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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Can you tell me how you attracted Aelios?" Loki, holding Thor's hammer, asked the old Loki.

The old Loki shook his head and said, "Nothing special. As I said, it devours Gods. Once I lift the magic shield here, it will naturally be drawn by the presence of so many Lokis."

The old Loki looked somewhat disheartened. After sighing, he said, "You want to deal with Conqueror Kang, right? I advise you to think twice. Even if you have Thor's hammer, you can't possibly defeat him."

"Conqueror Kang, is that the name of the Time Management Bureau Director?" Sylvie immediately stepped forward, squinting at the old Loki. "Explain, what's going on?"

The old Loki seemed indifferent. He shook his head and said, "What else could it be? He's a madman with the ability to traverse time, aiming to rule the entire Space. The Time Management Bureau is just one of his armies."

The old Loki shifted position, relaxing more on the sofa, then continued, "Once, when there was only one sacred Timeline in Space, Kang was also one. But later, when the sacred Timeline split and the Multiverse formed, Kang became many."

"But he didn't split. Each Kang is actually him in a new Timeline created when Conqueror Kang travels through time."

"However, each Kang discovers the secrets of the Timeline and gains the ability to traverse it. So, the Multiverse has so many time travelers."

"What abilities does he have?" Loki asked. "Is he powerful in combat? What level is he approximately?"

"In fact, he's not great at fighting," the old Loki shook his head. "At least, not compared to the Gods of Asgard. But his only advantage is that he controls time."

"Here's the thing... you throw a punch at him, he can't dodge it, but he can pause time to evade, or he can analyze the action of you throwing the punch countless times to find a way to dodge it."

"The time it takes for you to throw a punch can only be experienced once, but he can experience it countless times. How do you fight that?"

"It sounds like you've faced him before," Loki said, sitting across from the old Loki, leaning forward. "But you weren't defeated by him..."

"But I didn't defeat him either," the old Loki shook his head. "And the reason he spared me is because killing me wouldn't have any value. Just as you said, I'm just a deserter."

With that, he made eye contact with Sylvie and clicked his tongue. "But you're different, young lady. Conqueror Kang has set his sights on the secret you hold. It's a fight to the death between you and him."

"Do you know his weaknesses?" Sylvie asked.

"If I knew his weaknesses, would I still be here?" the old Loki shook his head. "Even if he had weaknesses, as long as he could use his control over time to repeat countless times, the weaknesses would be erased, and any flaws would be compensated for. What's the use of finding weaknesses?"

The old Loki's words made Sylvie feel nervous, and upon further thought, it brought deeper despair. For someone with endless time, any weakness was no longer a weakness.

For example, if Conqueror Kang were afraid of fire, and Sylvie happened to be able to use Fire magic, then, at the moment the fire touched Conqueror Kang, he could completely rewind time, foreseeing in advance that Sylvie would use fire, and by constantly rewinding, find a way to prevent the fire from touching him.

Or, he could directly time travel on the spot, find something fireproof, and then shuttle back to the moment when magic was released, using the fireproof equipment to resist magic.

Moreover, Conqueror Kang is also a person from the future, with a series of future black science and technology. Even if he couldn't find suitable equipment at the time, he could spend hundreds of years developing one, then travel back and use the newly invented thing to deal with his weaknesses.

"I think we should disperse," Black Loki shook his head. "It's not that we don't want to help you, but even if we join forces, how do we deal with an opponent who can travel through time anytime, anywhere?"

Loki paused for a moment, his expression darkening, but he still encouraged Sylvie, saying, "Conqueror Kang won't be back so soon. There are some issues in our Multiverse, so he should be held up outside. As long as he can't find a way in, there's no way…"

Just as he said this, his Communication device rang. He picked it up, and Mobius's voice came urgently from the other end!

"Bad news! Loki! The Director's back!!!"

Loki immediately stood up, his face serious. "What's going on? How did he come back?!!"

"I don't know, but we checked the Timeline machines, reported his position, and he's rapidly approaching the Time Management Bureau. Estimated maximum half an hour, no… he might be back any second now!"

Sylvie was about to leave, but Loki stopped her and said, "Don't panic yet. If he didn't appear directly in the Time Management Bureau, it means he's definitely been hindered somehow. We still have some time…"

Suddenly, Loki leaned to the side, pointing behind Sylvie. "Conqueror Kang, how did you come here?"

Sylvie turned pale in shock, turning around, but the next moment, with a bang, Thor's hammer struck her head, causing her to slowly fall to the ground, unconscious.

Loki also looked at the old Loki with the hammer and said, "Hide her with you, I know you have a way."

The old Loki was about to say something, but Loki pointed the hammer at his forehead and said, "Don't make me hit you."

The old Loki took two steps back, raised his hands, nodded, and after Loki's figure disappeared, he shook his head helplessly and muttered, "Is this Loki? This is Thor!"

Soon, Loki with the hammer appeared inside the Time Management Bureau. He handed Helen, whom he had been carrying, to Mobius and whispered a few words to her.

Then, Loki transformed into the radiant form of a goddess and said to Mobius.

"I have an idea to temporarily hold him off."

Mobius glanced behind her and asked, "Where are the reinforcements? And Sylvie?"

"No reinforcements, and they wouldn't stand a chance against him anyway. Listen, Mobius, the Director brought the female Loki to the Time Management Bureau without killing her directly, which means the female Loki is valuable to him."

"If she's valuable, we can negotiate…" Lady Loki's eyes were full of determination as she looked at Mobius, speaking rapidly.

"The Director knows there's a secret with the female Loki, but he doesn't know what it is. Sylvie is the female Loki, and so am I. I'm confident he can't tell us apart."

"But he can't torture Sylvie, or you…" Mobius followed her anxiously. "Even if you're not a child, you don't need to…"

"Don't worry, I'm confident he won't use violence against me initially. Sylvie might not be good at negotiating with him, but I can be." Lady Loki's steps towards the end of the corridor were quick. She said, "I have a friend who's very good at this; I learned a thing or two from him long ago…"

"Where's the cell?" Loki suddenly stopped and asked Mobius, looking at him. Mobius instinctively pointed to the road beside them, and Loki hurriedly walked over.

"During the time I'm holding him off, you won't be idle either. You should be able to get a few small time-travel devices, right?"

"Correct, but as soon as the devices activate, the Director will definitely notice, and you'll be in danger," Mobius emphasized. "There can't be any anomalies in time that escape his notice."

"That doesn't matter." Loki walked to the cell door, opened it, and stepped inside, grabbing the railing. As Mobius locked the door, he watched her and said, "There should be a few unmonitored devices at Lavona's. Who do you want us to find? We can try to keep it quiet."

"Exactly the opposite, I don't want you to find anyone, but I do need you to make as much noise as possible," Lady Loki said firmly.

Mobius widened his eyes, shocked. "You're crazy! Inside the Time Management Bureau, you can't possibly match the Director. You'll just let him do as he pleases. You can't hope to counter him with chaos!"

"I'm not thinking that way, nor do I intend to counter him," Lady Loki took a deep breath, suddenly took a few steps back, and raised her hands. "As you can see, I'm not planning to resist."

Mobius's movements stopped, and he clenched his fists, looking at Loki. "If you think your sacrifice can save us, then you're incredibly foolish. Give it up, Loki. He won't spare any of us. Your sacrifice is meaningless."

"For you and for him, perhaps," Lady Loki shook her head. "But not for some people."

She took a couple of steps back, her eyes shining in the darkness of the cell, and she gave a mysterious smile.

"You've caught us at a good time. If it were before, I would never dare to do this. But now, I believe he can never defeat me."

Mobius looked at the girl in the cage with a sad gaze and said, "Since I can remember, I've been working for the Time Management Bureau, never knowing what it means to be myself. It's my fate."

"Since there's no self, there's no fear of death." Mobius gripped the bars of the cage tightly. "Everyone in the Time Management Bureau is the same, no different from those machines…"

"All the pain you've suffered to save us is unnecessary. We're just tools."

Mobius's expression looked very painful. Obviously, he had never directly spoken these words before, or rather, everyone in the Time Management Bureau had always been avoiding this point.

"A person without a past, a future that just repeats endlessly, is really just a tool. We're not worth saving by any emotional, real person."

Lavona's figure appeared at the end of the corridor, her tone still very serious. B15 followed behind her, saying, "No one in this world isn't afraid of death. If our previous display of fear made you want to sacrifice yourself, then think about how terrifying Death is."

Mobius closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then lowered his head and said, "At this moment, I actually hope you're those lying Lokis, or that what's left here is just an illusion…"

Lady Loki stood under the only small window in the center of the cell, looking at the three people outside the cell and said:

"I once swore by the glory of Asgard that I would fight alongside you until death. Did you think I was joking?"

"No, although I'm called the God of Mischief, I won't joke about my country. Everyone in this world has something they want to uphold. Perhaps you don't need to be saved, but the glory of Asgard cannot be tarnished."

"Hurry, I can feel… he's coming."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1116 Father and Son (45)


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