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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Wang Hong had devoted five years to his closed-door cultivation. At this moment, he stood within his secluded practice chamber, his finger pointed like a sword, and under the operation of his Spiritual Power, a stream of Sword Qi materialized at his fingertips.

With a single gesture, he released the Sword Qi, which shot into a large stone embedded in the ground, leaving behind a thumb-sized, bottomless hole.

Then, his Spiritual Power surged, causing a dense array of Sword Qi to appear all around him. These Sword Qi gathered closely without dispersing, forming a protective barrier with the sword edges pointing outward, guarding him securely.

These Sword Qi served both defensive and retaliatory purposes.

As for the cultivation of the "Heaven and Earth Sword Technique," it could only progress this far for now. Further cultivation would require the possession of a magic weapon, specifically a Flying Sword.

However, magic weapons were scarce at the moment. Not to mention magic weapons, even spiritual weapons had only recently become available in sufficient quantity.

In the past, when the Cultivation World still existed, he could acquire the materials he needed through trades. But now, the entire Cultivation World was scarce, with hardly a cultivator in sight, let alone opportunities for trade.

He believed that the only viable path to gather materials and refine a magic weapon was through trade with the Yao Clan.

The Yao Clan was not particularly skilled in the art of refining tools, and they didn't attach much importance to refining tool materials either. Perhaps he could trade for some top-quality materials.

As for what the Yao Clan needed, based on his past experience, they preferred Spiritual Herbs that could enhance their cultivation levels. They weren't very particular, as long as the Spiritual Energy was rich, and there was no need to refine them into pills; they could be ingested directly.

Wang Hong entered the Space and harvested some thousand-year-old Spiritual Herbs. He also picked Dragon Scale Fruit and Jade Ginseng Fruit, placing them all in wooden boxes.

Because the Space was no longer expanding, he couldn't provide unlimited resources to his subordinates anymore. They had to make significant contributions to exchange for what they wanted.

He no longer allowed various Spiritual Herbs to grow freely as he used to. Instead, he harvested each one when it reached maturity. However, he kept a few of each type of Spiritual Herb, allowing them to continue growing limitlessly within the Space.

He did this because the Spiritual Plants within the Space occasionally underwent mutations. By keeping these Spiritual Herbs, they might mutate again someday.

Wang Hong left his cave mansion, and the gentle sunlight made him squint.

The Yunxia Mountain before him was vastly different from what it had been five years ago, undergoing a complete transformation.

From the mountaintop to the foothills, it was all cultivated spirit fields, containing various kinds of Spiritual Plants, creating a vibrant scene.

Across from him, in the mines, miners came and went regularly.

The current miners were completely different from what they used to be, each of them robust and strong.

To help these miners perform their duties more effectively, Wang Hong took the opportunity of monthly rewards to distribute a large number of low-grade Essence Core Pills designed specifically for mortals.

This was a type of pill Wang Hong had tailored for mortals. It removed some of the rare Spiritual Herbs from the original Essence Core Pill formula and reduced the content of demon-hunting tree seeds.

With these alterations, the pill's effects were only a tenth of the original, but it was more suitable for mortals' absorption.

The main ingredient remained demon-hunting tree seeds, but rare auxiliary herbs like the nine-leaf golden thread grass were removed and replaced with common first-tier Spiritual Herb materials.

These first-tier Spiritual Herbs were all easy to plant, with short growth periods, making them quickly harvestable varieties.

These Spiritual Herb species were now being cultivated in abundance in the spirit fields of Yunxia Mountain.

Several tens of miles away from Yunxia Mountain, the previously barren lands had been turned into fertile fields, with vast expanses of wheat fields encircling Yunxia Mountain.

Dotting the spaces between these wheat fields were dozens, if not hundreds, of small villages.

In these troubled times, these villages seemed like pure sanctuaries.

One distinctive feature was that on the outskirts of each village, one or two small demon-hunting trees were planted. These demon-hunting trees were currently only slightly taller than a person.

On these small trees, there were cocoons formed by twined branches.

The farmers working in the fields around the villages also seemed much healthier than ordinary people.

All of these changes were part of Wang Hong's plan.

The East Zhou Cultivation Realm had been defeated and occupied by the Yao Clan, leaving the Human Clan in dire straits due to their actions.

As a cultivator of the Human Clan, Wang Hong had never been as calm as he appeared on the surface in the face of these events.

Besides anger, he also had a strong sense of defiance. He could never accept surrendering the East Zhou to the Yao Clan.

In his eyes, the Yao Clan was nothing more than a source of food, no different from pigs, horses, cows, or sheep. How could he accept being defeated by a bunch of food?

But now, even the most powerful Six Major Sects had been defeated and had fled to foreign lands.

With his current abilities, he couldn't make the Yao Clan budge even a fraction.

Therefore, he had devised a plan, and this was only the first step.

Wang Hong sent a Transmission Talisman to Xu Lun, instructing him on some matters, and then he intended to leave.

Suddenly, he saw two Daoist Masters chatting and laughing as they passed by from a distance. It turned out to be Ling Xue and the newcomer, Jia Liang, holding hands.

At this moment, Ling Xue also noticed Wang Hong's gaze, and her face immediately turned red. She quickly let go of the arm she was holding.

"Hahaha! You two continue, I didn't see anything!" Wang Hong didn't want to startle them and quickly said before transforming into a rainbow of light and flying out of Yunxia Mountain.

Wang Hong, along with Little Peng and the Spiritual Herbs, first found the Red-Haired Demon Bull. Both sides had left a good impression on each other during their previous encounter.

"Fellow Daoist Bull, this time I've brought some good stuff." After some small talk, Wang Hong took out three wooden boxes and placed them in front of him.

Although he had prepared many high-tier Spiritual Herbs, he didn't intend to reveal too many at once. When it came to quantity, things lost their value.

He opened one of the boxes, revealing an 800-year-old Red Cloud Herb.

The eyes of the two demon bulls lit up. "Fellow Daoist indeed has some good items. While this Red Cloud Herb is only a second-tier Spiritual Herb, it has grown for over 800 years, and its Spiritual Energy is no weaker than that of a third-tier Spiritual Herb. What does Fellow Daoist want in exchange for this Spiritual Herb?"

"Fellow Daoist, don't be in a hurry. I haven't finished yet; the best is yet to come." Wang Hong said calmly.

He then opened another box, revealing a fist-sized Fiery Red spirit fruit.

"Ah! A Dragon Scale Fruit! Fellow Daoist, don't keep us waiting; quickly open the last box and let this old bull see what's inside."

Bull Demon, upon seeing the item in this box, found it even rarer and urged Wang Hong to open the remaining box.

When the box was opened, inside was a purple Spirit Herb over a foot tall, sparkling with specks of light.

"A Violet Star Orchid! At least a 1,300-year-old Violet Star Orchid!"

Bull Demon's breathing quickened at this point. Their bull demon clan didn't like eating meat but had a particular fondness for Spiritual Herbs.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 453: Materials 


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