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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


"Scott! What were you thinking?!"

Polaris's voice echoed from around the corner of the corridor. Soon, the figure with green hair hurriedly appeared in the corridor, walking briskly while looking back, loudly exclaiming:

"You actually let Schiller and Magneto stay together?? You must be out of your mind; he will ruin everything!"

Scott, trailing behind her with a hint of helplessness, replied, "I helped Dr. Schiller with his luggage, and as soon as he left his room, he went to find Magneto. He acted too quickly, and I couldn't stop him in time!"

"Since you got off the spaceship, you should have been keeping an eye on him continuously for 24 hours! Haven't you noticed the words on the Sun? It's a warning from Erik to Schiller, isn't it?"

While walking forward, Polaris vigorously grasped her long hair, slightly angry, and said, "Do you really expect Magneto to consider the bigger picture?"

Lorna appeared both sad and angry, covering half of her face with one hand, saying, "He knows how crucial Schiller's plan is for mutants, yet he provocatively says, 'There are no patients here'? Damn it! The biggest patient here is him! Magneto!"

Scott sighed as well, saying, "It's alright. Dr. Schiller won't be unprepared; he won't get hurt..."

"Oh my god! You're just hoping he won't get hurt? If they get into a fight, do you think Schiller won't be angry? Our entire reputation in the Andromeda Galaxy is at stake. Except for Professor X, who can tolerate such ingratitude? Our reputation will be ruined!"

Polaris continued to walk briskly, crossing through the complex structure of the corridor. She adjusted her hair and said, "Before Christmas, we had another argument and even fought. We broke the Christmas tree at Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, and Wanda and Pietro were so angry they ran away..."

"After that, Professor Charles found me..." Polaris sighed, closing her eyes slowly, recalling the scene that day. She continued, "He asked me a question that I couldn't answer..."

"What question?"

"He asked if we thought he had too much hope for Magneto." Polaris smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly. "He shouldn't have asked me that; he should have asked you all, the X-Men. Each of you feels the same way..."

"Each one of you feels that Professor X always holds unrealistic expectations for Magneto, and Magneto only disappoints him time and time again. What baffles you is why Magneto messes up so many things, yet Professor X continues to hope for him?"

"How did you respond?" Scott asked curiously.

"I said, perhaps because you are friends." Polaris shook her head. "But that's not really my answer. I can't help but think maybe it's because Professor, you're just too patient. Any ordinary person would have been driven mad by him long ago!"

Scott felt he couldn't comment on this matter. After all, Polaris was Magneto's daughter. Criticizing her father might just be teenage rebellion, but if he joined in, it would change the nature of the matter.

"Yes, I know, I have a bad temper..." Polaris walked on, hugging herself. "I shouldn't argue with him or even fight, but can you imagine if someone with a better temperament could tolerate him? How many Professor X's are there in this world?"

Polaris took a deep breath and sniffed. "Some people say I'm like him, but at least I have a good relationship with Havok and Iceman. Shadowcat and She-Devil are also considered friends, barely. But him? He has lived for so many years, yet he only has Professor X as a friend?"

"Sometimes, I really feel afraid. If I reach his age and live like him, with only one friend and a bad relationship with my children, how can I save my own life?"

"Don't think too much, Lorna." Scott approached and patted Polaris's shoulder. "We all make our own lives; we will have a better future..."

Although Scott said this, he sighed slightly towards the end. If Magneto and Schiller really started fighting, the bright future might have to be postponed indefinitely.

Polaris obviously thought of this too. She quickened her pace and glanced back at Scott. "We have to hurry over. Maybe we can stop them before they get violent..."

"If they do start fighting, I'll hold Erik back, and you take Dr. Schiller away." Polaris rubbed her forehead. "Fortunately, Dr. Schiller should have a good temper and won't stoop to his level. Let's separate them quickly and avoid a big mess..."

Scott realized he was going to face a challenging situation next. He knew Schiller's temper was definitely better than Magneto's, but he didn't really understand Schiller and wasn't sure if he could hold him back if he got angry.

The two of them walked forward with heavy hearts, turned a corner, climbed the staircase, and as they reached the landing, Polaris bent down and hid behind the wall next to the corridor, listening carefully.

"He's in there. I can't use a magnetic field to probe; otherwise, I'll be discovered. But I didn't sense any magnetic field fluctuations. It seems they are still arguing." Polaris made an "OK" gesture and waved to Scott, signaling him to follow.

The two of them tiptoed and slowly walked deeper into the corridor, then gradually approached Magneto's office door.

Just as they were about to reach the door, Polaris made a hushing gesture to Scott and whispered, "I can disguise the nearby magnetic field to deceive him. Let's listen first to what they're arguing about before we intervene..."

Scott felt eavesdropping was a bit unethical, but considering the circumstances, there wasn't a better option. So he nodded and moved closer to Polaris's position.

The two of them stealthily reached the doorway of the office, and Polaris gently pressed her hand against the wall. Faint voices could be heard from inside the room.

"Have you ever considered why the evaluations from professional psychologists about you are so different from those of ordinary people?" Schiller's voice came from inside the room.

"If it were only Charles, we could say it was due to our long-standing friendship and deep understanding. But we barely knew each other before, hardly any understanding, let alone subjective emotional influence. Why do I also feel that you are not as unapproachable as the public perception suggests?"

Magneto seemed to respond, but his words were somewhat indistinct. Schiller's voice resumed:

"I don't know if you've ever understood what your old friend's profession really entails."

"Of course, in our time, this field of study was not yet systematized, but in just a few decades, it has experienced rapid development and continues to improve."

"Even if you don't understand the technicalities, psychology, as the name suggests, is the study of human psychology, which means we focus more on the internal aspects rather than surface actions."

"To be immodest, although Charles's expertise far surpasses mine, I consider myself a relatively experienced psychologist. So,
these are the two most insightful scholars in the world regarding human psychology. Both have given you exceedingly high evaluations. Why do you think that is?"

Before Magneto could respond, Schiller continued, "Because your inner personality is quite charming."

"Correct. This viewpoint contradicts public judgment. Ordinary people, even your children, find you difficult to get along with, even detestable. But they're not entirely wrong; it's just that each perspective has its own reasons."

The conversation continued within the office, leaving Scott and Polaris listening intently outside, grappling with the complexities of the situation at hand and the deeper dynamics between Magneto and Schiller.

"Psychologists, through professional training, excel at analyzing the inner psychology of individuals through their external behaviors."

"However, ordinary people, without such training, mostly judge others based solely on their external actions, making it difficult to analyze deeper behavioral logic."

"We believe that having a charismatic inner personality does not necessarily mean that your external behavior won't be disliked by ordinary people. In fact, there's no contradiction in this."

Schiller's voice came with a smile, his tone remained very calm, as if what he was saying, no matter how groundbreaking, had its reasons.

"A person doesn't have to be perfect in every aspect to have personality charm. On the contrary, professional data shows that often, when one aspect of a person's personality is particularly outstanding, while others are weaker, they will have unique charisma."

"For example, some famous generals sometimes appear authoritarian, arrogant, unable to handle many details well, and some can't even take care of themselves. However, this doesn't prevent them from having a strong personality charm, and many soldiers are swayed by their charisma and are willing to serve them."

"You have a highlight in your personality that always attracts a group of admirers. And if you're hated by everyone, it doesn't mean there's no highlight in your personality. This is what I'm about to say next..."

"What are they talking about?" Polaris listened to the conversation inside the room with some confusion. She didn't quite understand many of the psychology-specific terms Schiller was using, so she looked at Scott.

Scott, also not fully understanding, but often spending time with Professor X, could understand a bit more than Polaris. He hesitated for a moment and then said, "Dr. Schiller seems to be counseling Magneto?"

"No way?!" Polaris exclaimed in surprise. "You mean, they're doing psychological treatment?!"

"Don't joke around. Don't you remember what Magneto said on the Sun? He's extremely averse to psychological treatment. Otherwise, as a longtime friend of Professor X, how could he still be like this?"

Polaris and Scott exchanged looks, unable to understand what was happening, but unable to find a good opportunity to intervene, so they could only continue listening outside the door.

"'Inner personality' and 'external behavior' are like two jars with a pipe connecting them."

"Generally speaking, the more water in the inner personality jar, the more water there should be in the external behavior jar."

"A person with a more complete personality, with one aspect particularly outstanding, will have a lot of water in their jar. But this doesn't mean that the jar of external behavior will also be filled with water."

"And when the jar of inner personality is very full, but the jar of external behavior has almost no water, we have to consider that there may be a problem with the pipe."

"The inability to manifest one's own personality traits through external behavior is usually what we call 'behavioral disorders.'"

"Unlike psychological disorders, behavioral disorders are not caused by unstable personalities but by poor alignment between personality and behavior, where what one wants to express cannot be expressed."

"Psychological disorders mostly stem from significant psychological trauma or periods of painful memories. If one's willpower is strong, or enough time has passed and the trauma has been forgotten, it's possible for them to heal."

"For example, you must have some painful memories from the war period, about the Nazis, about the concentration camps. But that time is long gone, and even if you may have left some psychological trauma back then, your strong mind and the passage of time have smoothed everything out."

"From what we can see now, your personality is very stable, and your logic is consistent. You've already figured out everything about yourself, what you want, what you want to give up, what you need, what you don't need. You're quite clear about it all."

"Of course, this also has to do with age. After all, you've lived many more years than young people, so many things, you may have struggled with before but have now come to terms with."

"In short, you don't have a mental illness that needs treatment, and the behavioral disorders you exhibit, which resemble mental illnesses, have little relationship with your mental state. They are mainly caused by external environments and the education you've received, leading to patterns of behavior that are not well expressed."

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What are they saying?"

Scott narrowed his eyes. He was almost pressed against the door, so he could hear more clearly than Polaris. He said, "I heard something about... war, Nazis, concentration camps? And mental illnesses and something something disorders?"

Polaris's expression turned horrified, then she said, "Oh no! It must be that Schiller wants to treat Erik!!!"

Polaris widened her eyes and looked at Scott, asking, "Do you know what are the few topics that Erik can't stand?"

Scott had a bad feeling about this. He looked at Polaris, who kept vigorously waving her hand downwards, and spoke rapidly, "War, Nazis, concentration camps, and being sick!"

With a bang, the door was pushed open, and instantly, magnetic fields erupted, and laser light flashed all around.

Inside the room, Magneto, who was adding tea leaves to his cup, and Schiller, who had just taken a sip of tea, both froze.

Unfortunate children.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1093: Father and Son (Part Twenty-Two)


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