide.

However, there was a shortage of weapons, and only about half of the soldiers had suitable equipment. The rest were practicing unarmed combat. The Ministry of Works was working tirelessly to produce weapons, prioritizing speed over aesthetics, resulting in crude-looking armaments.

Nonetheless, the soldiers cherished these weapons as if they were treasures, considering them far superior to their previous tools, such as axes and cleavers. They marveled at the remarkable craftsmanship of these weapons, which were created using celestial techniques.

At that moment, several flying boats returned from outside the city and landed in a plaza. A group of heavily armed soldiers disembarked, exuding an aura of confidence and determination.

Some of the new recruits, who had been training with unusual weapons, looked at these fully equipped soldiers with envy. In their eyes, these soldiers were like divine beings descended from the heavens.

Gu Wei emerged from one of the Flying Boats, looking at his ten thousand troops. These soldiers had undergone a baptism of actual combat over this period, and their demeanor had undergone a remarkable transformation, making them almost unrecognizable from when they departed.

While they were the objects of admiration for the new recruits, they also had their own idols. In their eyes, the East Zhou army, Demon Subduing Army, and Renaissance Army were the true epitomes of valor and excellence.

After the practical experience of this campaign, they could be formally integrated into one of the three revered military units. This was the aspiration they held dear.

As Gu Wei observed his troops, a sense of accomplishment welled up within him. These were the fruits of his years of effort and diligence.

At that moment, he suddenly felt something and took out a Transmission Talisman, throwing it out.

Soon after, urgent alarm bells rang throughout the Royal Palace, spreading across the entire city. The city, which had seemed dormant, suddenly came to life, as if awakening from a slumber. Everything swiftly fell into motion.

King's City's defensive formation was activated, and a Light Shield materialized over the city, enveloping it within.

The city's troops ascended the city walls rapidly and in an organized manner. The remaining civilians were organized to assist with transporting supplies and various auxiliary tasks.

At this point, fourteen distant black dots appeared in the sky. These dots rapidly grew larger and soon came into view, revealing fourteen humanoid Demon Clan figures.

"Today, we, the Demon Clan patriarchs, are here in person. Send out your Nascent Soul Cultivator to meet their death!" declared the leader, a humanoid Demonic Beast with a single horn on its head. Simultaneously, it released a four-tier pressure, and an overwhelming demonic aura surged.

Although King's City was protected by a Large Formation, shielding it from the pressure, the city's inhabitants still felt the terror it exuded.

"What's this? Afraid to show yourselves, hiding like turtles in their shells? Hahaha!" taunted another patriarch. Suddenly, it sensed a murderous intent behind it and turned to find Black Turtle Ancestor, with cold, sinister eyes, staring it down.

Facing a formidable adversary, Wang Hong had no intention of hiding. As the ruler of a nation, he was a symbol of the nation, and in critical moments, he had to step forward. It was a duty he bore as a monarch.

This was necessary to instill confidence in the citizens. If even he retreated, his army and the people would lose the courage to face the Demon Clan in a decisive battle.

Alone, Wang Hong flew out of the defensive Large Formation without fear, heading towards the fourteen Demon Clan patriarchs.

Behind him, Skinny Monkey led the Imperial Dragon Army and the other three military units, all ready to follow Wang Hong out of King's City to face the threat.

However, Wang Hong's message transmission stopped them, instructing them to stay and defend King's City while awaiting an opportunity. The various military units slowly retreated to their original positions.

In the city, millions of people watched their king stride forward alone to confront the Demon Clan, making his solitary figure appear larger in their hearts. To them, he seemed to touch the sky with his head and tread on the earth with his feet.

Many felt a pang of regret that they lacked the power to share the burden with their king during this crucial moment. Instead, their king faced the threat alone.

"Brat, prepare to die!"

Among the fourteen patriarchs, ten had their lairs raided by Wang Hong, and they harbored deep-seated hatred towards him. They wasted no time and unleashed their most powerful attacks against Wang Hong.

Several beams of light intertwined in the sky and rushed towards Wang Hong from different directions, seemingly about to reduce him to ashes.

At that moment, thirty-six tender green leaves flew out from around Wang Hong, each adorned with peculiar runes. These thirty-six leaves moved in a mysterious pattern, protecting Wang Hong from every angle.

The attacks from the ten patriarchs all struck the thirty-six leaves, emitting dazzling bursts of light.

The intense light was blinding, making it impossible for anyone in King's City to open their eyes or approach with their Divine Sense, as it would be consumed by the radiance.

Accompanied by the brilliant light were the continuous sounds of collisions, echoing incessantly.

After a moment, the light gradually weakened, and Wang Hong appeared from within the radiance. He seemed unharmed, but the thirty-six leaves around him had dimmed considerably.

The fourteen patriarchs also realized that Wang Hong had miraculously survived their combined attack. It was truly an exceptional feat.

"You won't escape!" declared the Demonic Beast with the single horn on its head, emanating a palpable hatred.

The fourteen Demon Clan patriarchs continued to chase after Wang Hong, who had endured their entire onslaught. However, Wang Hong's spiritual power was depleted after maintaining the leaf defense for a short period.

He had managed to break free from the encirclement, taking the opportunity to replenish his spiritual power. While fleeing, he retrieved a bottle, broke it open with his teeth, and swallowed the contents.

"Crack!" The bottle shattered, and the liquid flowed into his mouth.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 555: Ambush


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