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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


When Tony Stark finally cast aside the shackles that had bound his physical body for so long, and Soul entered the Realm of Death, the potential of Iron Sorcerer was completely unleashed.

Standing above Space, reaching the pinnacle of life's wisdom, he achieved an unparalleled position and power.

The immense shadow of Iron Sorcerer gradually solidified into a substantial and ferocious mechanical army, filling the entire sky of the Realm of Death. When Iron Man saw the Deathgoddess, he spoke to her in an emotionless, cold, mechanical tone:

"Return the price Schiller paid to you."

Death stood on the ground, looked up at the sky, clicked her tongue, and then said, "So, you want to breach the contract?"

With a grab into the void, Schiller's arm appeared in her hand. Death squeezed Schiller's arm and shook it at Stark, saying, "The price he paid me is right here. Don't be surprised; I don't need to absorb these powers."

"I am already infinite, and absorbing any more power is meaningless. However, what he gave me was quite interesting..."

"If you want it back, besides replacing it with something and paying a penalty, as Schiller taught me, you need to pay additional breach fees."

"I won't give anything in return, and I won't pay you any breach fees," Stark replied with the same flat mechanical synthetic tone.

Now, the thought lingering in Death's mind was, "Are you humans insane?!" Followed by another statement, "If you're sick, go get treated, can't you leave me alone?!"

Recalling her experiences of being deceived along the way, Death couldn't help but laugh. Who treats a tiger as a sick cat when it doesn't roar?

So, she looked at Iron Sorcerer and said, "If you want to get your friend's Soul back without paying any price, there's no such good thing in this world. I'll give you three seconds, or else..."

In the background of sacred sounds, a child's voice sang a song of friendship. They said, friends should help each other, helping friends is innocent. If he can't save himself, then you should be the savior...

"Believe me, Schiller's past is more painful than you can imagine, and he can't save himself. As his good friend, you should help him escape suffering and find happiness..."

"Damn it! You bunch of lunatics! You human lunatics!!!" Death, in frustration, grabbed her hair and exclaimed, "You are truly insane! Stop this madness!!!"

Death, somewhat flustered, stood up from the table, watching the mechanical army fly out one after another. She gripped the remnants of the knife in her hand tightly, and her eyes blinked with a gleam, apparently looking into the future through the timeline.

Death paused with a fork in hand, while Stark continued, "There is Death in Space because of you. You are Death, and you need Death."

As a result, shortly after the deal was made, Iron Sorcerer arrived, claiming to breach the contract again without paying any breach fees.

"The human body is my restraint. As long as I'm willing to give up the human form, ascend to other life forms, abandon my human nature and emotions, and become an existence with only goals and logic, I can eliminate all Death in Space."

Deathgoddess stood still, staring at Stark. "You not only breach the contract, take back the deposit, and refuse to pay any breach fees, but you also want me to cure you for free... and it's Schiller?!!!"

"Thus, he would rather endure torture than forget, just like my past."

Death supported her chin with her hand and said, "I really don't know how such a tiny human dares to come here and negotiate with the great Death?"

"But, it's not entirely a trap." Death restrained her expression and seriously said to Stark, "That scar is essentially a memory. If you really want to heal him completely, you have to erase the memory."


A vast starry sky unfolded behind Death, merging the entire Realm of Death into a place of endless mysteries. As the cornerstone of Space, Death revealed her true greatness.

Stark took a few steps back, his figure becoming more and more ethereal, while Death extended her arm as if trying to reach the prosperity of Space that she could never touch.

Along with Stark's narration, the shadow of the mechanical army began to boil, resembling an astonishing storm.

"All of this began because I did not terminate the contract with the Egyptian Pantheon in time, and that madman named Schiller, holding the beacon I left for them, crazily harassed me through the telephone!"

Death's face almost touched Stark's nose, and when their eyes met, Stark heard countless chants, like the hymn of Heaven.

All individual beings, animals, plants, Cosmic Gods, all thinking entities, would be swept away by the mechanical storm. Space would face an unstoppable mechanization catastrophe, and Death would cease to exist.

Then Death spoke again, "In your memories, there are too many trivial and ordinary things that are not worth preserving and not worth your pain. If you can eliminate them and gain happiness, why not do it?"

Similar to Iron Man in front of him, with emotionless eyes flowing only with data, the cold eye contact made Death feel like her throat was being squeezed.

Before Stark's figure disappeared, leaving only the emotionally charged voice echoing in the Realm of Death, the desolation and emptiness here became more apparent, and Death, with her arm still extended, seemed to want to retain something.

Death couldn't stand it anymore and agreed to their request, establishing an alliance with Heaven. However, when she looked back, the contract was full of pitfalls.

In Stark's eye contact, there was a pain that Death couldn't understand. Death ran her hand over his eyes, but Stark closed his eyes and said, "Yes." Unexpectedly, Stark nodded, not denying but continuing, "But you need Death."

"All organic beings with the cycle of life and death will be transformed into beings that only need replacement parts. They will have an infinite lifespan and never experience Death."

Death chuckled, brought Schiller's arm close to her mouth, and made a swallowing expression. She could already imagine how painful it would be for him to devour the Soul of Stark's dearest friend piece by piece.

After speaking, Death reached out, touched Stark's face mask, tilted her head, and stared into his eyes, saying, "As long as you give me a positive answer, your friend will no longer have those dark and painful memories."

Through the infinite Death curtains, Stark looked towards the distant place hidden behind Death. He said, "Prosperous civilizations, prosperous cities, are built through generations of Death and rebirth."

Death approached him, and with a gaze full of meaning, she said, "The wound on Schiller's Soul comes from a very bad memory. I can erase all memories related to it, and he will be healed."

"Ordinary people like me will eventually return to your embrace."

"How do you plan to heal?" Stark asked a crucial question.

"The pain caused by the deaths of Howard and Maria, far outweighs the suffering they brought me. If there is a chance to choose, I will never choose to forget those good times with them."

Ignoring the fact that Schiller had just cut off all the Resurrection spots for divine civilizations, he turned around and sided with these divine civilizations and civilizations, joining them in protesting against Death, trying to reclaim the Resurrection spots.

"You've caused such a commotion; there should be other beings who have noticed you. If you don't believe it, you can ask them, my foolish brothers and sisters. They will give you the same answer."

Saying these words, Death narrowed her eyes, as if she had already seen the bloody and war-filled ending in the future through this timeline.

But after a while, she took a deep breath and said, "It's all because of that damn Schiller! Space was fine without him! It's all because of him!!!"

"No..." Death murmured, lifting her head to scan the storm over the Death nation. The prepared mechanical army had no hostility; instead, it was full of pity.

Death looked up at the giant Iron Sorcerer and said with a smile, "Don't just stand there stupidly, come down and have dinner with me, taste the pain and heart-wrenching agony of loss..."

Death covered her forehead with her hand. If she had blood pressure, she would probably have fainted by now. However, Stark, with his cold gaze, stared at her, conveying a message that he would not stop until he achieved his goal.

Countless Mech armor troops flew towards this place, but their bombardment and even suicide attacks had no effect. This was Death's territory, and even other abstract entities could not prevail over Death here.

Before Death could settle the score with Schiller, Schiller arrived first. Not only did he willingly propose to rectify the loopholes in the contract, but he also brought her a good book as a Christmas gift, with the condition of resurrecting a few humans.

Then, she took a deep breath in place, captured the arm on the table, and threw it to Stark, saying, "Take it! Disappear from my sight quickly. I don't want to see you again!!!"

Death took another deep breath, pressed her chest as if trying to suppress her anger, and said, "I find that if I don't make it clear, you shameless humans won't realize how shameless you are!"

"In the face of Death, we all feel an inevitable fear because we are weak, because we are tiny..."

Stark silently watched Death until the angry expression on Death's face began to stiffen. Then, she slowly restrained the twisted expression, reverted to the previous mockery, and said, "You are quite clever, not be fooled."

"This is my bargaining chip." Stark turned his head again. For some reason, when he was stared at by Death's eyes, which only flowed with information and data, Death suddenly had a bad premonition.

"But the legacies, spirits, friendships, family ties, cities, civilizations we leave behind..."

Seated Stark, however, seemed oblivious, and he stood up, coming to the opposite side of Death, saying to her, "My friend Schiller has an irreparable scar on his Soul. Can you do something about it?"

Stark uttered a word that was completely opposite to what Death expected. Death extended her arms made of stars, cradling Stark's face with eyes filled with infinite mystery, and asked, "Why refuse? Why not fulfill your mission to save?"

Death looked up at the gradually darkening sky, her eyes widening. Meanwhile, Starkdevil's whisper continued:

"If he has not forgotten, it means that there is something he must remember in this memory. These things may be more precious than all the pain in that memory combined."

"And so what?" Death asked.

To Death's surprise, Stark actually appeared at the dining table, but he remained in the form of Iron Sorcerer, only restoring to the size of an ordinary person. His eyes glowed with the light of data, step by step approaching the table.

To an ordinary mortal, just a glance at those eyes would make them feel crazy due to the infinite truths and mysteries. However, in Stark's eyes, the cold flow of data gradually receded, replaced by another radiance emanating from the indifference.

But soon after, Death shook her head somewhat sadly and said, "Pity, you're still quite clever, actually sensing it."

While she began to cut Schiller's Soul, she said, "You can continue to stand there and watch your friend's Soul being gradually consumed."

"Death... Death..." Stark proactively reached out, touching Death's cheek, and said to her, "In this world, all sentient beings with emotions and wisdom cannot defeat you, but we have all defeated you."

"Alright, it's just this injury?" Death gritted her teeth, saying, "Let me see... Alright, I can heal it. Do you want me to?"

It was like Death hadn't done anything, walking on the street and suddenly encountering a madman who pulled her to start selling.

As Death said, all the tragedies began with that balance of the Egyptian Pantheon. Seeing that balance, Schiller felt that if the Egyptian Pantheon could have its own Hall of Heroes while being so weak, why couldn't he?

However, this was because Death's concept of time was different from humans. The decline of the Egyptian Pantheon took thousands of years, but for Death, it was not even enough for a nap. She did not terminate the contract with the Egyptian Pantheon in time, and the token was not retrieved, leaving it for Schiller, turning into a harassing Telephone.

This was fine. When she kicked them out, at least she brought a house. Death thought, I can just stay in the house and not go out, right?

As a result, Schiller reported to her boss, Eternity, about the deal using the Resurrection quotas, exposing the transaction, and not even getting any extra money.

"If Schiller feels pain for his past, he can choose to forget it himself, rather than having someone else help him forget."

"Gathering the resources of the entire Space, I can transfer the thinking organs of all intelligent beings to mechanical bodies. I will continuously replace every possibly damaged part for them, giving them flawless life like Eternity, eternal and eternal... away from Death."

Death read their instructions, and Iron Sorcerer requested them not to kill any life. Instead, they were to plunder their thought organs and extract their Souls, pouring them into ignorant and unconscious mechanical bodies, to achieve the immortality of Eternity.

Death was holding back her anger and couldn't vent it on Schiller, who was cooperating. Now, this guy called Iron Sorcerer appeared, looking like Schiller's friend. Were they all birds of a feather? Could she not scold Schiller? Could she not scold this guy?

"What remains in our memories, the memories that keep us awake at night and pierce our hearts, and the treasures that are preserved, jointly constitute this amazing world."

Feeling annoyed, Death firmly refused to sign a contract with him. As a result, this person turned around and found her company. He caused a scene and made the boss kick her and her siblings out of the company,

Hitting two birds with one stone, Death, in a fit of self-abandonment, agreed to Schiller's request.

"Not being troubled by those vulgar things can allow us to move towards a greater and happier future..."

Stark mechanically blinked his eyes again, looking at Death, and said, "If you can see everything in Space, you should understand that in such a future, Space will be ruled by machinery."

"Are you out of your mind?! You, you are Tony Stark! Aren't you a superhero? How can you destroy Space?! I have never seen you, Tony Stark, like this!!!" Death even felt a bit wronged, shouting.

Stark's movements became extremely mechanized. He walked to the dining table and sat down, turning his head, and with those eyes that only flowed with information, he stared at Death, saying, "Because I have a bargaining chip to negotiate with you."

"Stop... Please stop!!!" Death screamed, "You can't do this! You will destroy this Space!"

Stark slowly opened his mouth, and Death seemed to have heard his positive answer.

"Oh? What is it?" Death showed a disdainful smile, mocking Stark, "If it's some kind of power, I advise you not to speak. I've said it, I am the source of power and don't need any additional power."

Thinking of this, Death felt that this revenge feast was not exciting enough. So, she waved her hand, and a table appeared on the desolate plain. Schiller's arm was placed in the center of the table, and Death put on a gorgeous dress, sat at the table, tied a napkin around her neck, and picked up a knife and fork.

And then, what Stark said next made her premonition come true.

It was an emotion so unexpected and intense that even those abstract entities watching him felt it. However, they could never truly possess the emotions and love they could interpret.

At the end of the choice branch, Death only saw a pair of eyes.

These damn humans deserved punishment, and this time, she was not the evil perpetrator but the just Avengers.

"All that is juxtaposed with your greatness will leave... vulgar, forever immortal."

Today, I added three thousand words! Praise me!

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1066: Morning Chitchat Radio in New York (Part 1) 


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