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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Ah! Have we exhausted our supplies so quickly?" Wang Hong had not paid much attention to these matters, and he didn't expect them to run out so fast.

Great Chu Immortal Nation had acquired resources from three major Demon Clans: the Qingxu Tribe, the Purple Flame Scorpion King, and the Winged Tiger Clan. The combined wealth of these three clans was barely enough to sustain their extravagant spending for this amount of time.

"Your Majesty, during this period, we've transported and refined six hundred Flying Boats, as well as added several dozen Golden Core Cultivators, all of whom require magical weapons. Additionally, there's the expenditure for the five hundred thousand-strong army," Chen Xiaofeng explained, sounding overwhelmed.

Each of the tasks he mentioned would be considered a monumental feat for any other major power, often requiring them to go to great lengths and possibly bankrupt themselves. Yet, they had to accomplish all of them.

"How much more do we need?" Wang Hong inquired.

"We're still short of dozens of magical weapons, equipment for two hundred thousand soldiers, and some other materials," Chen Xiaofeng replied.

"Very well, I'll handle these matters. You can take a break for now, and I'll provide you with the necessary materials soon," Wang Hong said thoughtfully.

Subsequently, Wang Hong sought out Liu Changsheng once more.

"How is the Demon Clan's army faring now?" he asked.

"Your Majesty, the Demon Clan has been held back, and their numbers have decreased significantly. Their advance has only slightly slowed down. At the current pace, they are expected to reach the Great Chu Immortal Nation's border in eight months," Liu Changsheng reported.

"During this time, focus on your cultivation. Here, take a Nascent Formation Pill. When you feel ready, seek out Xu Lun or Jia Liang, and they will accompany you to Qingxu Mountain for the infant transformation," Wang Hong said, retrieving a finely crafted jade vial from his Storage Bag, containing the last Nascent Formation Pill in his possession.

The last time, he had only produced three Nascent Formation Pills, and now they were all gone. He wouldn't have any more Nascent Formation Pills for a while.

"Next, I will personally visit the rear of the Demon Clan," Wang Hong announced.

Before leaving, he gave Jia Liang some instructions. With three Nascent Soul Cultivators, including Sloppy Old Daoist, away, and Wang Hong himself about to leave, only Jia Liang would remain to shoulder the responsibility of guarding King's City.

As a lightning-element Cultivator, Jia Liang's combat strength exceeded that of other cultivators in the same tier, making him a trustworthy choice for this task.

Wang Hong suppressed his aura and quietly infiltrated the rear of the Demon Clan. With most of the fourth-tier Demonic Beasts attacking Qingxu Mountain, these areas were relatively unguarded. He randomly chose to start with the Moonwatch Rhino Clan and quickly located the Black Mist Marsh. Although it had a protective formation, it was far inferior to the Winged Tiger Clan's formation.

This time, he didn't need to conceal his identity. He directly summoned two Flying Swords and formed a Tai Chi Sword Formation, shooting out green and red beams of light that soon tore a large hole in the formation.

His actions quickly attracted the attention of the Demonic Beasts in Black Mist Marsh. When they arrived, they found the formation breached, and the enemy had already entered.

These were all Demonic Beasts left behind by the Moonwatch Rhino Patriarch, and they were among the Demon Clan's most trusted forces. They now charged toward Wang Hong, willing to sacrifice themselves without hesitation.

Wang Hong hadn't yet retracted his Tai Chi Sword Formation when the blue and red beams of light shot towards an approaching Demonic Beast. As soon as the beams made contact with the creature, it disintegrated into pieces and fell to the ground.

The beams continued to strike down upon a group of surrounding Demonic Beasts. Not a single one touched by the light survived.

The remaining few Demonic Beasts attempted to flee but were also caught by the beams, meeting their demise.

At this point, Wang Hong released his Poisonous Bees once again, allowing them to engage with the remaining Demon Clan creatures while he focused on searching for treasures. His visit this time was solely for the purpose of acquiring resources.

Drawing from his previous experiences, he went straight for the Treasure Vaults or warehouses, wherever they might be located.

With his Divine Sense fully extended, he scanned all objects within a two-mile radius and soon located a building. Although there were no clear markings indicating its purpose, the heavy defenses and protective formations signaled that it was anything but ordinary.

He headed straight for the building, easily dispatching a few Demonic Beasts that obstructed his path, and reached its entrance.

Breaking through the protective formation with a beam of light, he entered the structure, finding rows of shelves filled with goods as far as the eye could see.

He was well acquainted with this situation and didn't waste time identifying individual items. Everything he took could be put to use, so he swiftly collected them all into his Space.

Next on his list was the cave mansion of a fourth-tier Demonic Beast. If his assumptions were correct, there should be an altar inside, adorned with a high-grade Spirit Stone.

When he reached the cave mansion belonging to the Moonwatch Rhino Patriarch, his suspicions were confirmed. Inside, there was indeed an altar with a high-grade Spirit Stone.

He didn't understand why the Demon Clan had a penchant for constructing altars, but it didn't matter; he shattered them all.

Having plundered Black Mist Marsh, Wang Hong proceeded to the next Demon Clan's territory. Since he had come this far, he might as well visit a few more and gather everything in one go.

After more than a month of travel, Moonwatch Rhino Patriarch and his group finally rendezvoused with another Demon Clan, bolstering their sense of security.

One day, a white light flew in from the distant sky and landed among the Moonwatch Rhino tribe. It revealed its true form, the same monstrous bird from before.

"Patriarch! It's bad news! Black Mist Marsh has been breached," the bird exclaimed urgently.

Moonwatch Rhino Patriarch was puzzled, "Again? Didn't I leave behind over a dozen scouts to watch over it? Couldn't they hold their ground?"

This was not the first time humans had attacked it. It wondered if these humans thought it was easy to provoke.

"This time, only one person came, and we couldn't stop him at all. I slipped away during the chaos to deliver this message to you, Patriarch."

The white bird let out a sigh of relief, grateful for its quick escape, as it might have met the same fate as the others.

Moonwatch Rhino Patriarch briefly informed the other fourth-tier Demonic Beasts in his group and then flew back towards Black Mist Marsh.

One of the fourth-tier Demonic Beasts in the group had been mocking Moonwatch Rhino Patriarch's misfortune, but a day later, one of its kin came with grave news.

Their territory had been breached by a Human Clan Cultivator, causing heavy casualties, and their treasury had been plundered. Most importantly, the intruder had broken into its cave mansion, and while it hadn't dared to enter, the beast assumed the Cultivator wouldn't do anything good inside.

Inside its cave mansion lay an altar, and its destruction would require a significant amount of resources for rebuilding.

This fourth-tier Demonic Beast roared in anger and also abandoned the group, flying back home. It couldn't let an unclaimed Large-sized Spirit Vein fall into someone else's hands while its own Large-sized Spirit Vein was at risk of destruction.

Wang Hong continued his journey throughout the East Zhou region, leaving nothing behind in the Demonic Beast lairs. After his visits, only barren land remained.

The Spiritual Objects in his Space had multiplied, and his Poisonous Bees, after several intense battles, had diminished in number.

It seemed like it was time to return. During his journey, he had found ten altars and collected ten high-grade Spirit Stones. These Demonic Beasts had suffered losses, and they would likely go mad soon.

Before the Demon Clan could react, he needed to quietly slip away from the area.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 554: One Against Fourteen


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