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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


In the Multiverse, in the dark space, a diamond-shaped celestial body quietly floats at an indescribable coordinate.

The sound of air release when the gate opens is particularly clear. Peter walked quickly through the long corridor and entered a spacious and bright entertainment hall.

"Look, isn't this our Lucky Kid?" Amazing Spider-Man enthusiastically approached and patted Peter on the back.

Peter directly took off his mask and walked forward side by side with Amazing Spider-Man. While surveying the various Spider-Man in the hall, he said, "Are you comfortable using the facilities in the base? Any problems? If there are, I'll make improvements when I go back this time."

"At first, there were indeed some minor issues, but we managed to adjust them ourselves," Amazing Spider-Man stopped in front of the bar and said to Shadow Spider-Man, who was mixing drinks, "Give him a glass of gin and tonic, and I'll have a regular sweet wine. Oh, and no ice."

"No, just give me a glass of ice water. I have some errands to run later!" Peter turned his head and said to Shadow Spider-Man.

"I really didn't expect that you would create a base within the Multiverse for us. We thought we would have to stay on that abandoned planet for a few years!" Amazing Spider-Man shook his head and exclaimed.

"Because the Space I was in had excess energy production. Human research on spaceships has not yet reached the level where we can mass-produce space transportation tools. So I thought, instead of leaving the new materials and the latest production lines developed there unused, why not put them to good use."

Peter laughed and continued, "Fortunately, Mr. Stark was generous enough to lend me his laboratory. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to build a base so quickly."

"I heard that the original Ultimate Spider-Man, oh, I mean their Doctor Octopus in Space, also participated in the research. And a few Spider-Man from the future fixed some of the equipment's flaws."

Amazing Spider-Man lifted the lower part of his mask, took a sip of the ice-cold drink, coughed, and then said, "Unfortunately, we have been too busy to be of much help."

"Mary Jane and I are busy with the renovation of our wedding house, so we probably won't have much free time lately."

"By the way, the Multiverse Spider-Man Task System we built is running quite well."

There was a hint of amazement in Amazing Spider-Man's tone as he said, "It's crazy that we can actually cross Space and help others in their worlds!"

"That's normal. We always have more work than we can handle. Some people want to go on study trips, and we can't keep an eye on the security of New York. So the Spider-Man who have more free time can help them with these tasks. Oh, and when you go on your honeymoon, I can keep an eye on things for you," Peter smiled and said.

"Oh, didn't I send out a job posting before? How about we go check it out together?" Peter stood up with his glass and made a suggestion.

Peter and Amazing Spider-Man walked through the entertainment hall and arrived at a place that looked more like a control room. Here, the Spider-Man gathered in groups of three or four, watching the situations in certain Spaces.

When Peter and Amazing Spider-Man approached, Spider-Girl, who was standing at the reception desk, didn't even look up and asked, "Are you issuing a task or accepting one?"

"I want to know how the task I posted earlier, the one about finding a woman Loki's whereabouts in various parts of the Multiverse, is going," Peter asked, and then he recalled and said, "The task number should be 63279."

"63279..." Spider-Girl muttered in a low voice while operating the computer equipment. Suddenly, she exclaimed, "Oh, we found it! It's the highest priority task, and it costs 500 points. You really are generous..."

"After all, I've been working a lot." Peter chuckled and said, "Not all Spider-Men are like me, there's not much to do during the internship period, so I had to work various jobs in the universe."

Spider-Girl looked up and smiled at her, saying, "We all know that this base and this system were built by you and the Ultimate Spider-Man together. You've been a great help."

"The information materials have been compiled here, you can get the storage device at terminal number 2 next to it."

"By the way, especially noteworthy is that Spider-Man 2099 provided a particularly important clue. In the slums of the fourth New York floating island where he lives, he once encountered a woman with powerful illusion and mind control abilities, who seems to fit the description of female Loki that you provided."

"You also know that the space where 2099 resides is not peaceful. Earth is split in half, and New York is divided into seven floating islands, connected only by the portals of the space station. The entire New York is controlled by the economic conglomerate alchemy company, and freedom of movement relies on the identification system."

"However, there are still some free individuals in the slums, and that woman is one of them. They have seen her because they belong to the resistance against the big company."

"According to 2099, he has heard that the woman used ancient Norwegian language to curse, and in his world, all history and culture are monopolized by the big company. Ordinary people cannot possibly learn such a language, so she is likely from Asgard."

Spider-Girl summarized the most important clue in the most concise language.

Peter nodded frequently as he listened, saying, "If that's the case, it's highly likely. It looks like I have to go find 2099. Is he in the base right now?"

Spider-Girl lowered her head to check the information again and then said, "He's not here right now. The last response he made to the spider web communication was three minutes ago. I'll give him a call to see if he can come over."

"Thank you."

About 20 minutes later, Spider-Man 2099, wearing a blue and red uniform, walked over. He was much stronger-looking than Peter and Amazing Spider-Man, appearing robust and dignified.

His voice was deeper and huskier than many Spider-Men, sounding older and more mature.

Peter approached and patted his arm, saying, "Long time no see, 2099. How have you been lately?"

"Not good or bad, but the armor components you provided me have been a great help." 2099 nodded and said, "The new material you brought called Molten Steel is completely unidentifiable by the alchemy company. With the help of the stealth components, I successfully destroyed their latest factory built to encroach on the freedom fighters' territory..."

Peter turned his head to assess him and noticed that he had quite a bit of dust on him. He also walked with a slight limp, and there were injuries on his arms. He seemed to have just experienced a major battle, and Peter apologized, saying, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have rushed you over like that."

"It's nothing, I can't stay idle either." Spider-Man 2099 shook his head and said, "The struggle never stops; I've long gotten used to it!"

Afterwards, the three of them sat on the sofa in the entertainment hall.

Spider-Woman, who had been waiting there, walked over and complained, "I told you to wait in place, I was about to go support you, but you insisted on rushing in and starting the fire. Now look, you'll need at least two weeks of rest..."

Spider-Man 2099 touched his nose and said, "I told you, I'm not used to teaming up with others. Requesting assistance through the hiring system was just a test. The system works well, but you guys are too slow."

He continued, "If it were in my space, if you took half an hour to prepare, we'd be dead already..."

Spider-woman has been frowning the whole time, clearly disagreeing with what he said. However, she quickly retrieved the bandaging materials from the robot and began treating the wound on 2099's arm.

With his other hand, 2099 took the iced wine handed to him by Shadow Spider-Man, lifted half of his mask, took a sip, and said, "I believe you should already understand the situation with my Space."

"I wasn't as lucky as you. The countries of the world didn't unite to develop science and technology. Instead, due to irreconcilable conflicts, they divided Earth into many different parts."

"Represented by alchemy companies, the major corporations had long been planning to physically divide Earth after humanity committed irreparable war crimes. It's absurd, but they actually succeeded in their proposal."

"When I was born, Earth had already been scattered into thousands of floating islands. However, at that time, New York was still a complete floating island. But later on, they first cut out the slums and then fragmented them further, preventing certain freedom fighters from interfering with their rule. Up until now, New York has been divided into seven floating islands."

"I have been on the road fighting against the alchemy companies. I hold a deep grudge against them. My daughter was kidnapped for unknown reasons and ended up dying at their hands..."

After saying that, Spider-Man 2099 let out a deep sigh, and Peter and Amazing Spider-Man comforted him with a few words.

"But..." he waved his hand and said, "This has nothing to do with you. I acknowledge that. I suspected Miles before, but later on, I discovered that the alchemy companies stole my genes and sent a signal into the Multiverse. Coincidentally, Miles intercepted their Spider communication."

"Spider web confirmed this for me. At the same time, utilizing her unparalleled Spider-Sense talent, she hacked into the alchemy company's system and let me know that they actually want to encroach on the land of the freedom fighters. That's why we had our operation a few days ago."

"You've gone too far," Spider-woman commented. "The situation in your Space is already bad. The so-called freedom fighters only occupy a piece of the slums, and it's the smallest piece. Do you dare to start a localized war against the major corporations?"

"It's never too early to wage war against them," Spider-Man 2099 replied, but he didn't want to discuss the topic any further.

Peter and Amazing Spider-Man exchanged glances and realized they were thinking the same thing. Spider-Man 2099 was going to extremes, but they could understand. After all, he had lost his wife and daughter, and anyone would go mad with hatred.

"Thank you, Lucky Kid. This is the first time we've achieved such a significant victory," Spider-Man 2099 turned his head and looked at Peter. "Because of this, no matter who you're looking for in my world, I will assist you wholeheartedly."

"Spider-Girl told me that you discovered a suspicious person on the fourth floating island of New York," Peter asked.

"Correct. We call her Miracle Lady. She's one of the few hackers willing to cooperate with the freedom fighters. Although she has a peculiar personality and demands a high price, her abilities are indeed strong. And it seems she has some unclear relationship with those major corporations."

"Can you give me more details about her?" Peter took out a tablet computer and started recording.

"No problem. Miracle Lady appeared as a mercenary on the fourth floating island only a few years ago. She was commissioned by the alchemy companies to help expand their business and establish factories."

"She possesses a truly miraculous ability to bypass the control systems of the major corporations' employees and hack into their brains, controlling them to work for her."

"Perhaps you, living in the normal world, can't understand what it's like to be controlled by the major corporations."

"However, since the suspicious person you're looking for is in my world, why don't we go there directly and see for ourselves? It'll be much more efficient than me describing it here to you."

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1103 Father and Son (Thirty-Two)


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