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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Zhang Chunfeng led more than a thousand Cultivators, charging boldly towards the Purple Flame Scorpion King. Most of them were unaware that Wang Hong had already condensed his Nascent Soul.

Driven by an unwavering resolve, they were prepared to give their lives to bathe the Purple Flame Scorpion King in blood. While they were Immortal Cultivators, their daily training was conducted military-style.

They didn't seek immortality, only the glory of defeating their enemies. Even if they perished, they were determined to take their foes down with them. Despite the numerous low-tier Demonic Beasts blocking their path, they ignored them, swiftly clearing any obstacles in their way with the most agile attacks.

As they slaughtered the obstructing Demonic Beasts, their eyes remained fixed on the Purple Flame Scorpion King ahead of them.

As a fourth-tier Demonic Beast, the Purple Flame Scorpion King's Divine Sense might not match Wang Hong's, but it could encompass a three-mile radius. This meant it could attack any target within that range, making it difficult for lower-tier beings to even retaliate before being struck down.

However, at this moment, the scorpion-faced Purple Flame Scorpion King bore a mocking expression. It dared to face these mere humans head-on.

Opening its large maw, it expelled a purple Poisonous Flames, which rapidly expanded into a Sea of Fire spanning over ten yards, engulfing the Human Clan Cultivators on the other side.

This was its innate skill, the Violet Blaze—a Toxic Fire with strong corrosive properties, and it was one of its signature moves.

Within the advancing Human Clan formation, ten shield-like magic weapons were simultaneously deployed. When combined in sets of five, they formed two layers of shields to withstand the Purple Flames.

As the Purple Flames surged forth, the first layer of shields rapidly corroded and dissipated, but the flames didn't diminish. They proceeded towards the second layer of shields.

Seeing this, Zhang Chunfeng's expression changed. While Wang Hong was hidden within the group, and everyone might not necessarily be in danger, he still needed to create the best opportunity for Wang Hong.

Engaging in battles between equals was always uncertain. Even if they managed to defeat their opponent, detaining them would be a challenging task. Moreover, Wang Hong was still a newly advanced Nascent Soul cultivator.

Zhang Chunfeng reached into his Storage Bag and pulled out a red bead – a one-time use magic weapon crafted by Wang Hong using the millennium Fusang Wood Refinement.

With a trial in mind, he activated the bead and shot it towards the approaching Purple Flames. Upon contact, the red bead exploded, releasing a large ball of golden flames. The collision between the two types of flames caused a violent combustion.

The Golden Crow Fire, being extraordinarily intense, seemed to have some restraining effect on the Violet Blaze. Although smaller in volume, it was gaining the upper hand.

Eventually, the Violet Blaze was devoured by the Golden Crow Fire, which then gradually dissipated. Zhang Chunfeng was astonished; he hadn't expected that this one-time use magic weapon could contend with a fourth-tier Demonic Beast's Innate Ability.

The Purple Flame Scorpion King, however, remained unfazed. Regardless of whether its Violet Blaze was blocked, it could continuously spew out Violet Blaze as long as it had enough Spiritual Power. After all, the enemy's one-time use magic weapons were limited in number.

With a sneer, it spat out another clump of Violet Blaze towards the Cultivators.

Learning from his previous experience, Zhang Chunfeng no longer wasted shields. Instead, he shot out the remaining red bead and accelerated his charge forward.

Each Golden Core Cultivator in this battle was equipped with two red beads. With over two hundred in total, they had enough to close in on the Purple Flame Scorpion King and launch an assault.

The Purple Flame Scorpion King kept spewing Violet Blaze, but these were all blocked by the red magic weapons. The Human Clan cultivators were getting closer, and facing the simultaneous attack of over a thousand people was not something it wanted to endure. It couldn't afford even the slightest injury to its exoskeleton from these Human Clan ants, as it had a certain reputation among the Demon Clan as a fourth-tier Demon Clan member. Retreating was not an option.

At this moment, it raised its scorpion tail high and launched a barrage of thin black needles.

These black needles were only about an inch long, similar in size to embroidery needles, with a faint black aura emanating from them, numbering at least several dozen.

Once again, a red bead flew out from the formation. However, as soon as it approached the black needles, the entire group of needles elegantly swerved aside, easily avoiding the red bead.

The Divine Sense of the Golden Core Cultivators was insufficient, and their control over their magic weapons couldn't compare to that of a fourth-tier Demonic Beast.

In the blink of an eye, the black needles were already upon them, piercing through several layers of shields that stood in their path.

The shields deployed by the Golden Core Cultivators were as fragile as tofu in front of these black needles. At this moment, they had no means of defense left.


Faced with imminent danger, they didn't cower but instead accelerated towards the oncoming black needles.

Dozens of needles couldn't kill them all in an instant, and those who survived still had a chance to retaliate.

Just as they were determined to make a desperate stand, thirty-six green leaves flew out from the formation and arrived instantly in front of them.

"Puff! Puff! Puff!"

Incredibly, these dozens of black needles were blocked by the thirty-six tender green leaves.

At this moment, there was no time for astonishment, confusion, or admiration. They seized this opportunity to unleash their most powerful attacks because, after charging for so long, they were finally within reach of the Purple Flame Scorpion King.

Over a hundred magic weapons were simultaneously launched, including Flying Swords, with every five forming a set to combine into a massive sword, increasing their power by more than fivefold.

Since Wang Hong had already made his move, he naturally wanted to catch the Purple Flame Scorpion King off guard with his most potent techniques. He had been concealing himself within the group for this very moment.

The tree leaf magic weapons continued to block the black needles, while at the same time, two of Wang Hong's personal Flying Swords materialized above his head and simultaneously thrust towards the Purple Flame Scorpion King's head from two different angles.

The Purple Flame Scorpion King hadn't even had time to figure out why there was a Nascent Soul Cultivator among these people when the Flying Swords were already before it. In a hurry, it used its two front limbs to shield its head.

Zhang Chunfeng and the others only heard a series of rapid and intense clashes, but they couldn't fathom how many times the two sides clashed in such a short span.

When the noise finally subsided, the Purple Flame Scorpion King was holding two partially severed front limbs as it attempted to flee.

At this point, the attacks from over a hundred Golden Core Cultivators finally arrived.

Under normal circumstances, this group of over a hundred Golden Core Cultivators might have caused some trouble for the Purple Flame Scorpion King, inflicting injuries that wouldn't be fatal.

However, the current situation was drastically different. Their primary task now wasn't to harm the enemy but to prevent it from escaping.

After years of training with the Revival Battle Team, their coordination and teamwork were impeccable. Countless magic weapons in the sky obstructed the Purple Flame Scorpion King from various directions.

Among them, more than ten Binding Spirit Ropes had already begun to wrap around it.

In a hurry, the Purple Flame Scorpion King opened its massive jaws and once again expelled a clump of Violet Blaze towards the Flying Swords blocking its path.

During this brief delay, the dozen or so Binding Spirit Ropes had already reached its side. It managed to kick and break a few, but three of them successfully entangled its body.

The kind of magic weapon controlled by Golden Core Cultivators could be easily broken free from the bindings given enough time.

However, Wang Hong wasn't about to give it that chance. Two of his personal Flying Swords had swiftly formed a Tai Chi Sword Formation, with one green and one red beam of light intertwining as they shot out.

Seeing these two beams of light, the Purple Flame Scorpion King sensed imminent danger and instinctively tried to dodge. Unfortunately, it was currently entangled by several Binding Spirit Ropes and couldn't move a muscle.

It could only expel a clump of Violet Blaze in an attempt to block for a moment, but the two beams of light easily pierced through the Violet Blaze and shot towards it once again.

In this critical moment, the Purple Flame Scorpion King considered countless ways to escape, but in its desperation, it could only use its two remaining legs to shield itself, lacking any confidence.

It was furious! It had been brilliant throughout its life, always planning meticulously, acting after careful consideration, unrivaled in battle, and dominating over all other demons...

Why did it suddenly encounter such a disaster today? It refused to accept it. Given another chance, it was certain that it could have wiped out this group of Human Clan cultivators.

Then, everyone saw two beams of light striking the Purple Flame Scorpion King's body, emitting a dazzling radiance.

When the radiance dissipated, the body of the Purple Flame Scorpion King lay lifeless on the ground.

Its head was completely gone, along with its two legs and one of the Binding Spirit Ropes that had been attached to its neck.

The headless body continued to twitch intermittently, occasionally kicking with its bound legs, but none of it could halt the rapid dissipation of its life force.

The battle had been extremely brief, from the moment Wang Hong summoned the tree leaf magic weapons to the end of the battle, lasting no more than a dozen breaths.

So much so that the Demonic Beasts that had been chasing from behind and around had only just arrived when they saw that the Purple Flame Scorpion King was already dead.

Several third-tier Demonic Beasts couldn't accept this reality. In their minds, the overwhelmingly powerful Purple Flame Scorpion King had been slain by humans in such a short amount of time.

What were they still fighting for? It was time to run!

The Demonic Beasts that reacted first turned and fled, leaving the ones with lower intelligence still standing there, unsure whether to advance or retreat.

"Split up and chase! Leave the high-tier Demonic Beasts for now, don't worry about the low-tier ones!" Zhang Chunfeng quickly organized the Golden Core Cultivators to pursue the fleeing Demonic Beasts.

Wang Hong stored the Purple Flame Scorpion King's body and chased after the Demonic Beasts as well.

He focused his efforts on the scorpions, centipedes, and spiders among the Demonic Beasts.

Up ahead, a centipede as thick as a water bucket was vigorously moving its hundreds of legs, attempting to escape quickly.

However, speed wasn't solely determined by the number of legs. A spider with only eight legs but a higher cultivation level rapidly overtook it.

Then, a legless snake also swiftly passed by.

Anxious as it saw other Demonic Beasts surpassing it, it felt danger drawing closer and closer.

At this moment, its inner thoughts were: What's the use of having so many legs?

Before it could dwell on its frustration for long, all its worries ceased to exist. A crimson Flying Sword, soaring past numerous Demonic Beasts, precisely decapitated it.

Wang Hong stored the centipede's body and continued chasing after another spider up ahead.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 525: Post-War Arrangements


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