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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


Peter adjusted his glasses and glanced at his students who were looking up at him. Holding his mobile phone, he covered the receiver and said, "Please wait, I have to answer a call. I'll be right back."

With that, he walked out, leaving the small mutants behind the desks to immediately start chattering.

"I bet it's Gwen calling again. She calls Mr. Parker three times a day!"

"Lower your voices, if Mr. Parker hears us, he'll scold you for sure!"

"What's there to be afraid of? Mr. Parker is kind, much better than Osborne."

"Every time Osborne teaches us, he talks about how he met his girlfriend. He even accuses us of gossiping."

"Let me see who isn't studying seriously."

Harry entered the room, and the classroom instantly quieted down. He took out his textbook and slammed it onto the desk, saying, "Mr. Parker had to step out, so I'll be teaching the next two classes..."

"Alright, take out your economics textbooks, turn to page 12, and let's review what we discussed last time..."

Peter pushed open the door, holding his mobile phone. He gestured to Harry and then addressed the students sitting below, saying, "The teacher will be away for a while. Physics and engineering classes are temporarily suspended. We'll arrange other courses during this free time..."

"Hey, don't look at me like that. It can't be all free time, right?"

"Don't worry, the new teacher is highly professional and much kinder than me..."

With that, Peter closed the door, leaving the students in the classroom exchanging puzzled glances.

Among them, Shadow, a small mutant who had previously collaborated with Peter and joined the Avengers, turned his head and said to Amplifier beside him, "A kind and friendly new teacher? Could it be Professor Connors? He's quite amiable as long as he doesn't transform into a lizard..."

"I guess it's Professor Banner. He's gentle too, as long as he doesn't turn into that grumpy green giant. Last time, I helped him deliver food to his girlfriend, and he even gave me a box of chocolates..."

"Alright, quiet down. You'll meet the new teacher tomorrow. Now, let's start the class."

On the other side, Peter found Magneto in the office of the capital of Andromeda Galaxy Sky Island. He began explaining, "A friend of mine is currently facing some trouble. He hopes that the Spider-Men from different spaces in the Multiverse can help him find someone. It's a bit troublesome, but the reward is quite high..."

Magneto wasn't wearing his combat suit or his helmet. Sitting behind the desk, his expression cold, he looked at Peter and said, "So, you plan to break your promise?"

Peter was momentarily taken aback, unsure why Magneto had such a bad attitude. Then, he looked into Magneto's eyes and calmly explained, "No, of course not. But I do need to leave here for a while..."

"So, you want to breach the agreement," Magneto's tone remained low and indifferent.

Peter sighed and took two steps forward, standing in front of Magneto. He looked into Magneto's eyes with a calm gaze, remaining silent. Magneto returned his gaze.

In the end, it was Magneto who couldn't hold out any longer. Peter seemed incredibly patient, as if he planned to stay here for a year, constantly enduring with him, unlike other young mutants who couldn't wait to escape.

Magneto turned his head away before Peter spoke up, saying, "You should listen to what I have to say before making judgments, shouldn't you?"

"I don't have that much time," Magneto replied, standing up with his hands resting on the armrests of the chair.

He wore a black sweater, and although his face showed signs of age, his physique remained strong and sturdy. The white hair at his temples added a touch of seasoned charm, and standing in front of the young Spider-Man, he still exuded an astonishing presence.

"So, I waited here. If you don't speak up, I won't finish what I have to say," Peter fearlessly stared into Magneto's eyes, remarking, "This is what Dr. Schiller taught me. If someone says they don't have time to listen to you during a conversation, take action to waste more of their time and make them understand that impatience is meaningless and even harmful."

Magneto adjusted his sleeves and slowly lowered his gaze, saying to Peter, "You are indeed bold, but it may cost you your life."

"Don't always talk about survival and death. It's not cool at all, and it makes you seem somewhat childish," Peter shook his head and added, "That's what Mr. Stark taught me."

Despite Peter's repeated provocations, there was no anger in Magneto's eyes. As he maintained eye contact with Peter, his gaze revealed not only seriousness and depth but also complex and indescribable emotions, as if he were admiring a brilliant gem that he could never possess.

"So, can you listen to what I have to say now?" Peter asked, looking directly into Magneto's eyes.

Magneto remained silent, and after a few tens of seconds, he slowly nodded. Peter let out a sigh and said, "I do need to leave here early, but as compensation, I will invite a friend and mentor of mine to take my place. He will teach those children something more important than the techniques I teach them."

"I believe this deal will not leave you at a loss. In fact, it will require a great favor from me, considering that the doctor is also very busy," Peter shrugged.

Magneto keenly caught certain words in his statement, and in an elegant yet slightly rigid tone, he uttered that word, "Doctor?"

Before Peter could respond, Magneto said, "There are no patients here, so there's no need for a doctor."

"Then consider him as a teacher," Peter seemed eager to leave and didn't intend to explain further. However, Magneto still wanted to nitpick and asked, "So, what can he teach?"

"Psychology, behavioral studies, sociology, philosophy, and grammar," Peter mentioned a few specialized terms. Magneto lowered his gaze, slowly walked back to the table, and lightly tapped his aged yet powerful fingers on the desktop, saying, "I don't think it's as useful as what you teach."

His fingers continued to tap on the desktop, creating a rhythmic sound. Peter watched his movements and took two steps back before saying, "You should take back what you said earlier. This place does need a doctor because your current actions are typical symptoms of an anxiety attack..."

"Are you saying... I'm a patient?" The objects on the desktop trembled lightly, then slowly levitated. Magneto's eye contact grew colder, and Peter shook his head, saying, "I'm not a doctor, so I can't determine if someone is a patient or not."

"Of course, you can also choose not to let Dr. Schiller come. I can make a phone call to Dr. Banner and ask if he's available..."

"...Schiller is the one coming?" 

Instantly, all the levitating objects returned to their original positions. Magneto stared at Peter with a profound gaze, as if trying to read something from his face. After a pause, he asked, "...Are you sure he's only coming to teach?"

"Yes, but it's also a kind of vacation. The Sanatorium where Dr. Schiller works is located near the construction site of an intercity train, causing constant noise that prevents him from resting properly. He's coming here to recuperate and improve his physical health..." Peter explained.

"Does Professor X know?" Magneto asked.

"I will inform Professor. Of course, if you don't want Dr. Schiller to come, I can call him right now and cancel the plan..."

"No." Magneto immediately denied, his voice firm.

Looking at his expression, Peter smiled. He knew that Magneto would agree.

With the development plan of the Solar System and other major plans progressing, the majority of people began to realize that everything happening was not accidental or coincidental, but rather the result of someone behind the scenes pushing for it.

What shocked everyone was that the mastermind behind such a massive plan, who astonishingly brought it to fruition, was none other than a seemingly ordinary psychologist named Schiller Rodriguez, who rarely appeared in public.

Upon discovering this, many people started to think about other possibilities. However, due to Schiller's elusive nature, aside from a few superheroes, hardly anyone knew about his lifestyle and interests.

Nevertheless, everyone wanted to acquire this information, believing it would be a valuable tool to participate in Schiller's next plan and stay ahead of the game, including the mutants.

Just as Peter left, Magneto received a communication from Professor X. Charles spoke with a cautious tone:

"Erik, you must seize this opportunity. This psychologist is vital for the future of both humanity and mutants."

"So far, almost no one has been able to influence his actions. Therefore, apart from a few superheroes with a close relationship, no one truly understands what kind of person he is, including myself. I have never fully grasped him."

"Peter is his favorite student. They have a mentor-student relationship and are as close as father and son. If it weren't for Peter's plea, he would never have agreed to leave New York and go to the Andromeda Galaxy. So, this opportunity is crucial."

"Erik, over the years, I have rarely asked you for anything. But this time, if there is a chance to bring him closer to mutants, you must seize it."

"Because sometimes, a slight bias in making certain important decisions can create tremendous miracles."

After Charles' voice faded away, Magneto stood still. His finger tapped against the desktop once again, this time with a sense of urgency. Just by listening to the sound, one could feel the anxiety it evoked.

To Magneto's enemies, he was the most fearsome devil—powerful, unwavering, and devoid of any trace of mercy, willing to carry out slaughter and destruction to the end.

But to his friends, well, over the years, Magneto only had one true friend—Charles. This also indicated that if one didn't possess the patience and saint-like qualities of Charles, it would be better to avoid befriending Magneto, as there was a high probability of being driven to frustration.

And this time was no different. Magneto had a talent for infuriating others with his words and actions, but when it came to pleasing someone or leaving a good impression, the results often turned disastrous.

On this day, the weather in New York was sunny. With a good mood and anticipation, Schiller boarded the spaceship heading for the Andromeda Galaxy. He thought it would be a pleasant journey, and he deserved a vacation.

The spaceship traveled at a rapid speed, and there was nothing much to see on the road. It wasn't until the spaceship's alert signaled their imminent arrival that Schiller, holding a cup of coffee, approached the cabin window. He wanted to take a look at the scenery of the nearby floating island and appreciate the fruits of his labor.

As he reached the cabin window, he froze, and then "puh" - he spewed out the coffee from his mouth.

Outside the window, there were countless planets, but the most eye-catching was the enormous star.

At this moment, the radiant surface of the star, filled with endless sun flames, displayed a massive welcome message visible to all civilizations within the entire star system:

"Welcome, Doctor Schiller Rodriguez, but there are no patients here. Thank you!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1088: Father and Son (Seventeen)


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