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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the hospital room of Arkham Asylum, Schiller held the medical records and said to the nurse: "...Give him another day of fluid infusion tomorrow. If the symptoms of agitation have not improved, transfer him to the regular hospital room. I suspect he may have a hereditary mental problem."

"By the way, the patient in bed 4 has recovered very well and will be discharged tomorrow. He said he slept very well in the hospital and hopes we can give him some sleeping pills. Later, I'll write a prescription for anxiety, and when you dispense the medication, remember to give him 30% less, and have him take it at intervals so he doesn't become dependent."

As the nurse was listening to Schiller speak and taking notes, another nurse suddenly rushed in and shouted, "Oh no! Dr. Schiller! A pregnant woman on the 4th floor has gone into early labor, and it looks like she'll give birth in our hospital!"

"Mrs. Miller has already passed, but the pregnant woman's mental condition has not fully recovered. Her blood pressure has risen sharply. Please go with Dr. Brand immediately!"

Schiller immediately put down what he was doing and ran to the 4th floor with the nurses in the hospital room. As soon as he got there, he could smell the strong scent of blood.

Before he even entered the hospital room, he said to the nurse behind him, "Our hospital doesn't have a blood bank. The nearest one should be the central hospital, right? Have them open the blood bank and send a few more obstetricians over!"

As he walked into the hospital room, he said, "We can handle psychiatric cases, but not childbirth. Hopefully they'll arrive soon."

About 4 hours later, the blood-soaked Schiller walked out of the hospital room, sighing wearily. He greeted the obstetrician next to him, "It was truly an emergency. I haven't seen a situation like this in years. Fortunately, all of you are highly skilled..."

After seeing off the obstetricians, it was already late at night. Pulling someone back from the brink of death is not an easy task, even for a psychiatrist. Stabilizing the pregnant woman's blood pressure and helping her coordinate her breathing during labor was extremely difficult.

Fortunately, the doctors at Gotham's major hospitals are accustomed to delivering babies in dangerous situations. In the end, the mother and child were safe, and Schiller breathed a sigh of relief. He planned to go to the rest area to clean up and then go straight to sleep.

But as soon as he returned to his office, he found a figure sitting on the sofa, and it didn't have two pointed ears.

When the figure heard the noise and turned around to look at Schiller, both of them were stunned.

Schiller was stunned because he didn't recognize the person in front of him. The figure looked very young, with blond hair and a handsome, sunny appearance. He was wearing an expensive-looking watch, clearly a wealthy young master.

The figure in front was stunned because Schiller's appearance was truly frightening. When he went to the hospital room, he didn't have time to put on a surgical gown, and with the urgent situation and lack of staff, he and Dr. Brand had taken on some of the nurses' work, leaving him covered in dried blood.

Now, the sides of his face, both hands, and half of his sleeves were stained with coagulated blood. There was a large blood stain on his chest, and traces of blood on his neck and behind his ears.

This kind of situation is not uncommon in the emergency department, as some patients arrive bleeding profusely, and even wearing a surgical gown may not be able to fully protect against it. But for the person in front of him, who was clearly not a doctor, seeing Schiller in this state completely stunned him.

"Uh, sorry, you are...?" Schiller looked at him, asking with some confusion.

The person in front of him paused for nearly 20 seconds before slowly speaking: "Hello, Professor Schiller, I am Roman Sionis, a graduate of Gotham University this year. I arrived this afternoon, and Mrs. Miller asked me to wait for you in your office, but I didn't expect you to come back so late..."

Schiller nodded in understanding, then looked at Roman and asked, "So what brings you here?"

"Oh, it's like this, Professor Schiller..." 

Before Roman could finish, the office door was knocked on again, and Bruce walked in. Seeing Schiller's appearance, he was also stunned.

"What do you want?" Schiller looked at Bruce and said, then looked at Bruce and Roman, "Are you two majoring in staying up late at Gotham University? Do you know what time it is now? Can't you discuss this tomorrow?"

Bruce was taken aback. He looked down at his watch, and it was 10 o'clock at night. But he clearly remembered that this Professor wouldn't sleep before 2 a.m., and every time he came to revise his paper, it was after 11 p.m., and Schiller had never complained that he was coming too late.

But then Bruce reacted again. Shouldn't he be surprised by Schiller's bloody appearance, not by the time?

"Bruce, you're here too?" Roman took the initiative to greet Bruce, saying, "Didn't you transfer to the physics postgraduate program? Are you here to handle the transfer?"

Seeing Roman, Bruce was also a bit surprised. He and Roman were college classmates, and they had a good private relationship, as the Sionis family was also a well-known wealthy family in Gotham, and their fathers were old friends who often met at various social events.

"I came to discuss some personal matters with Professor Schiller," Bruce replied, then looked at Roman and asked, "And you?"

"Oh." Roman had a somewhat embarrassed expression on his face. He said, "It's a bit embarrassing, but my family wants me to go to Metropolis University for my studies. My father hopes I can get a letter of recommendation that carries weight."

"You know that among the professors at Gotham University, Professor Schiller is the most renowned. He has recently published another heavyweight academic paper, and he is a highly sought-after figure in the academic world. My father's idea is that if I can get a recommendation letter from him, it will give our family more prestige."

Roman's expression became increasingly embarrassed, and then he looked at Schiller and said, "Uh, sorry, Professor, my dad, he's just that kind of... well, that kind of old-fashioned person who thinks money can solve anything."

"Of course, I absolutely don't mean to disrespect you, but if you could be a little more accommodating, the Sionis family would be extremely grateful to you."

"You've come to the wrong person." Bruce shook his head and smiled, then said, "Don't you know? Professor Schiller is known for being strict. The psychology department at Gotham University has the most upright academic atmosphere, otherwise I wouldn't have almost failed to graduate."

Hearing this, Roman sighed dejectedly and said, "I knew it wouldn't work, but my dad just won't believe it. But... Professor Schiller, are you alright? Why are you covered in blood?"

"Oh, I'm fine. I just had a critically ill patient, and the hospital was short-handed, so I participated in the rescue, which is why I ended up like this. It's quite late today, why don't you come back tomorrow?"

Bruce and Roman both opened their mouths, but neither of them made a move to leave. It seemed like they both wanted to wait for the other to leave first, so they could stay behind and talk to Schiller alone, so they both remained in place, deadlocked.

At this moment, a series of hurried footsteps came from outside, and Harley ran in, shouting, "Schiller, I've come up with a great way to capture the idiot who committed the hospital murder case. You really have to praise me, I'm simply a..."

Seeing the blood-soaked Schiller, Harley froze for two seconds, then let out a startling scream and shouted, "You didn't already kill the murderer, did you?! I knew you've been wanting to kill him all along!"

Then she rushed up to Schiller, chattering at him, "How did you kill him? With so much blood... let me think, you couldn't have crushed him with a big hammer, could you? That would be a great idea, I like it!"

"No, judging from the direction of the blood splatter, you must have used a knife, right? You slit his throat? Oh my god, that must have tasted wonderful!"

But then she angrily shouted, "And you didn't even take me along for such a fun thing!"

Seeing Bruce and Roman staring at her, Schiller quickly covered Harley's mouth and smiled at the two of them, "This child is mentally unstable, she's talking nonsense, please don't mind her."

"Anyway, I just participated in an emergency rescue, and I'm very tired now, so could you please leave first?"

Schiller's intention to send them away was already very clear. Although he was smiling as he said these words, combined with the blood on his face and hands, the words took on another meaning - if you don't leave, you'll never leave.

"Okay, sorry for the disturbance, Professor. We'll be in touch next time." Roman was the first to give up. He nodded to Bruce and Schiller, then left the room. Bruce then looked at Schiller and also left.

After sending Harley to Mrs. Miller's, Schiller didn't immediately rest, but waited in his office for a while. Sure enough, Batman's figure appeared in the office again.

Without waiting for Schiller to speak, Batman said in a very confident tone, "It seems they've come to you. How many did you kill?"

Just as Schiller was about to open his mouth, Batman cut him off, "I don't want to hear any details, and I have no interest in your modus operandi. Since they are serial killers themselves and not worthy of sympathy, and you were acting in self-defense, I can temporarily overlook it. But you'd better be more discreet and not corrupt the children."

With that, Batman left the window sill again. Schiller stood by the window, watching his figure jump down, shaking his head helplessly.

Just as Schiller was about to go back to his room to rest, the office phone rang again. He had to go over and answer it. A familiar voice came from the other end - it was the murderous maniac who had previously called to harass Schiller. He spoke in a deep tone:

"It seems one idiot has already been taken care of by you, or perhaps more than one. I imagine they received a warm welcome from you, but no relationship. I will also treat you well."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1140 Professor (Part Twelve)


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