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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wearing a golden armor and a red cloak, Thor, carrying his long spear, angrily walked down the corridor. The attendants and etiquette officials all lowered their heads and bent their bodies, not daring to look at the enraged expression of the king.

Until he came to the door of a room, Thor took a deep breath and suppressed his expression. Then, he gently pushed open the door.

However, the scene inside the room left him stunned.

Frigga was as gentle, beautiful, and radiant as ever. The strange thing was that she was holding an alligator in her arms, and even stranger, this alligator was wearing a white puffy dress, with a freshly woven flower wreath on its head.

Thor even saw a hint of tears in the eyes of this alligator.

Yet, Frigga smiled and asked, "What's the matter? Thor, why did you come here at this hour? Didn't you go to play at the arena?"

Thor coughed twice, pursed his lips, seemingly unsure of how to speak. Frigga stroked the alligator's head and pointed to the sofa nearby, saying, "Sit down. Is there something troubling you again? Don't tell me you and Sif had another argument?"

"No, not that," Thor shook his head and said, "Sif has been busy chasing that Loki in a suit, beating him all the way from Asgard to Jotunheim. And the arena has been occupied by that Viking Loki, they're holding a traditional Viking barrel combat tournament, so I haven't had time to go there yet."

Just as he said this, the little Loki came out from a side door, carrying a stack of parchments, which he handed to Frigga. Then, with a dejected look, he said, "This is my punishment assignment."

Frigga took the parchments and said in a gentle tone, "Don't let me catch you copying assignments again..."

Her gentle tone not only made the little Loki shudder but even Thor leaned back a bit.

He remembered when they were little, he and Loki were studying ancient Norwegian grammar together. The two of them collaborated to muddle through their assignments, and when Frigga found out, this gentle and beautiful Queen used magic to create two hamster wheels and almost made them run their legs off.

"Based on your age, you should have learned up to Lesson 10 in your Space, how come you still don't know?" Frigga slightly frowned and said to the little Loki, "I remember clearly, you should have learned it all, why do you need to copy assignments?"

The little Loki opened his mouth, but in fact, he had been busy trying to kill Thor and had skipped from Lesson 8 to Lesson 10. However, seeing Frigga's smile, he didn't have the courage to tell the truth and could only dejectedly say, "I've been away from home for too long and have forgotten."

"It doesn't matter, we'll relearn it," Frigga pulled the little Loki over, patted his head, and said, "This Loki here hasn't learned grammar either, so you two can study together."

As she said this, she held up the alligator Loki. The little Loki and the alligator Loki exchanged a glance, both lowering their heads and sighing.

Seeing the little Loki's meek appearance, Thor couldn't help but laugh. The little Loki glared at him but then glanced at Frigga nearby and snorted dismissively before going back to write his assignments.

Frigga's gaze fell on Thor, and she asked, "What happened that made you rush here right after lunch?"

"Nothing big," Thor waved his hand impatiently and said, "Someone snitched on me, saying Loki threw a tantrum and made them go home, and also said that His Royal Highness Loki is spoiled and can't do anything without attendants. What a load of nonsense."

Frigga raised an eyebrow. She understood Thor; although he had a loud voice and loved to shout, he was actually of high quality, rarely using foul language or insulting others. If he could use his hands, he would never waste words.

So, she asked curiously, "Why would Loki make them go home? If he doesn't like his attendants, he can change them. Without attendants, does he have to take care of his own food, clothing, housing, and transportation himself?"

"It's not about that," Thor leaned back in the chair and said, "Mother, haven't you noticed that the people in the Celestial Palace are too lazy and slothful? There's not much work to do, but they've divided it among so many people, and they still can't do it well. What are they being fed for?"

Frigga smiled slightly, made a teapot appear in her hand, and poured water for Thor. As she watched the water flow into the cup, she said softly, "I understand that they're away from home for work and rarely require anything from them, so they've become careless over time. Sometimes, small mistakes are inevitable."

Thor's eyes rolled a bit. If it was when he was still a prince, he would have thought that Frigga was defending those servants with these words.

However, having been the emperor for so long, he had made some progress. So he immediately asked tentatively, "Small mistakes?"

"Nothing much. This little alligator was reckless when he first came and broke many of my cups. I wanted them to send some new ones, but they haven't sent them yet. You see, these are formed by my magic." 

Thor felt even more frustrated. He snorted and said, "The other day, Loki suddenly wanted to wear the crown, so he asked the two servants following him to help him get it. However, his protocol officer said it was not a big deal and he didn't need to wear the crown, so they didn't help him get it..."

Frigga's tone remained gentle. She handed the cup to Thor and asked, "Where was Loki going?"

"That's the problem!" Thor slammed the chair armrest again, saying, "They didn't even ask Loki where he was going. They just assumed it was not a big deal and didn't need to fetch the crown."

Frigga smiled again, "I often tell you two to wear the crown properly on formal occasions, but it's indeed unnecessary to wear it every day when it's not a formal occasion."

However, Thor didn't feel comforted at all. He thought Frigga was right; she did teach them that when they were young.

But Frigga was their mother and the Queen of Asgard. It was her responsibility and authority to educate the princes.  But what about those servants and protocol officers? What authority did they have to educate Loki?

At that moment, Thor heard a noise. He suddenly turned his head toward the door and shouted, "Who's there? Come out!"

Unexpectedly, the door opened, and two servants came in. They smiled awkwardly, bowed, and said, "The Queen has asked us to deliver something."

Thor turned to look at Frigga, who slightly frowned but said, "You may leave now."

The servants hurriedly closed the door. Thor took a deep breath and said through gritted teeth, "How can there be servants in a palace who dare to eavesdrop on the king's conversation in any country?!"

"Alright, don't be too angry. Loki has punished them, hasn't he? If you really can't stand it, you can give Loki an order, so he can deal with it more legitimately," Frigga quickly appeased him.

"That's the problem," Thor said with a headache, rubbing his forehead. "Your Majesty, you know that I haven't been the emperor for long, and the palace staff hasn't changed. They were selected by the All-Father. If I replace them, they will go crying to the All-Father. What can I do then?"

"Besides, if I give Loki an order, it would be effective? If orders worked on him, where would all those mischievous pranks come from? You know Loki never listens to me!"

Thor seemed worried as he pursed his lips, "Maybe I should just go ahead with the wedding. Once Sif becomes the Queen, she can naturally manage these matters... But it's too rushed and unfair to Sif."

"Do you think Odin and Loki won't help you?" Frigga looked into Thor's eyes and asked. Thor averted his gaze and said, "They don't need to help with such a small matter."

However, Frigga smiled and said, "Even a small matter has caused you trouble, Thor. You've always liked to be strong-willed since you were little. Sometimes, it's not a bad thing to rely on others, especially your family."

"Even if they want to help me, how can they?" Thor spread his hands and said, "The All-Father is unwilling to intervene over me, and Loki's orders lack authority. In the end, I still have to deal with it myself."

But Frigga shook her head and looked at Thor with a smiling gaze, "You've oversimplified your father and younger brother. In a sense, they are much more capable than you in this regard."

Thor didn't quite understand. After leaving Frigga, this matter kept troubling him. In the following period, Loki acted like he was possessed and dismissed all the people around him.

It's not that no one wanted to leave, but Loki was just like Thor had possessed him. He swung his hammer in the Celestial Palace every day. If anyone didn't work properly, he would strike them with lightning.

The little Loki was very pleased, following Loki and acting arrogantly every day. Even if he killed Thor, he would never receive such treatment in Asgard.

In the following weeks, the Celestial Palace was in a state of trepidation. However, everyone thought that Loki was just being ferocious for a while. Once Thor or Odin reacted, they would surely discipline him properly.

I never expected that on a sunny day, the All-Father would suddenly issue an order, summoning all the generals of Asgard to the Celestial Palace for a ceremony.

Those who went to attend the ceremony were a bit puzzled. Could it be that Thor's wedding was coming up so soon? But Sif was still out on patrol and hadn't returned yet. With only Thor there, how could he get married?

Unexpectedly, after entering the great hall, the still-mighty Odin stood in the main position, with Thor on his right side, while Loki stood facing them both in the center of the hall.

The atmosphere in the great hall was solemn, and everyone had restrained expressions, but they were still secretly delighted, thinking that Loki was indeed going to be punished.

However, the first sentence spoken by Odin made everyone's jaws drop.

"Today, Loki will be crowned as the prince of Asgard."

After the people dispersed, the orchestra entered, followed by goddesses offering spring water and sweet rice wine, the same ceremony as a new king's coronation.

Some people were still in a daze, but some of Odin's old ministers had already sighed in their hearts and then began to cheer for Asgard's new prince with shouts and banging their weapons on the ground, just like a new king's coronation.

Amidst the cheers and flowers, Loki held his staff, laying it flat before him, and knelt on one knee, waiting for Odin to place the crown on his head.

Loki's eye contact was calm, seeming not to feel happy about this, oblivious to the cheers, with the colorful glass of the Celestial Palace casting a dappled light on him, like a shimmering feathered robe, and the crown's brilliant glow radiating in concentric rings.

At this time, he heard Odin speak.

"By the will of Asgard and the God-King Thor, I will crown the prince of Asgard today."

"Loyalty, justice, courage—the one to be crowned shall grasp the helm of the great wheel and tread the towering waves."

"Like our ancestors, lead the gods to the ends of the ocean, to the land of glory and magnificence."

Odin recited Thor's coronation speech with slight modifications, and Loki thought he had finished, so he rose to pay respects.

But suddenly, Loki heard Odin utter a name.

"Let us congratulate the new prince of Asgard—Loki Odinson!"

Loki looked up, his eyes filled with shock and disbelief, larger than the snow outside.

As the crystalline snowflakes drifted down, a young prince's sigh went with the wind, drifting farther and farther away.

"For the glory... of the Northern Gods."

The longest section!!!!!

Finally finished it!!!!!!!!

There were so many storylines and emotional lines! I was like a cat tangled up in a ball of yarn...

But it was fun! I dare to do it again next time!

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1126 Schiller is not working today (Part 1)


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