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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Among the more than ten pieces of information, one of them recorded the discovery of a Fusang Divine Tree on an island in the East Sea.

For this divine tree, it had once triggered a great war within the Demon Clan that lasted for hundreds of years.

During that time, several Tier-Four Demonic Beasts had also perished in battle. In the end, the divine tree was uprooted and divided into several parts, finally quelling the turmoil.

It was said that these divided parts were distributed among the most powerful Demon Clans in the East Sea. However, the exact recipients remained unknown.

This piece of news circulated within the East Sea Demon Clan, and it wasn't considered particularly surprising. Wang Hong had no intention of provoking those formidable Demon Clans.

But there was another piece of information within this, claiming that not long ago, a Tier-Three Demonic Beast from the East Sea possessed a branch of Fusang Divine Wood.

Moreover, the credibility of this news was exceptionally high because the Demonic Beast had presented the branch, intending to find a refining tool master to transform it into a magic weapon.

However, the Demon Clan refining tool master felt that their skills were insufficient to refine such a supreme divine item as Fusang Divine Wood, so they declined the commission.

Upon reading this, Wang Hong felt a growing ambition within him.

It was suspected that the so-called Fusang Wood was certainly not the genuine Fusang Wood from ancient times; it was likely a descendant tree with Fusang bloodline.

However, the fact that it could incite a massive conflict among Tier-Four Demonic Beasts and spark centuries of turmoil indicated that it was no ordinary material.

Lifebound Magical Treasures, once refined, accompanied a cultivator for life and had a profound impact. Naturally, one would strive to use the best materials to create the strongest Lifebound Magical Treasure.

Previously, he had considered finding better materials but was at a loss as he had none. Now that he had heard about Fusang Divine Wood, he naturally wanted to seize the opportunity.

Stimulated by the news of Fusang Divine Wood, the value of the two spiritual materials he had put away earlier decreased significantly in his mind.

He stored these items away and then inquired about recent news from Liu Changsheng. His shop in Taihao City was running smoothly.

Unexpectedly, Little Peng turned out to be quite adept at making friends with various Demonic Beasts, and now many Demonic Beasts in Taihao City treated it as a brother. Its reputation as the mischievous Little Peng of Zixu Mountain had also become well-known in Taihao City, and as a result, business in its shop had improved considerably.

The only problem was that this fellow loved alcohol too much. Wang Hong had prepared Spirit Wine to sell in the shop, but Little Peng had drunk most of it.

The information about Fusang Wood was initially discovered by Little Peng, and then Ye Mu was tasked with investigating it further. Their cooperation had uncovered this piece of information.

Liu Changsheng handed over some of the shop's earnings in materials and Spirit Stones to Wang Hong, including several million low-grade Spirit Stones and over a hundred mid-grade Spirit Stones.

Wang Hong collected these items and then handed over several Storage Bags to Liu Changsheng. The materials inside would be sufficient for the shop's operation for a long time.

After bidding farewell to Liu Changsheng, he headed eastward.

Following the occupation of the East Zhou Cultivation Realm by the Western Demon Tribe and the East Sea Demon Clan, they had divided it in two, with the eastern half belonging to the East Sea and the western half to the West Zhou Demon Realm.
In the midst of these messages, there was one that mentioned the possession of a branch of Fusang Divine Wood by a Demonic Beast from the East Sea. After their involvement in the Cultivation World War, this Demonic Beast had settled in the East Sea's territory.

The journey ahead was quite long, and even with his abilities, it would take him several months to reach there.

To avoid drawing the attention of other Demon Clans, he once again transformed himself into the appearance of a green-skinned Demonic Beast.

Even though he had maintained a low profile, he encountered several incidents of Demonic Beasts attempting to rob him along the way. It seemed that killing and plundering were not exclusive traits of the Human Clan, and the Demon Clan could be even more ruthless. Sometimes, they wouldn't even assess whether their opponents were stronger before launching direct attacks.

Wang Hong had encountered a Tier-Two Demonic Beast that rushed at him without any justification, demanding that he hand over all his belongings, threatening to eat him if he refused.

Terrified, Wang Hong unintentionally killed the reckless Tier-Two Demonic Beast and even roasted it, finding its meat surprisingly tender.

Seeing the continuous attempts by Demonic Beasts to rob him on his journey, Wang Hong decided to suppress his cultivation level to the Foundation Building stage. This way, most Tier-Three Demonic Beasts would likely not pay him any attention. Even if some shameless Tier-Three Demonic Beasts targeted him, it would be easier for him to launch sneak attacks.

In his Demonic Beast form, he couldn't use Spiritual Power, as the difference between Spiritual Power and Demonic Power would make these Demonic Beasts recognize him instantly. Therefore, he could only rely on his physical strength for combat. Fortunately, he had previously trained his body, so he wasn't at a disadvantage in terms of physical resilience compared to Demonic Beasts of the same tier.

As for any Tier-Two Demonic Beasts that dared to rob him, he simply turned them into his dinner.

After crossing the boundary between the Western Demon Tribe and the East Zhou Demon Clan, the landscape began to change as he traveled further east.

Within the East Sea Demon Clan, there were aquatic Demonic Beasts, terrestrial Demonic Beasts, and amphibious Demonic Beasts. After occupying the territory of the East Zhou Cultivation Realm, these Demonic Beasts continuously transformed and adapted the environment to better suit their habitation and survival.

Now, in the East Sea Demon Clan-occupied areas, many pieces of land had been turned into water bodies, interconnected with the East Sea.

As he cautiously traveled for several months, he finally arrived at the foot of a mountain rich in Spirit Qi.

He followed a small path along the mountain's base, slowly making his way towards the summit.

What struck him as odd was that he hadn't encountered any obstructions along the way, not even a single small Demonic Beast.

According to the intelligence, this peak was originally the residence of a Sect. However, when the Demon Clan attacked, this Sect had to abandon its mountain gate, fleeing with its disciples to another location.

The mountain had originally been fortified with a large formation, but when the Human Clan fled, they couldn't dismantle the formation in time. As a result, this Demonic Beast had directly occupied the peak and claimed the formation as its own.

Now, the formation here remained unactivated, and everything seemed quiet.

As he continued upward, nearing the peak, he noticed signs of recent battles everywhere. Judging by the freshness of some broken trees, it seemed that these incidents had occurred only a few days ago.

Wang Hong quickened his pace, feeling a sense of foreboding.

Upon reaching the mountain's summit in haste, he was met with a scene of devastation. Most of the structures on the peak had collapsed, leaving pits and craters everywhere.

Scanning the surroundings, he couldn't spot a single living being on this mountaintop.

He hadn't expected that other Demon Clans would get there ahead of him.

In fact, he should have anticipated it, considering the treasure capable of causing centuries of turmoil within the entire East Sea Demon Clan. To have it fall into the hands of a mere Tier-Three Demonic Beast, and for that Demonic Beast to casually expose it without proper concealment, was a grave mistake leading to certain doom.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 468: Contest


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