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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Together with Schiller, Cyclops Scott, who was teaching at Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters at the time, boarded the spaceship and was responsible for escorting him.

Upon seeing the large characters of "Blink" on the star, Scott appeared even more helpless than Schiller. He shook his head and said, "Based on my understanding of Magneto, this may not be a welcome gesture, but rather a show of force. He is always like this."

Scott's temper was considered good among all mutants. Although he had been impulsive when he was young, he had matured a lot now. He helplessly shook his head and said, "Erik has always been our old adversary. He must know that the X-Men are sending someone to escort you. He's doing this to assert dominance over us. It has been like this for many years."

Schiller stood in front of the porthole, looked at the words and smiled, "Is that so? But I quite like this welcome ceremony. Apart from being a bit astonishing at first, the effect is not bad, is it?"

Scott narrowed his eyes slightly, then sighed and said, "Doctor, you have a very good temper, much like our Professor. You both are easygoing people. However, Magneto is not like that."

"Don't say that, Scott," Schiller shook his head and said, "We shouldn't form a heavy stereotype of him based on his past actions. Every second could be a crucial period for a person's personality transformation."

Unexpectedly, Scott really pondered for a moment and said, "You're right, doctor. I am a teacher now, and those children could encounter life-changing issues at any time. If I always look at them with old eyes, it might really lead them down a path of stereotypes and biases..."

"Exactly, but I can also understand your anger. After all, you used to be opponents, and you must have fought against the Brotherhood of Mutants, right?"

Scott nodded, his expression becoming heavy. He said, "For so many years, the war has never stopped. In any war, bloodshed is inevitable. If it weren't for the bright future of mutants in front of us, the resentment from the sacrifices of former comrades and friends would have consumed us."

"I certainly understand," Schiller reached out and patted his shoulder, saying, "I know that Professor X may have given you additional tasks, such as helping to promote my relationship with Magneto or persuading him not to conflict with me, but you actually don't want to do that."

"How could I force you? While the bright future is righteous, your situation doesn't warrant sacrificing personal emotions to serve the group."

"Goodness, Scott..." Scott covered his forehead and said, "I didn't feel my brainwaves being read, which means you didn't use telepathy, but you really hit the nail on the head..."

"Professor X has always been trying to bridge the relationship between the X-Men and the Brotherhood of Mutants. We all understand his intentions. Now is the perfect opportunity to unite and build a future together..."

"But most members are quite resistant. Professor X has done his best to appease them, but if I were to bow down and fawn over Magneto, I simply couldn't do it, no matter what..."

"Don't worry, Scott. I won't conflict with Magneto," Schiller smiled and said, "I am very skilled at dealing with such people."

"Not only that, I previously promised Professor X to pay attention to Magneto's psychological state, especially his family relationships. This time, I'm here to deal with these issues as well..."

"Jesus!" Scott sighed and looked at Schiller, saying, "Doctor, you not only have to deal with Magneto, but also treat him. Are you serious? This could be very dangerous. Even if he doesn't physically harm you, his cold demeanor can be quite unpleasant..."

"No relationship." Schiller said very gently, "I've already said it. I have a lot of experience, and besides, look at Magneto's masterpiece. Hasn't he already told us? There are no patients in need of treatment here. I'm not here for medical reasons. I'm just here to take care of an old friend on his behalf."

Scott looked troubled, seemingly reluctant to let Schiller face any hardships, but moved by Schiller's professional ethics. He felt unable to dissuade him and hesitated for a while before he could say:

"Well, doctor. I can't help you with the professional aspect, but if you have any life-related questions, feel free to come to me."

"Of course, I do have something to ask of you. I want to recuperate here for a while and also see the scenery of the Andromeda Galaxy. Do you know if there are any tourist attractions here? How do we get there?"

Scott scratched his head and said, "That's actually a problem. I came here to help with mining, and I haven't really done any sightseeing... How about this? In the next few days, I'll explore the nearby planets and see if there are any beautiful landscapes."

"Then I'll leave it to you... Well, don't look at me with that worried eye contact. I'm not a child anymore. I'll get along well with Magneto." Schiller patted Scott's shoulder and said.

"Pardon my frankness, doctor, but I can tell that you're very confident. However, I'm genuinely curious about where this confidence comes from. Could you share it with me?" Scott asked with a complex expression.

"Perhaps it's because I have a side like that as well, so I understand what such people fear and what they need." Schiller seemed to remember something funny and laughed to himself.

Just then, the docking ship of the spaceship arrived. Schiller walked to the nearby docking port, and as soon as the door opened, Magneto, wearing a combat suit, helmet, and a flowing cloak, appeared outside the door. Behind him, there were members of the Brotherhood, all dressed in black.

Magneto stood in the center, with the others on either side, each with a serious expression and cold eye contact.

The scene didn't look like a welcoming procession; it was more like a negotiation scene before a gang shootout. It seemed that each person harbored a gallon of resentment, attempting to stab the other with their standing posture and facial expressions.

While Scott hesitated, unsure of how to respond, Schiller directly walked up with big steps, extended his hand, and said to Magneto:

"Oh my, I really didn't expect such a grand welcome ceremony from you. I'm truly flattered."

"Oh, sorry. I just remembered. The one standing in front of me is none other than Magneto. Igniting a solar storm is not a difficult task for a master of magnetic force. It seems I made a fuss over nothing..."

Scott could clearly see Magneto's expression stiffen for a moment, while Schiller, with a smile on his face, extended his hand. Magneto slowly shifted his eye contact to his hand.

Schiller wasn't wearing any combat suit or armor. He was wearing a Christmas-themed sweater, mostly dark green, with a reindeer sleigh pattern on the left chest. Underneath the sweater was a plain white shirt, and a vine-patterned tie hung down from the collar.

He had a brown wool coat that looked very casual in style, with the cut of the shoulders and cuffs leaning towards leisure, and the material being relatively soft.

Schiller's outfit gave a very refined and scholarly impression, with hardly any aggressiveness. In plain terms, it was clear he was here on vacation.

In contrast, everyone on Magneto's side was fully armed, and they insisted on wearing some strange accessories on their heads.

Either cover your eyes with sunglasses or use a face mask to cover half of your face. Everyone is dressed in black, wearing black gloves and black leather shoes. Even if there is some bright color, it is always blood red or icy blue, giving off an aggressive vibe.

Separated by a door at the interface, it was like two different worlds. The black attire of Magneto's side was suitable for the futuristic spaceship, but Schiller's style was out of place and made him appear more relaxed and natural.

At this moment, Scott also realized the problem and couldn't help but smirk. It was clear that the Brotherhood had gone too far.

Even though Schiller had stated that he was just here to visit, it was a personal trip, not an official meeting. Why would they need two extended cars and over a hundred Black Suit bodyguards lining up on both sides, with the leader personally coming to greet them?

At that moment, Schiller had already passed by Magneto and spoke to a green-haired figure in the crowd. "Hey, isn't that Lorna? It's been a while. How are Havok and Iceman?"

Lorna, who was standing in the team, also had sunglasses on, but she was not used to this kind of situation. She looked up and glanced at Magneto, but because she was standing behind him, she couldn't see his expression and didn't know how to respond. So she remained silent.

Schiller had a puzzled expression, while Magneto's face turned dark. He turned slightly and said in a low voice, "Lorna, who taught you how to treat guests? You don't even respond to an old friend?"

Lorna seemed uncomfortable and didn't know whether to step out of the crowd or speak in her spot. But at that moment, Schiller walked up to her, hugged her, and said, "I forgot. This isn't the place to talk. Let's go, let's land first."

Schiller could clearly sense that Lorna had let out a sigh of relief. When he walked back to Scott's side, Scott whispered with a smile, "Look at their expressions, as if the world is about to be destroyed in the next second. Hahaha..."

The shuttle landed on the square on the floating island, and as soon as Schiller stepped out of the spaceship, he exclaimed, "The stability of this shuttle is quite good. Much better than the one I took in New York. Did you guys make any technological improvements?"

As soon as Schiller asked this question, Scott immediately sensed something and noticed that Magneto's mood had improved.

Because they were old rivals, they were very familiar with each other's expressions and habits. They could clearly see that Schiller's words had touched a nerve with Magneto.

"It was Peter Parker who led a group of children to do it," Magneto replied in a cold tone.

Scott didn't understand why this question was so special. Why did Magneto seem happy when he answered? And why did he seem happy but still answer with a cold expression, as if he didn't care at all?

As they traveled on the road to the capital on the floating island, Schiller didn't comment on the scenery along the way or the interior decoration of the capital hall.

But when they entered the reception hall, Schiller let out a sigh and said, "I didn't expect the journey from the door to here to be quite far. This house is great, but the structure is a bit complex and can make one dizzy. It wouldn't hurt to make some changes..."

Scott also noticed that the wrinkles at the corners of Magneto's eyes had relaxed. He was even more puzzled. How come Schiller had only been here for a couple of minutes and already started nitpicking, yet Magneto seemed happy?

Scott stood there, deep in thought, and finally came to a conclusion. Perhaps, this was the power of psychology. Otherwise, why would everyone who interacted with Magneto be a psychologist?

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1089: Father and Son (Eighteen)


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