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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Hello, Your Majesty Odin. I would be delighted to talk with you, but I just finished attending to a patient. I need to summarize their case and may need to follow up on their treatment progress. So perhaps we can schedule for tomorrow..."

Just as Schiller was about to say this, he heard a thunderous crack behind him. He sighed in resignation and set down the telephone. Turning around, he muttered under his breath, "It would have been better if they had come earlier..."

"Do you think I arrived late?" Odin's voice came from behind Schiller. "I thought, for a psychologist, any time should be just right."

Schiller turned around and saw the imposing figure and dignified presence of Odin. However, what surprised him was that Odin was not wearing his usual armor but rather dressed in traditional Asgardian attire, resembling a Viking.

The traditional Viking attire, in fact, did not resemble pirates but rather bore some resemblance to the image of ancient Chinese soldiers. Both wore soft cloth undergarments with a layer of sturdy chainmail on the outside, with a sword and horn slung around the waist and a horned helmet on their heads.

In this outfit, Odin no longer appeared as awe-inspiring as before; instead, he exuded a hint of casualness and wildness. His manner of speech and behavior reflected the same, not considering himself an outsider. He briskly crossed the office and walked over to the sofa, plopping down on it, giving the armrest a pat, and asking, "Do you have any alcohol?"

"Of course, Your Majesty, but we don't have the fine liquor of Asgard here. We only have champagne." Schiller walked to the liquor cabinet, surveying the bottles within, seemingly trying to pick out a good one to entertain Odin. However, Odin paid no mind and tugged at his beard, saying:

"I have lived on Earth longer than you and know that you humans don't appreciate strong liquor. So bring me a glass of champagne, without ice. I dislike watered-down drinks."

Odin's voice always carried a powerful resonance, and when he spoke, the entire room seemed to reverberate with a humming sound.

Schiller did not bring out the slender champagne glasses he had previously used to entertain Howard. Instead, he took out two beer mugs and three or four bottles of champagne, placing them on a tray on the coffee table in the sofa area.

Odin wasted no time and poured himself a glass of alcohol, placing it heavily on the table. He wiped his mouth, adjusted his beard, and then said, "I came in a hurry. Let me moisten my throat first."

Just as Schiller was about to speak, Odin stopped him and said, "Don't call me Your Majesty, just call me Odin."

Odin's series of actions seemed somewhat rough, but it didn't make one feel repulsed. Instead, it gave the impression that he was a straightforward and bold person. One had to acknowledge that this greatest king in Asgard's history possessed a unique charm that emanated from within.

"No, Your Majesty, I rarely address someone by their name in a professional setting. During this time, let's try not to establish any relationship other than the consultation. It allows me to maintain objectivity. Of course, if you permit, I can omit the formalities." Schiller sat across from Odin and said.

"Very well then," Odin took another sip of his drink, rinsed his mouth with champagne, and then said, "Recently, have you been with Loki?"

"Not really. The last time we met was before Christmas. He was with his elder brother. But I heard that after Thor accompanied Steve and some available members of the Avengers to celebrate Christmas, he went on a patrol. Did he not bring Loki along?"

Odin shook his head and said, "This is the first time Loki hasn't gone on a patrol with his elder brother. Frigga and I thought he was just being playful or staying on Earth to handle Sanctum Sanctorum affairs. However, a few days ago, I heard his vow in Asgard. So, I wanted to ask you, what exactly happened?"

"You think this was my plan?" Schiller voiced what Odin was thinking. Odin looked into his eyes, his expression seemingly saying, "Isn't it?"

Schiller shook his head and said, "During the past period, I haven't been in good shape and haven't been involved in any major matters. I've been resting."

"What happened to you?" Odin's only usable eye squinted slightly. He always spoke directly to the core of the problem, without any politeness or indirectness. However, it wasn't unreasonable, just a bit straightforward.

"It was just an anxiety attack," Schiller took a sip of champagne and gently shook his head. Odin put down his cup and said, "Then you shouldn't be drinking. Take the glass away, I won't drink either."

"Your Majesty Odin, I really don't know where Loki went. Didn't you and Thor search thoroughly?" 

Odin pursed his lips and poured the remaining liquid in his cup into his mouth, then said, "I told Thor to bring his younger brother back, but Thor has been dragging his feet and doesn't want to go. I don't want to bypass him and mobilize the fleet, so I came here to ask for your help in finding Loki."

"To be honest, when we heard his oath, both Frigga and I were stunned. I pulled out three of my own beard hairs, and Frigga cried for two hours. But the least concerned was Thor."

Odin shook his head, appearing somewhat puzzled, and said, "Normally, his relationship with his younger brother is the best, but this time, he doesn't seem to worry much. It's like he doesn't want me and Frigga to go all out to find Loki."

"So, I came here without him knowing. Tell me, what is really going on? I'm starting to have trouble understanding the two of them."

"Do you want to talk about Thor and Loki, the two brothers?" Schiller asked. Odin was somewhat confused about the meaning of this question. Schiller rephrased it and said, "We can start from cause to effect, or from effect to cause, but whichever way, the logic is actually the same. It just depends on how you prefer to receive information."

"Then let's start with the two brothers," Odin's face showed a rare hesitation, and he continued, "Since Thor ascended to the throne, I've been increasingly unable to understand the relationship between the two brothers."

"When Thor was still a prince, their relationship wasn't great, or rather, Thor tried to fulfill the responsibilities of an elder brother, wanting to take care of his younger brother. But it didn't have much effect, as Loki didn't want to be just a younger brother and desperately tried to prove himself as the eldest. But it was also ineffective."

"Frigga and I have been troubled by this matter before. We tried some methods to improve their relationship, but they always just went through the motions."

"Before Thor ascended the throne, the two of them acted respectfully in front of us, but we knew they were putting on a facade."

"But after Thor ascended, they became very strange. On the surface, they didn't seem to get along. They not only frequently argued in front of me and Frigga, but even in the court as well."

"However, Frigga and I both feel that their relationship has improved a lot." Odin clicked his tongue, seemingly unsure how to express it, and said, "It's just intuition, you know? Intuition from parents."

"Just before Loki disappeared, Frigga invited me and Loki to have dinner, but Loki acted like he had consumed several pounds of gunpowder. Rarely, he didn't give Frigga any face. We have no idea what happened to him."

"If I had to guess, I feel like he was extremely anxious, impatient even. He confronted me at the dinner table, seemingly innocent, to provoke a quarrel and then leave quickly. Frigga and I have no idea what he intended to do."

Odin intermittently described Loki's behavior, which was somewhat similar to Howard's, except Howard had some scholarly qualities and was always very careful with his words. Odin, on the other hand, used the simplest and most straightforward language to describe his observations of Loki and express his opinions about others.

Looking at the modestly dressed Odin in front of him, Schiller couldn't help but sigh. This All-Father of Asgard truly deserved the title of the Ancient One.

If we were to say that Magneto possesses charisma but lacks the ability to express it, only able to reveal one percent of it, then Odin completely magnifies his charisma through his actions, amplifying it two or three times.

Every move Odin makes is a showcase of the most outstanding aspects of his personality: generous, magnanimous, and full of enthusiasm. Despite his imposing presence, he doesn't come across as haughty. Some of his words may be overly direct, but they also contain an underlying concern for others, displaying a combination of roughness and subtlety that makes him worthy of trust.

Schiller quickly formed a mental sketch in his mind. He took a sip of champagne and swiftly prepared his script, then began speaking:

"The family situation of the Asgard royal family cannot be analyzed using ordinary family cases because you are royalty, making it particularly unique."

"One of the most unique aspects is that in a certain generation, there may be more than one family member, but there is only one throne. This situation leads to much more complex changes in family relationships compared to ordinary families."

Odin waved his hand, seemingly unconcerned. He spoke to Schiller, "I know what you want to ask. Many people are too afraid to ask, but there's really nothing to be taboo about. The throne will undoubtedly belong to Thor. He is unquestionably the first heir."

"Of course, you may think this is unfair to Loki, but from the moment they could understand my words, I have been very direct with both of them. The throne belongs to Thor, with no other possibilities."

Odin's straightforwardness left Schiller feeling somewhat shocked. Observing Schiller's expression, he shook his head and said:

"Otherwise, what do you think can be done? There is only one throne, but there are two sons. If I didn't announce the correct answer from the beginning and let them guess, the outcome would be a hundred times worse now."

"I also don't understand who spread this matter to such an exaggerated extent." Odin's face displayed a helpless expression.

"I have stated my conclusion privately and publicly on multiple occasions. And it's not something I waited until they grew up to say. I said it a long time ago, that the next God-King is Thor Odinson, and I have repeated it countless times."

Odin leaned back on the sofa, placing his hands on the armrests. He continued, "Many people accuse me of favoritism, but do you think there is a better way to deal with this matter?"

"Asgard can only have one God-King, which means I must choose one. No matter who I choose, it will be unfair to the other."

"And what I can do is try to select someone who can fulfill my expectations and is more suitable for this position. At the same time, before they have deeply pondered this issue, I inform them of the answer."

"I am not that kind of despicable father who tells his two sons that whoever is more outstanding will inherit my legacy. But in reality, I already had the answer in my heart and intervened when they were engaged in a fierce battle."

"When Loki was just coming of age, I had already emphasized to him that he had no possibility of inheriting the throne. But this is not his fault; it's simply because there is only one throne, and even if we follow the order of birth, it should be Thor."

As Schiller looked at Odin's face, his fingertips trembled for the first time because he realized that the script he had prepared in his mind was completely different from the actual situation.

Schiller hadn't expected that this God-King would be wiser, more visionary, and more decisive than he had imagined. In fact, he could even be considered a good father.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1100: Father and Son (Twenty-Nine)


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