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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Gordon turned to look at Harley, not understanding why she was reacting so intensely. Logically, she should not know Schiller.

Schiller smiled at Harley, but that didn't relax her at all. She just stood behind Gordon, staring at Schiller warily. Schiller looked at Gordon and said helplessly, "It seems she doesn't like me very much. You'll have to ask her."

Gordon turned around, bent down, and looked into Harley's eyes, asking, "You said the killer wore a mask. What kind of mask did he wear?"

Harley shook her head hard, pursing her lips and not saying a word. At this time, the head nurse came over and said, "In any case, she's still just a child. She shouldn't be questioned here after such a big shock. She should go take a hot bath and rest."

Gordon sighed lightly. He didn't want to put too much pressure on Harley either. So he turned his head and said to the head nurse, "Of course, I understand, ma'am. But if we don't get to the bottom of this soon, the hospital will become even more chaotic."

"If Miss Quinn provides any clues later, please let me know." With that, Gordon stepped back to let the other two nurses take Harley away.

Bruce stepped forward to ask Schiller about hospital rules and doctor habits, but didn't gain much insight because psychiatrists were special. They rarely participated in the normal operations of the hospital, and their habits differed from other doctors. After a few questions, Bruce realized he had no need to invite Schiller today.

Now, he was quite clear about the serial killer's modus operandi. If this case had to be evaluated, it would be "skillful, but not too much."

An experienced cop like Gordon could trace the clues. Bruce and Schiller coming together was a complete waste of detective resources.

After Schiller returned to Arkham Asylum, Brand entered his office and said to him, "You agreed to accept patients from Commissioner Gordon? I was quite startled when they sent the patients over."

"Yes, these patients don't have obvious reactions to the antidote and have some mental issues, which falls under our jurisdiction, doesn't it? If you're overwhelmed, go find Jonathan. He'll help you."

Schiller stood by the cabinet behind the glass partition, picking up the only remaining newspaper and starting to read it.

"No relationship, anyway, they'd be empty here too." Brand touched his cheek and continued, "They also sent a batch of intern nurses to help us with medication and intravenous injections. The people have arrived, and I arranged for them to stay in the employee dormitory."

"By the way, with the sudden increase in staff, Mrs. Miller has taken over the management of the nurses and become the head nurse again. You'd better not go to the inpatient department to take things for a while."

Then Brand said with some confusion, "I've never seen Mrs. Miller staring at you like that before. Didn't you two have a rather harmonious relationship? ...And why aren't you wearing gloves while handling the newspaper? Aren't you afraid of getting your hands dirty with ink?"

Schiller turned his head to look at Brand and said, "If you're really bored with nothing to do, just go to sleep. There will be more patients for you to deal with tomorrow."

Seeing Schiller's serious expression as he carefully read the newspaper, Brand shook his head but still turned and left.

Arkham Asylum went through another peaceful night, with only the headlights of ambulances transporting patients flashing in the darkness.

At this moment, a window in the office building suddenly lit up. Looking from outside, a small shadowy figure stood by the desk, turning back in fright.

Still dressed in a suit, Schiller stood outside his office door, extending one hand to the switch on the wall and the other in his pocket. Seeing Harley opening the desk drawer, he said, "Miss Quinn, your dexterity astounds me."

After the initial shock and panic, Harley calmed down remarkably quickly. She closed the drawer unhurriedly and withdrew her hand, saying, "You're mistaken. I didn't come here to steal."

"But it's even more serious than that, isn't it?" Schiller still stood at the doorway, not entering the room. He said:

"I guess from start to finish, this was all part of your plan. From the chance encounter with Gordon, to displaying your evil yet talented traits, to enrolling in technical college as a nurse, and then being deployed here with the nursing team - you must have had your sights set on me all along, right?"

Harley put her hands behind her back, looking upwards as if reluctant to acknowledge it. But suddenly, she became excited again, her bright eyes meeting Schiller's gaze as she said, "I knew I wasn't mistaken - we're the same kind of people!"

Schiller finally stepped into the room, closing the door behind him. Looking at Harley, he said, "I don't know what your purpose is in doing this, but whatever it is, it's not a reason for you to break into my office in the middle of the night. Even if you don't need sleep, I do need rest. Can you please leave now?"

"Is that all you have to say?" A hint of disappointment showed in Harley's eyes. She puffed out her cheeks angrily, then said rapidly, "I thought we'd be kindred spirits because we're the same kind of people, different from ordinary folks. You should welcome me because I..."


The crisp ringing of a telephone cut off Harley's words. Both Schiller and Harley turned their heads toward the vibrating telephone behind the glass partition wall. Schiller sighed and went over to pick up the receiver. A voice came from the other end:

"You've seen my work at Wayne Hospital, haven't you? ...This is what I meant when I said I enjoy killing, hahahahaha!"

Here is the text translated to English:

In the end, the other person's voice started to become more and more shrill, because the room was very spacious, the voice kept echoing, and Harley also heard some snippets of words.

She ran quickly to Schiller's side, as if her tail had been suddenly stepped on, and snatched the Telephone from him. She said to the person on the other end:

"Huh? A greeting gift? Your miserable greeting gift isn't even worth as much as a frog in a stinky sewer! How are your thighs doing? You should probably get them amputated, right? How did you like the blow I gave you? You useless, stupid, sneaky old rat!"

"The cases you've worked on...you should have Marie Street's red-light district madam as your godmother, because the cases you've worked on are just like her stinky old shoes - dirty, boring, and stinking to high heaven!"

"You should go to the Ace Chemical Plant's underground and find an old rat to be your father, because what you're best at is sneaking in and drinking the dangerous industrial fuel, thinking you're the world's most brilliant thief!!!"

Harley bared her teeth and spat out all kinds of insulting words at a rapid pace.

The person on the other end clearly got angry too, and shouted loudly: "So it's you! You damned bitch! Just a brat! How dare you hide in the storeroom and ambush me, nearly killing me! You just wait! I'll make sure you know how formidable I am!!"

In the end, Harley angrily hung up the Telephone. Suddenly, she froze for a moment, then slowly turned her head to look at Schiller, who was smiling at her.

"Let me explain...you have to believe, I'm not a rude person! ...Yes, correct, it's all because of him! He's just too stupid!"

Harley took two steps back and said with a fake smile.

"Sir, you should really be more enthusiastic. I came here for you." Harley suddenly said in a deep voice: "You don't know how hard I've tried to find someone like me. My parents passed away, and I haven't talked to anyone for so long. Could you please keep me company for a chat?"

Schiller lowered his eyelids and glanced at her. Harley had very delicate features, showing the makings of a beauty. At this moment, her face showed genuine anticipation, her eye contact was clear, and her expression was innocent.

But Schiller ignored what she said and strode toward the office desk. Behind him, Harley's expression changed, and she stood in place shouting: "Where are you going? Come back!"

Schiller didn't stop walking, and Harley quickly tried to catch up to him. However, Schiller reached the bottom drawer first and opened it, revealing a dagger inside, even though it had been empty just a few hours earlier.

Schiller took out the dagger and tossed it onto the desktop with a clang. Looking at Harley, he said, "What, were you planning to deliver your greeting gift straight into my heart?"

Seeing that she had been exposed, Harley's face darkened. She twisted her mouth and said, "To hell with hearts! Only that stinky rat would want to cut someone's heart into pieces out of ignorance!"

"Someone who's lived this long but still has only this level of killing skills should just roll back into his mother's womb!" Harley rolled her eyes disdainfully. "No matter how hard he tries for the rest of his life, he'll never be more than a butcher!"

After finishing, Harley stared into Schiller's eyes and said, "Seriously, I'm not kidding. I really did come here to make friends with you."

Schiller didn't respond, only silently looking at the dagger on the desktop. Harley smiled wryly and said, "I've only heard of your reputation, never seen you in person. I had to find a way to confirm whether you really live up to your name or not."

"This isn't the first time you've pulled this kind of trick." Schiller picked up the dagger and weighed it in his hand, then said, "You deliberately pretended to be very afraid of me in front of Bruce and Gordon, trying to make them suspicious of me..."

"Miss, you really are a natural-born troublemaker."

Unexpectedly, Harley just snorted and then said defiantly, "I know you've been investigating the serial murder case as a very famous criminal psychologist. But now I see you're nothing special, mixing with those boring ordinary people."

"Or maybe, you're just like me, treating them as playthings?" A hint of amusement appeared in Harley's eyes as she said, "Mixing with ordinary people, going through the routines of school and work, watching their boring lives heading toward extinction in such mundane content?"

"Or playing both the killer and the most innocent bystander in shocking events that would terrify them, using an ordinary person's identity to enjoy the fruits of your own labor?"

"Miss Quinn, it's gotten too late today. I think we should go back and rest first. If there's anything else, we can discuss it tomorrow..."


The office door was pushed open, and an excited Jonathan came in, saying, "Schiller! You absolutely won't believe it! I've thought of a great idea. It will only need a year and a half to prepare. Maybe by the end of next year, you'll be able to be in the news reports..."

Schiller quickly shifted his gaze to Harley's confused expression. He strode over to Jonathan, covered his mouth, and said, "Sorry, Miss Quinn, this is one of my patients. He didn't take his medication today, so he's having an episode. I'll send him back to the hospital room right away..."

"Ding dong! Ding dong!"

The Telephone started ringing again. Schiller turned his head to look at it, then rushed over and yelled into the receiver, "Stop calling!!!"

After hanging up, he walked over to Harley, grabbed the back of her neck, and threw her out of the office. Then, leaning against the doorframe, he shouted at her, "Get the hell out of here and go to sleep!!!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1134: The Professor (Part 6)


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