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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


After changing to a new dressing room, Lady Loki tightly embraced Helen, denying her the chance to have an extra meal. Once they finished changing their clothes, Lady Loki also put on a collar.

On the road to the courtroom, Lady Loki kept turning her head, observing the surroundings. She noticed that there were statues on both sides of the corridor, identical to the one she saw in the hall before. All of them were dressed in peculiar uniforms and making strange gestures.

"Oh!" Lady Loki suddenly exclaimed. Instantly, Mobius and B15, who were walking ahead, assumed a defensive posture. However, when they turned back, they found Lady Loki unharmed, only clutching her own neck.

"What happened?" Mobius fell two steps behind. Lady Loki glanced at Helen and then said to Mobius, "I'm fine. It's just that my daughter might be a little hungry. Can you find something for her to eat later?"

"Uh, what does she eat? Human food? I have some snacks on my desk. I can bring her some later." Mobius seemed to enjoy interacting with children, using his palm to make various shapes, making Helen giggle.

The group entered a spacious courtroom. This courtroom was not much different from the ones Lady Loki had seen on Earth. The lighting was dim and heavy, creating a solemn and dignified atmosphere.

However, Lady Loki didn't feel nervous. In the past, while working at the Sanctum Sanctorum, the employees there liked to boast about how they played tricks on judges and lawyers who didn't even understand basic mathematics during their spare time. On average, they appeared in court more than ten times a year, and some even hooked up with judges.

Thinking of judges, Lady Loki raised her eyes and looked at the woman standing in the position of the presiding judge. She had chestnut-colored skin and slightly curled black hair, giving her the appearance of a person of mixed race.

"I am Lavona, the presiding judge for this trial. I will conduct a fair trial for the time crimes you have committed... Wait a moment!"

Lavona, the self-proclaimed female presiding judge, lowered her head and glanced at the materials in front of her. Then, she frowned discontentedly and threw the materials aside, shouting loudly to the side, "Mobius! What's going on? Why are the materials wrong again?! Why did you bring Lady Loki's materials here?"

Mobius hurried over, running all the way from the window to Lavona's side. He whispered something to her. Lady Loki observed that within a few seconds, Lavona's expression changed multiple times, and her reaction was quite entertaining. When she looked at Lady Loki again, their eye contact was somewhat off.

After all, based on their current understanding, Lady Loki's life was quite astonishing.

Although the Monocosm of the Infinity in the Multiverse possessed infinite Lokis, there were not many female Lady Lokis. Only this one before them had hooked up with Iron Man and gave birth to a daughter.

Lavona cleared her throat and didn't announce the opening of the trial. Instead, she looked at Lady Loki and asked, "Where is Pepper Potts from your world? Doesn't she have children with Iron Man?"

"She is Iron Man's girlfriend, but they don't have children," Lady Loki truthfully replied.

"She is Iron Man's girlfriend?!" Lavona's voice rose, and both Mobius and B15, who was standing at the door, looked at Lady Loki. Lady Loki rolled her eyes, feeling too lazy to explain such a complicated relationship to them. She simply said, somewhat languidly, "I have no relationship with Iron Man."

The expressions of the people became even more interesting. At this moment, Lavona seemed to realize something. She waved her hand and called B15 over. B15 took out a strange device and scanned Helen with it, causing her to exclaim in surprise.

After putting away the device, B15 widened her eyes and leaned closer, saying a few words to Lavona and Mobius. Among them, Mobius couldn't help but raise his voice and say, "Thor's divine power?! How does she have Thor's divine power?!! Please don't tell me that she is actually..."

Lavona tapped Mobius's arm and cleared her throat before saying, "Don't misunderstand. This is a reasonable investigation into the timeline situation in your case. Thank you for your cooperation. Now, let's begin the trial..."

The three of them took their positions, the jury entered the room, and the guards closed the doors. Mobius stood to the side, ready to listen to the hearing.

Lavona first struck the gavel and said, "Order! Lady Loki, do you acknowledge that you have repeatedly engaged in unauthorized time travel using the Time Stone, creating a significant amount of redundant waste in the SpaceTimeline repository, failing to classify the waste, and indiscriminately discarding harmful waste, thus polluting the timeline?"

"Uh...?" Lady Loki uttered a syllable, then repeated, "What did you just say? Why are you arresting me?"

Her genuinely puzzled reaction made Lavona glance at the documents on her desk and reread Lady Loki's charges.

Before she could finish, Lady Loki jumped up as if her tail had been stepped on, shouting, "So, you're saying that you're arresting me not because I used some clever deception to fool some powerful fool, but simply because I played around with the Time Stone?!!"

"Watch your attitude!" Lavona forcefully struck the desk with her gavel and said, "What do you mean by 'played around with the Time Stone'? You have no idea how much impact your irresponsible actions have had on the SpaceTimeline..."

"I..." Lady Loki was momentarily speechless. She then looked around the room again and said, "So, your so-called Time Variance Authority is really a 'Time Variance Authority'? It's not some anti-fraud or Space security organization?"

Before Lavona could speak, Lady Loki stood still with a dark expression on her face, flipped her hair, and said, "I knew it. How could that purple-skinned idiot be dumb enough to call the police? If I were caught, could he escape?"

"Okay, okay, I used the Time Stone for a little bit," Lady Loki nodded and said, "But there was a reason for it. I wanted to save someone, to save JARVIS, you understand? I had to go back and learn the technology..."

"Regardless of what you wanted to do, your actions have endangered the SpaceTimeline. Your intense temporal retracing in a short period of time has added too many redundant Timelines to the Multiverse's Timeline repository, causing inventory overflow and Timeline pollution..."

"DDoS attack." Helen, who was standing on the witness stand and listening silently, poked Lady Loki's arm and said, "Mom! You're a Space hacker now! That's so cool!"

Lady Loki slapped her on the back and gritted her teeth, saying, "What's cool? No hacking allowed! You're Asgard's princess, after all!"

"So, do you acknowledge your crimes?" Lavona asked.

"It was me," Lady Loki pursed her lips and impatiently waved her hand, saying, "Just hurry up and sentence me. I'm ready to go to jail..."

Lavona casually tossed the complaint aside and said, "Your attitude of admitting your guilt is relatively good, much better than other Lady Lokis. Although the crimes are relatively serious, there can be a reduction in sentence. Twenty days of detention, that's it."

But Lady Loki widened her eyes and looked at her, saying, "Twenty days of detention?!! Are you kidding me?! I'm the God of Mischief! You went through all this trouble to bring me here, and you're sentencing me to just twenty days of detention?!!"

"Uh, these twenty days may not be the same as the twenty days you imagine. The flow of time is not..." Mobius started to explain, but Lady Loki immediately interrupted him, saying,

"What nonsense are you talking about?! Do you even know? If people find out that I only got sentenced to 20 days after being captured, I won't be able to hold my head up in the universe!"

"This will make me unable to face the Sanctum Sanctorum! Those humans, at the very least, get sentenced to 200 years!! And here I am, an immortal Asgardian God, only sentenced to 20 days?! My goodness, you're denying everything I've done in my life!"

"You wretched bunch of insects! Completely unprofessional! No ability to appreciate anything! You're basically calling me a typical fraud! Even a typical fraud wouldn't be sentenced to just 20 days!!"

"Contempt of court!" Lavona forcefully struck the desktop and said, "Add another 10 days!"

"Helen! Bite her!"

Helen swiftly darted out, and chaos erupted in the courtroom with screams, insults, and disorder lasting over two minutes.

The iron doors clinked shut, and two prisoners, one adult and one child, wearing prison uniforms with "2000-year detention" tags on their chests, wore identical smug smiles on their faces.

Mobius, covered in over 600 bite marks on his suit, and Lavona, whose hair was completely disheveled and covered in fragments of legal documents, walked out of the courtroom together. Mobius said, "Although she admitted guilt, she is still Lady Loki. Shouldn't we follow the usual procedures?"

"Suit yourself," Lavona replied irritably. "Tell B15 not to bring unrelated individuals, even if she's a child!"

After saying that, she briskly left, while Mobius, standing in place, watched her back and murmured, "A child who bit me over 600 times in two minutes?"

Then he tossed his suit aside, turned around, and walked in the opposite direction. He said to the guard beside him, "Have the Detention Department bring her over... Oh, and don't bring the little girl. Find her an office, some snacks, and toys. Let her stay there for a while..."

However, a few minutes later, Lady Loki and Helen were still the ones who arrived at Mobius's office. The guard shrugged at Mobius and said, "I couldn't separate them."

Having witnessed Helen's capabilities, Mobius sighed and waved at her, saying, "Come here. I need to talk to your mother for a bit. The snacks are in the drawer. Can you stay here by yourself?"

Helen glanced at him, surveyed the entire office, seemingly spotting something that interested her. She then jumped down from Lady Loki and sat on Mobius's chair, taking snacks from the drawer and obediently eating, appearing well-behaved and obedient.

As Lady Loki walked towards another room, busy tidying her hair that resembled a chicken's nest and fixing the collar on her prison uniform that Helen had just tugged open, she wiped the sweat off her forehead with her hand.

A long-unfelt sense of relaxation and joy welled up in Lady Loki's heart. Sincerely, she said to Mobius, "Thank you. You've been a great help."

Watching Lady Loki's polite smile and genuine eye contact, Mobius felt like he might be dreaming.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1081: Father and Son (Part Ten) 


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