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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Hong strolled casually into this small shop and found that the items in this store were quite comprehensive.

After browsing through all the items in the store, he gained a rough understanding of the prices in this city.

Firstly, he learned that within Yao Clan's territory, one could also trade with Spirit Stones, but many Yao Clan members preferred bartering with goods.

The items in this shop were all priced in Spirit Stones, with Pills and Spiritual Herbs being the most expensive. Their prices were several times higher than the prices in Azure Void City.

These Spiritual Objects could directly enhance one's cultivation level, making them highly coveted by Yao Clan members.

Especially Pills were outrageously expensive. Pills with similar effects were more than ten times more expensive compared to the prices in Azure Void City. Perhaps this was the result of Yao Clan's shortage of Alchemists.

Secondly, some materials for Spiritual Objects, such as refining tool materials, were quite inexpensive.

It seemed that Yao Clan had little interest in refining tools because their own bodies were powerful weapons.

Additionally, this shop also sold many items from the Human Clan. Most of them were likely spoils of war from previous conflicts, and the prices were not high, as they were easily acquired, and many Yao Clan members were not accustomed to using them.

Wang Hong beckoned to a shop assistant and called him over. "I'd like to purchase some items, but I don't have enough Spirit Stones on me. Can I exchange with other goods?"

"Of course, that's possible. However, the specific price will depend on what goods you wish to exchange," the shop assistant replied.

"If you exchange with these spiritual materials, we can offer you fifty percent of their original value."

The shop assistant pointed to the refining tool materials on the shelves. Generally, Yao Clan members preferred to trade with materials that they had no use for, so the prices were low.

"What about Spiritual Herbs?" Wang Hong inquired, surprised by the low value of refining tool materials.

The shop assistant's eyes lit up as he said, "If you have Spiritual Herbs to exchange, we can offer a ten percent discount. What kind of Spiritual Objects do you need?"

"I'd like to select some refining tool materials, but I find the prices here a bit steep." Since he knew that they were offering fifty percent, he naturally wanted to negotiate.

"Our prices in the city are definitely not considered high. However, if the esteemed guest chooses to trade with Spiritual Herbs, we can provide a further discount," the shop assistant explained.

Although the shop assistant was a slave of the Yao Clan, he had considerable flexibility in handling transactions and could offer discounts.

Wang Hong took out a wooden box, opened it slightly in front of the shop assistant, and quickly closed it. "I'll use these Spiritual Herbs for the exchange."

The shop assistant had clearly seen it earlier; the wooden box contained a second-tier Spiritual Herb with a medicinal age of at least three hundred years.

If he could obtain good Spiritual Herbs, he might receive a reward from his master.

After some negotiation, Wang Hong exchanged the Spiritual Herbs at a ten percent discount and received a twenty percent discount on the refining tool materials he purchased.

In this shop, he selected some materials he liked and left satisfied.

The trade in this small shop didn't involve a large quantity, as these small shops had limited strength and didn't carry much inventory, especially when it came to high-quality goods.

With a large number of subordinates and a considerable need for items, he would need to find major merchants with strong capabilities to fulfill his requirements.

However, conducting bulk transactions with powerful major merchants would come with higher risks, so he had to weigh the pros and cons.

Moreover, his main goal for this trip was to acquire enough Spirit Stones, a matter that required careful planning.
Wang Hong and Little Peng, a human and a demon, were wandering aimlessly on the streets.

Suddenly, they heard a commotion up ahead and followed the source of the noise.

They arrived at a Grand Store where a raised platform had been set up. Underneath the platform, both inside and out, many Demonic Beasts had gathered. It seemed that they enjoyed watching and being part of the crowd, just like humans.

Wang Hong and Little Peng also squeezed their way into the crowd to see what was going on in the Yao Clan's territory.

At that moment, a Demonic Beast covered in scales climbed onto the raised platform. After scanning the audience below, it cleared its throat and loudly announced, "Dear fellow Daoists, please be quiet. I am Moli from the Ten Thousand Demons Tower."

Even though the scene was noisy, Moli's voice carried clearly to the ears of every Demonic Beast present.

Moli paused briefly after introducing himself, and the noise in the area gradually diminished.

"Recently, our Myriad Treasures Tower has acquired a batch of Human Clan slaves, and today we will hold an impromptu slave auction right here. The quality of these slaves is exceptionally good, and I hope that you, fellow Daoists, will not miss this opportunity."

Wang Hong now understood that they were auctioning Human Clan slaves. While there were businesses in Human Clan Cultivation City that specialized in selling Spirit Beasts, it still made him uncomfortable as a human. The perspectives of the two sides were different.

At this moment, five Human Clan individuals had already walked onto the raised platform. They were not bound in any way but had Slave Marks on their bodies, rendering them unable to resist.

These five individuals were all male and were at the Qi Cultivation stage. Judging by their age, they were all around twenty years old and appeared robust, with strong, muscular bodies.

The Yao Clan had a different aesthetic sense, and they preferred individuals who were robust and muscular. These men were considered handsome in the eyes of the Yao Clan, and some female Demonic Beasts even found them attractive.

"Fellow Daoists, take a good look. These are the cream of the crop, meticulously selected from countless Human Clan individuals. Their muscles and beards are quite impressive."

Moli introduced them, even pinching a few of the Human Clan individuals to show the audience.

"Now, let the auction begin. We will auction them one by one, starting at ten low-grade Spirit Stones!"

"I bid ten Spirit Stones!" a robust Demonic Beast called out.

"I bid twelve!"

"I bid fifteen!"

And so on.

In the end, one of the Human Clan slaves was sold for fifty low-grade Spirit Stones.

The transactions took place on the spot. Slave Marks, which were a form of control, could be transferred to someone else. Ten Thousand Demons Tower promptly transferred the Slave Mark to the new owner.

Afterward, they began auctioning the second slave. In the eyes of the Yao Clan, these Qi Cultivation stage slaves were not very valuable. They were mostly used for various odd jobs or as playthings, with limited utility.

Wang Hong had the intention to rescue some of the Human Clan individuals and help them escape from this predicament. However, his current capabilities were limited, and he could only do so much. What he saw was just the tip of the iceberg, as there were many more hidden from his view.

Among the five individuals, he only bid on one. Although he didn't have many Spirit Stones, he couldn't afford to buy all the slaves.

After auctioning off the five male slaves, they proceeded to auction five female slaves. These female slaves were all robust and had thick body hair, even thicker than the hair on Wang Hong's legs.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 457: Old Acquaintances 


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