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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Helen! Come back!"

Loki called symbolically, and after almost a minute, Helen finally came running back.

And at this moment, from Hillve herself to this spacious office, the high science and technology cyber style had turned into a rotten wasteland style.

Originally, Hillve was wearing a plain T-shirt and jeans, along with a dark jacket and a pair of goggles commonly worn by people here.

At this point, her jacket had become tattered, the legs of her jeans had half disappeared, and the goggles were completely shattered.

She stood there in a rather sorry state, like a madwoman rushing out of a mental hospital.

Helen "whooshed" onto Loki's body, intending to show off her actions, only to find that Loki was not in a good state.

He had been in a state of trance, indulging in the past.

In fact, even before being taken away by the Time Management Bureau, his mental state could not be called healthy. As Odin said, he had always been in a state of impatience, even rarely showing respect to Frigga.

And after Hillve mentioned the dark day again, the scenes of that day replayed in Loki's mind like a movie stuck on repeat, every detail constantly looping.

This was a compulsive behavior that he could not control. The more he recalled, the sadder he became, and the sadder he became, the less he could control himself.

Hillve rushed over in a mess, but didn't get too close because Helen was like a dragon guarding treasure, baring her teeth, ready to bite Hillve six hundred times over at any moment.

Hillve took a deep breath, silently put her hand on her waist, and looked at Loki, saying, "I am not like you. I am no longer a failure, nor am I a bootlicker revolving around my family."

"Loki, why don't you understand? From the moment they abandoned you, you had no home..." There was a hint of pain in Hillve's expression. At this moment, the same scene was swirling in the minds of both Lokis.

Loki slightly came back to himself, making eye contact with Hillve. This female Loki was not as pure and noble as imagined, nor was she as glamorous and noble as Hela.

Hela had been the jewel of the Asgardian crown. Even when she failed and was imprisoned, she always carried an innate nobility and pride. When she incarnated as a male to compete for Loki, her momentum was no less than Thor's, even more reminiscent of Odin than the crown prince himself.

But Hillve, born a princess, now bore the marks of hardships far beyond her years, from the corners of her eyes to between her brows, all engraved with the vicissitudes of a journey far surpassing her age. The pain and suffering from this wandering journey were no less than that of that short day.

When one realizes they no longer have a home, whatever they do requires a thousand times more effort than others because they know there will never be a place to accept their failures.

After Loki regained his senses, he bent down, put Helen down, and then slowly walked forward, instinctively reaching out his fingertips to touch Hillve's eyes, and spoke.

"You're right. Every Loki has been abandoned, even if Odin didn't say those words, he was abandoned the moment he realized he wasn't as valued as Thor..."

"You are both lucky and unlucky." Loki's fingertips began to tremble slightly. Hillve slowly turned her eyeballs, looking at his hand.

"After that day passed, you were taken away by the Time Management Bureau, leaving Asgard forever. You think that's not a bad thing because they will never accept you there. You'd rather be a mercenary than Asgard's princess again."

"At the same time, when you traveled on the Timeline, you encountered all sorts of Lokis. You despise them, seeing them as pathetic bootlickers trying to gain love, never able to be as independent and free as you..."

Loki slowly lowered his hand, and Hillve fell silent. After a while, he spoke again, "You're different from all the Lokis I've encountered. You're the first one who can talk about this matter so calmly."

"In the past, every Loki I met, as soon as I mentioned that day, they would attack me like madmen and start using sharp words to cover up their inner turmoil."

"They're a bunch of completely irrational lunatics, and their current behavior only confirms my correctness. If you choose to be a dog, all you'll do is bark..."

Hillve raised an eyebrow, her eye contact full of mockery. She continued, "That's why I say I'm not Loki, I'm not a dog, and I never will be!"

Loki slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled, trying to calm himself down. He looked at Hillve and said, "Do you know why I said you're unlucky?"

Hillve looked at him silently, as if confident he couldn't come up with a reasonable answer, feeling no panic at all. But Loki, after glancing at the ground and then looking back at Hillve, said,

"Do you think there's no one left in this world who loves you?" Loki asked.

Hillve scoffed, saying, "Not just me, every Loki is like this. Who else would love them?"

"Alright, alright... You want to say Frigga, but do you think Frigga wouldn't know about Odin's decision? Thor wouldn't know? Your friends in Asgard wouldn't know?"

"Since they all know, why is there not a single person standing by your side? Why are they calm, even happy, accepting all of this?"

Hillve's eye contact was cold and mocking, her tone the same.

"They know you'll be upset, they know when that knife pierces your chest, you'll be in agony, but everyone just stands there, even applauds... Loki, wake up, they don't love you..."

Loki lowered his gaze and spoke.

"Shall we make a bet?"

"What do you want to bet?" Hillve's expression even carried a hint of pity. She felt Loki had no chips, as she had no demands.

"If I win, you have to follow me back to the Time Management Bureau and help them on the day the Director returns, just as they helped you. And if I lose, you can ask me to do anything..."

Loki's demeanor gradually sharpened, his eye contact with Hillve filled with determination. Hillve had no idea where his confidence came from.

So she turned and walked towards the floor-to-ceiling window, speaking in a mocking tone, "Why should I bet with you? What use are you? You've never been of any use at any time. I'm already stronger than all of you!"

"If that's the case, you wouldn't be hiding in this building..." Loki slowly revealed a smile. "Actually, you're more afraid of the Director finding you than anyone at the Time Management Bureau. You know he won't let you off. You know you have secrets he wants, and you're powerless against him..."

"Now, it's you who needs shelter because you're the most special among all the Lokis..."

"You're proud of your wandering journey, thinking no Loki can be freer than you. But when faced with a formidable enemy, you suddenly realize you have nothing to rely on, just hiding here waiting to die..."

"Do you really think you're stronger than me?" Hillve turned back, her eyebrows furrowed tightly. She gritted her teeth and said, "Ragnarok will come one day, and when it does, you'll be the first to be abandoned."

"But at least, countless Asgardians will fight for it. Even if they're not fighting for me, I'm not alone."

Loki walked up to Hillve, very close to her, looking into her eyes. "Even if I'm the first to die in battle, Asgard won't forget my deeds..."

Hillve turned her head away because she knew Loki was right. Asgard alone wouldn't discriminate in this matter. If a warrior died while charging for Asgard on the road, he would be honored, no matter who he was or what he had done.

"And you, you can only quietly fall on this broken planet." Loki shook his head gently. "No one will know you before you die, and no one will remember you after you die..."

Hillve stared at Loki fiercely, but Loki didn't press her further. Instead, he stepped back two steps and said, "Even if I'm a stray dog, at least I leave traces of my existence. Even if it's not a good reputation left in the history books, it's a record that I've been here."

"Do you think you have nothing to worry about, so you're not afraid of anything... But are you really not afraid? Are you really not afraid that when you die on a quiet night, no one remembers you, no one cares about you, you take nothing and leave nothing, as if you've never been in this world?"

As Loki spoke, Hillve couldn't help but look at Helen. When she saw the attack Helen had just launched on her, her eye contact wasn't completely angry but seemed somewhat confused and lost.

"If you and I make this bet, and I lose, I will swear in the name of Asgard to fight for you. Even if in the end, we still can't defeat the formidable enemy, at least you won't die alone."

Hillve's lips moved slightly. After a few minutes of silence, she spoke, "What do you want to bet?"

"Just like the question I asked you just now, you think no one loves you in this world, but my opinion is different from yours. How about we bet on that?"

Suddenly, Hillve looked up at him. She first showed a smug smile, as if she had the winning ticket, but then a hint of sadness appeared between her eyebrows. Obviously, even if she was right, there was nothing to be proud of.

"I'll bet with you, but how will you prove it?"

Loki placed his eye contact on Hillve's hand resting on her waist. He said, "Before I came, Mobius told me he once gave you a device that allows you to travel through timelines freely."

"Take that device, go back to your Space, and the current Timeline, go see what happened there. The answer lies there..."

"No..." Hillve began to clench her teeth, but Loki didn't give in at all. He approached Hillve again, and Hillve retreated step by step until she leaned against the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window, with no way to retreat.

"Let's see, this Miracle Lady who once dominated the abandoned planet, for so many years, whether she really pursued freedom as she said, disdainful of returning home..."

Loki's eye contact carried a malicious smile, just like all the other Lokis Hillve had seen, speaking in a tone that could infuriate people the most.

"Or is it that this arrogantly self-regarding stray dog doesn't dare to go home?"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1106 Father and Son (Thirty-Five)


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