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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


A golden light flashed, and a bright orange portal appeared in the dark alleyway of the city. When three figures, two big and one small, appeared together, it looked a bit like a family of three.

However, obviously, the atmosphere of this family was not very good. Loki, holding Helen, looked around the nearby environment and said, "It seems we're not within the Nine Realms. Where did you open the portal?"

Hillve snorted coldly and said, "Are you afraid Odin won't find you if you open the portal within the Nine Realms?"

After speaking, she stepped out of the alleyway ahead of Loki. As she walked forward, she said, "Even though I've been away from home for so many years, Asgard shouldn't have undergone any major changes. Odin's authority is still there, and no one can take advantage of her..."

Upon hearing the pronoun Hillve used, Loki raised an eyebrow curiously. He asked, "In your world, are Odin and Thor both female?"

Hillve waved her hand, seeming to be annoyed by this topic. It seemed that more than one Loki had asked her this question. She replied somewhat perfunctorily, "This space is a matriarchal society. You'd better put away your foolish prejudices, otherwise, I can't save you..."

Unexpectedly, Loki showed a bright rotten smile. Then, Hillve noticed a bright light behind her.

When she turned around, she saw that Loki was emitting a soft white light. After the light disappeared, a black-haired girl appeared in his place. She looked much younger than Hillve, probably not more than 20 years old judging by human standards.

Lady Loki was very beautiful, with innocence and coldness coexisting. If Hillve exuded qualities of strength and experience, like a tree growing vigorously from barren land, then Lady Loki was like a delicate sapling nurtured in a castle garden, exquisite yet with a hint of vulnerability.

Hillve widened her eyes. As Lady Loki approached, she hesitated to reach out her hand to touch her, half-believing that it might be an illusion created by Loki.

But Hillve's magical talent had long told her that this was not a simple illusion. Lady Loki's extension just now had no power fluctuations, appearing mysterious and mystical.

Lady Loki tilted her head slightly and looked at Hillve, saying, "Perhaps the Time Management Bureau told you that you're the only female Lady Loki among all spaces, but obviously, that's not the case."

"You..." Hillve was obviously shocked, but Lady Loki smiled and flicked her black hair, leading Helen forward. The three of them, two adults and one child, left the alleyway.

Lady Loki looked up at the stars and, judging from the structure of the star map, deduced that they were possibly in the territory of the Xea Empire. So, she spoke, "Are you planning to use the freedom transit station here to teleport to the edge of the Nine Realms nearby?"

"Do you have a better way?" Hillve tried to restrain her complex emotions and gestured to Lady Loki, saying, "I used to work as a civil servant in the Xea Empire of other spaces. I'm quite familiar with this place. Let's go, we'll get our identities sorted first, then find an intermediary."

Hillve tried hard to suppress her own complicated emotions as she led Lady Loki to the nearby office.

The Xea Empire was a multi-racial commercial empire, with a mix of various species, so there were registration offices for aliens almost everywhere.

Hillve had worked here before, so she knew the ins and outs very well. They casually mentioned a humanoid race identity, obtained temporary identification, and then found a teleportation intermediary company.

"Hello, I'm Hillve. Here are my temporary identification documents. We want to teleport to the edge of the Nine Realms," Hillve handed over their identification documents to the clerk behind the counter.

Soon, a clerk dressed in Xea Empire attire led them into the office. After pouring tea for Hillve, he said very friendly, "You're newcomers, aren't you?"

"Correct, newcomers who just processed new identification documents. We should be able to use the free points for one teleportation, right?" Hillve seemed very familiar with the process. She said, "I have a friend who used to work here... I know the precautions, no need to emphasize."

The intermediary nodded and said, "In that case, I won't say much. Arnold! Arnold!... Go get them two transit permits, children are free."

Soon, an alien with four legs, half-human and half-horse, brought two transit permits. After Hillve received the permits from him, she exclaimed in surprise, "Huh?"

"The teleportation station of the Xea Empire in the Nine Realms shouldn't be in the Kuiper Belt nearby, right? What's going on with Centaurus? And this dimension is also wrong... When did this place become nearby to the Nine Realms?" Hillve furrowed her brow deeply, looking very incredulous. The intermediary, seeing her expression, knew that if he didn't explain clearly, there would be trouble. So, he asked, "What are you going to do in the Nine Realms?"

Hillve was somewhat hesitant, but Lady Loki stepped forward and said, "We're going to visit relatives. We have a relative who married into the Warner Gods. You know, they like to intermarry with immortals."

"The place where my sister and I work is quite remote. We haven't come out for thousands of years. We really didn't know that such a big thing happened in the space..." Lady Loki showed a bewildered expression and pleaded, "You must tell us what has happened recently. If we go without knowing anything, we might offend people..."A sigh deep from the intermediary, asking the two to sit on the sofa. He said, "You immortals, always staying in one place for thousands of years, unaware of what's happening in space, yet dare to teleport recklessly."

"Well, considering you're alone with a child, if you're planning to find the Warner Gods, teleporting to the edge won't work. The territory that originally belonged to the Kree Empire has all been reclaimed by Asgard. Going to find the Warner Gods from the edge is too far..."

"What's going on exactly?" Hillve pretended to be calm, but anyone could hear the urgency in her tone. The intermediary shook his head.

"Let me tell you the most important thing first. Thor is currently ruling Asgard, as you've probably heard, she's the former princess and now the queen of Asgard."

"About two thousand years ago, Thor defeated her mother, Odin, and became the new queen of Asgard. After ascending to the throne, she immediately initiated the Second Millennium War in space..."

"This war was much more brutal than the previous one between the Kree Empire and the Skrull Empire. Both sides almost reached each other's capitals, but in the end, Queen Thor, with her powerful strength, decided the outcome, killing the ruler of the Kree Empire, the Supreme Intelligence, and completely destroying their capital..."

"Asgard didn't benefit much from this war. Their population was too small to completely control the Kree Empire's territory or plunder many resources. It could only be said that both sides suffered losses."

Lady Loki and Hillve were both stunned. Both of them were obviously shocked, but Lady Loki was the first to react. She looked at the intermediary and asked, "Did the other two empires not react?"

"The Skrull Empire wanted to take advantage of the situation..." The intermediary furrowed his brow and said, "But who dares to provoke Thor? With a single thunderbolt, she turned the capital star of the Kree Empire into dust. She's completely mad."

"But... why did they start fighting?" Hillve still seemed incredulous. She said, "Wasn't Odin planning to retire and live peacefully in his last few hundred years of rule?"

The intermediary sighed heavily and said, "Who can understand the affairs of the royal family?"

Seeing his expression, Lady Loki knew there must be something more to it. However, at that moment, the intermediary stood up and said, "I have other clients. You two take your transit permits and teleport directly to the Warner Gods' territory. It's open for trade there."

"After you arrive, remember not to mention the new queen's name directly. She has a bad temper. If you don't want to be struck by lightning, keep quiet..."

The intermediary waved them off, then left on his own. Lady Loki and Hillve exchanged glances, both seeing the anxious and confused emotions in each other's eyes.

The two hurried to the teleportation station. Because the Xea Empire was a commercial empire and their free portal was the largest in space, and because they were willing to let all races use their portal, the throughput here was very high.

Lady Loki and Hillve waited in line for several hours. During the wait, Hillve kept murmuring, as if telling Lady Loki but also comforting herself.

"Thor isn't like this at all, I know... I know she has a bit of a temper, she's been like that since childhood, but she's actually... my sister is quite gentle. How could she seize the throne?"

"And she's not someone who enjoys killing for no reason. Even if Odin was ruthless, she shouldn't..."

Hillve seemed a bit panicked. It was obvious that she didn't really care about Odin, but she couldn't understand Thor's current situation, so she felt very anxious.

Loki didn't need to mention their recent wager; he already knew that, like him, Hillve valued Thor the most.

He couldn't help but recall the hundreds of years before the dark day, when he and Thor were almost inseparable.

At that time, they were still young, didn't need to go to the battlefield, and didn't have much homework to do. Every day was spent playing around.

Because Thor was older and more understanding of various places, and also outgoing and likable, he always took Loki around to play.

At that time, the Asgardians didn't have much prejudice against the two of them, taking care of these two little princes. However, at that time, Loki was more introverted, not good at socializing, and often caused trouble, which Thor helped him resolve.

If one were to trace Loki's life from the beginning, perhaps the dividing line wasn't the day Odin decided on succession, although on that day, Loki felt saddened and disappointed, feeling that his parents were biased.

But what made Loki truly sad was that since then, Thor didn't have as much time for him. She had to hone her martial skills, learn how to govern, foster relationships with other peers, and occasionally go to war with the army.

Loki knew he had indeed been abandoned, but not by Odin. Or rather, if Odin had abandoned him, it wouldn't have mattered much; the All-Father was always busy and didn't have time to spend with him.

Loki was abandoned by his closest brother, who grew up with him and had the best relationship with him.

And in his memory, the darkest day, the darkest moment, was in the sunset of Asgard, where Odin walked with Thor across the long Celestial Palace bridge.

While Loki stood alone at the head of the bridge, watching them leave.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1107 Father and Son (Thirty-Six)


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