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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


Upon hearing these words, Sect Master Han couldn't help but sigh inwardly, "The Qingxu Sect truly lives up to its reputation as a top-notch Alchemy Sect. Even a Foundation Building Disciple from their sect can create their Pill Recipe at will."

However, he doesn't seem confident in this Pill created by a Foundation Building Disciple.

Then he continued, "Wang, my young friend, you are truly exceptional. You've already managed to create your own Pill Recipe. I assume the effects of this Pill are quite impressive. Would it be possible for me to examine one?"

Wang Hong anticipated the request and replied, "Of course, that can be arranged." He understood that a new, untested Pill would naturally raise curiosity.

Without hesitation, he took out a translucent Hanyu Pill and handed it to Sect Master Han.

Sect Master Han, as a seasoned Golden Core cultivator, had broad knowledge, and though he was not an alchemist, his ability to discern the quality of items was decent. After examining the Pill for a while, he was confident in its effectiveness and asked, "I wonder, Wang, how do you intend to make the trade?"

Wang Hong pondered for a moment before responding, "I would like to exchange three Jade Marrow Pills for two Golden Dewspirit fruits. Additionally, I'd request five other Spiritual Objects of equal value, such as spirit fruits, spirit wood, or refining tool materials."

"Very well! I can agree to that. However, can the Golden Dewspirit fruits be substituted with other Spiritual Objects? Our sect had to retreat in haste and didn't have time to gather them," Sect Master Han inquired.

"I currently have a great need for Golden Dewspirit fruits. If they are not included, I'm afraid I won't be able to proceed with the exchange," Wang Hong replied firmly. He simply couldn't believe that Sect Master Han's sect didn't possess any Golden Dewspirit fruits.

Golden Dewspirit fruits were a specialty of the Taihao Sect, with effects similar to the Qingxu Sect's Five-Color Spirit Jujube. Both could assist in Core cultivation and increase the success rate. It was inconceivable that they would leave such a valuable resource behind during their retreat.

While Golden Dewspirit fruits had their uses, Wang Hong's Jade Marrow Pill could directly save the life of a Golden Core cultivator. Considering their relative value, the Jade Marrow Pill was naturally more precious.

"Perhaps some of the other elders in our sect have Golden Dewspirit fruits. I will inquire and get back to you," Sect Master Han conceded, recognizing Wang Hong's determination.

"Very well, I will await Sect Master Han's response," Wang Hong replied, confident that the trade would eventually be accepted since his offer was reasonable considering the value of the Jade Marrow Pill.

"Let's put the matter of the Jade Marrow Pill aside for now. How do you intend to trade your Hanyu Pills?" Sect Master Han inquired.

"As for the trade of Hanyu Pills, if we settle for medium-grade Spirit Stones, I propose fifteen medium-grade Spirit Stones per pill. If we use lower-grade Spirit Stones for payment, it would be twenty thousand Spirit Stones per pill, or equivalent refining tool materials of the second tier. What do you prefer?" Wang Hong presented a fair price, with no intention to take advantage, as his younger brother was still a disciple of the Taihao Sect, and he wanted to maintain a good relationship.

Without hesitation, Sect Master Han responded, "We'll use lower-grade Spirit Stones for payment."

Lower-grade Spirit Stones were primarily used as a lower-tier resource, suitable for Qi Cultivation disciples, often serving as currency. On the other hand, medium-grade Spirit Stones were essential for Foundation Building disciples, especially during battles when Spiritual Power needed replenishing.

Wang Hong had already anticipated Sect Master Han's choice, which aligned with his preference. He needed to continuously cultivate numerous Spiritual Objects within his Space, requiring a steady supply of Spiritual Energy. Delaying replenishment could potentially shrink the Space, making lower-grade Spirit Stones a more cost-effective choice for him. Thus, he hoped to proceed with the trade using lower-grade Spirit Stones.

After the two had negotiated the prices, Sect Master Han hurriedly left to make preparations, aiming to complete the trade as soon as possible. Many people were eagerly waiting for healing Pills that could save lives.

During the trade between Wang Hong and Sect Master Han, Wang Yi sat silently on the side, observing their interactions but refraining from interjecting. However, his presence was the basis for the fair trade agreement between Taihao Sect and Wang Hong. If not for this relationship, Taihao Sect might have simply captured Wang Hong and eliminated any witnesses, which would have been much simpler.

As they had not finished eating the roasted demonic goat, Sect Master Han returned once more. He casually set up a barrier to prevent prying eyes.

The first item he presented was a wooden box, and upon opening it, two shining golden spirit fruits were revealed. They glistened with tiny dewdrops, which had turned golden due to the fruits.

"Wang, my young friend, these are two Golden Dewspirit fruits. Please examine them," Sect Master Han said.

Wang Hong confirmed their authenticity with a nod and then presented his three Jade Marrow Pills for Sect Master Han's inspection.

After examining them, Sect Master Han displayed five more items, arranging them neatly in front of him. Among them were three refining tool materials of the third tier, a Spirit Herb, and a seed.

"Wang Hong, these three refining tool materials are Geng Essence, Celestial Fallen Iron, and Sea Gold Sand, all of which are rare materials for refining magic weapons."

As Sect Master Han mentioned this, he surreptitiously observed Wang Yi, who appeared to be growing increasingly excited.

Wang Hong, as a refining tool master, was well aware of the value of these materials and nodded in agreement.

"This Spirit Herb is Rainbow Light Grass, another rare third-tier Spiritual Herb. As an Alchemist, I believe you understand its worth without further explanation. As for this seed, it was obtained by a senior Nascent Soul cultivator from our sect within an ancient relic. However, we haven't found the right planting method for it. Rest assured, this item is far from ordinary, and you'll see for yourself," Sect Master Han explained.

Wang Hong accepted the seed with mixed feelings. To his surprise, it felt surprisingly heavy for its small size. When he probed it with his Divine Sense, he sensed a vast vitality within.

Although he couldn't identify the seed's species from various examinations, he could still sense its extraordinary nature.

"Sect Master Han, although this item appears remarkable, if it cannot sprout, it may not be of much use to me, right?" Wang Hong pretended to be somewhat dissatisfied, though he was already quite intrigued. He believed that with the mystical capabilities of his Space, it should be possible to make it sprout, making it worth a try.

"Wang, my young friend, you are mistaken. This item is not incapable of sprouting; we simply haven't discovered the correct planting method yet. If Taihao Sect succeeds in planting it, its value will far exceed what you currently see," Sect Master Han assured him.

Ultimately, Wang Hong reluctantly agreed to this trade condition, and both parties were satisfied with the deal.

After Sect Master Han's departure, Wang Hong asked Wang Yi, "You seemed a bit unusual earlier. Is there anything wrong with these items?"

Wang Yi scratched his head and said somewhat awkwardly, "There's nothing wrong with these items themselves, but these three refining tool materials are more suitable for sword cultivators. If they are incorporated into a sword embryo, it would greatly enhance the power of a Flying Sword."

"In that case, you can have these three refining tool materials; I don't need them at the moment," Wang Hong said. He realized that Sect Master Han had likely planned this from the beginning. He had traded the items to Wang Hong, only to have them return to the hands of his Taihao Sect disciple, ensuring that no benefits would flow to outsiders.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 437: Departure 


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