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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


In a dense forest, Jia Liang led five Golden Core Cultivators as they stealthily made their way through the woods.

This time, they had received a mission that required them to team up and travel several days away from Yunxia Mountain to a spirit ore mine, where they would engage in some demon-slaying and treasure-hunting activities.

The information provided by Wang Hong was quite detailed, including the exact location, the route to get there, the number and strength of the Demonic Beasts guarding the area, and the types of ore produced by the spirit ore.

In this area, there was only one third-tier Demonic Beast guarding the mine, and the six of them were more than capable of overwhelming it. However, they were dispatched as a group of six Golden Core cultivators to ensure that no unexpected situations arose.

Just then, Jia Liang halted his steps and whispered, "We're about ten miles away from our destination. Everyone, be cautious."

They quietly approached the mine, silently taking down several scout Demonic Beasts along the way with their Divine Sense at the Golden Core Stage.

When the six of them reached the mine, the third-tier Demonic Beast guarding it was still fast asleep.

They quietly closed in, and Jia Liang transmitted a message, "Attack!" A magical weapon and five simultaneous magical arts were directed at the head of the Demonic Beast.

The Demonic Beast awoke with fluctuations of spiritual energy, only to be met with several radiant lights accompanied by the power of thunder, all heading towards it. And then, it knew nothing more.

After slaying this Demonic Beast, they easily dispatched the remaining first and second-tier Demonic Beasts as if they were cutting vegetables.

They then released the mortal mine slaves that the Demonic Beasts had captured, provided them with some food, and urged them to leave as far as possible to avoid being recaptured by the Demon Clan in the future.

Only after that did they take stock of their loot. They had obtained the body of the third-tier Demonic Beast and over a dozen storage bags filled with spirit ore materials, the primary objective of this operation.

The spirit ore in this area produced a small amount of third-tier spirit ore, and they had collected more than a dozen pieces of it this time.

Once they had inventoried the materials, they quickly left the scene and headed towards their next target: a small marketplace where Demonic Beasts gathered.

This marketplace had originally been a human cultivator's marketplace, but because of the dense Spirit Qi in the area, the Demon Clan had occupied it. Many Demon Clan members still lived there, allowing the marketplace to survive.

Their next step was to plunder this marketplace.

At the same time, thousands of miles away, Skinny Monkey and several Golden Core Cultivators were standing amidst a pile of Demonic Beast corpses, taking inventory of the supplies.

"Haha! Robbing feels great! I've had my eye on these beasts for a long time," Skinny Monkey exclaimed.

He had been eagerly anticipating this operation, and now, after slaughtering a large group of Demonic Beasts, he was in high spirits.

"Everyone, search carefully. Let's not leave anything valuable behind. It would be best if we could take it all," Skinny Monkey said.

Skinny Monkey was a frugal person, and looking at the heap of valuable items they had collected, he couldn't bear to leave anything behind.

Like their team, Wang Hong had dispatched ten teams in total to raid various locations in the Demon Beast territory.

These ten teams, based on the intelligence collected by Liu Changsheng, had their routes and targets meticulously planned before departure, ensuring precision in their strikes.

Each of the ten teams was responsible for raiding five targets, and once those were completed, they would retreat immediately.

The entire route and the time needed for the operation had been carefully calculated in advance. There was no room for spontaneous stops, and they had to complete the mission and withdraw before the Demon Clan could react.

Although in the past, when they invaded East Zhou, there were numerous Demonic Beasts, and powerful ones were aplenty.

But now, the Demon Clan was scattered all over, and very few Demon Clan forces could withstand an attack from one of their small teams.

They didn't even bother to provoke the Demon Clan forces that were significantly stronger.

Under the rampant plundering of their ten teams, the entire land of East Zhou was engulfed in turmoil, and the demons were on edge.

They had no idea where these suddenly appearing Human Clan experts came from, and these people always appeared suddenly, struck once, and then disappeared with their loot.

By the time other Demon Clan members nearby reacted and gathered their forces to eliminate them, the intruders had already vanished, only to reappear in a distant location several days later.

The appearance of these Treasure Hunters left the high-ranking Demon Clan members in a state of confusion and frustration.

Eventually, several fourth-tier Demonic Beasts from influential Demon Clan factions mobilized, intending to find these Treasure Hunters and eliminate them once and for all.

However, by that time, these Human Clan Treasure Hunters seemed to have disappeared into thin air.

It was as if these Treasure Hunters had suddenly appeared out of nowhere and then vanished just as mysteriously.

The demons couldn't determine if these people had been lurking there all along or if it was a counterattack by Human Clan members who had escaped before.

Although no Human Clan Treasure Hunters appeared again for a long time, they had left an indelible shadow in the minds of the demons.

When the ten teams returned covertly to Yunxia Mountain, they handed over a substantial amount of supplies and calculated contribution points based on their haul.

The items they turned in consisted primarily of various refining tool materials and Demonic Beast materials, along with some other types of spiritual materials.

Wang Hong looked at the piles of materials everyone had turned in and felt satisfied.

He wasn't concerned about his subordinates keeping some materials for themselves. He believed that the vast majority of them were loyal and trustworthy.

Even if some materials were withheld, it would only be a small minority. He now had over ten thousand people under his command, and it was unrealistic to expect everyone to act entirely selflessly.

Moreover, he had taken some simple precautions. Each of the ten teams was temporarily assembled, and in each team, there were one or two individuals who were not particularly familiar with the others.

In any case, his main strategic objectives had been achieved: disrupting the Demon Clan and plundering refining tool materials. These objectives had been executed perfectly.

"East Master, these materials have been categorized and recorded. Here are the specific quantities," Xu Lun said happily after two days of hard work, handing a booklet to Wang Hong.

"Good, with these three-tier materials, we can refine Magic weapons, and each Golden Core Cultivator should be able to have one," Wang Hong estimated while examining the records. As a three-tier refining tool master, it was easy for him to make such calculations.

"Chen Xiaofeng, I've also collected some materials myself. I'll hand them over along with these materials," Wang Hong said as he casually tossed the ledger to Chen Xiaofeng for him to review.

Since Chen Xiaofeng had reached the Core Building stage, Wang Hong had entrusted all refining tool-related matters to him, allowing him full authority and responsibility, which had saved Wang Hong a lot of trouble.

Chen Xiaofeng examined the materials recorded in the ledger and couldn't contain his excitement as he looked at them more closely.

He had a high level of expertise in both Alchemy and refining tools, and besides his natural talent, his greatest strength was his passion for these pursuits and his dedication to studying them.

Having recently become a three-tier refining tool master, he could now refine Magic weapons. He had countless ideas and experiments he wanted to undertake, but unfortunately, he lacked sufficient materials to indulge himself.

Now, suddenly seeing so many materials, he couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 477: Demon Wolves' Scheme


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