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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


The Taihao Sect, under relentless assault by hordes of Demonic Beasts, bravely defended their ancestral protection formation. In response, brilliant and radiant sword lights met the charging beasts head-on.

These sword lights were incredibly sharp, instantly tearing apart the Demonic Beasts that surged forward. Before the protection formation, a gruesome pile of severed limbs and remains had already accumulated, resembling a small mountain.

Blood flowed down the hillside into the river, staining the entire waterway crimson.

As the foremost and mightiest sect in the Eastern Zhou region, Taihao Sect boasted unrivaled strength. The Demon Clan's attempt to conquer it came at a tremendous cost.

Within the protection formation, Wang Yi wielded a dazzling Flying Sword that traversed the battlefield outside the formation. Each strike of his sword was a lethal blow, and no Demonic Beast below the third tier could withstand a single attack.

This was the power of a true sword cultivator, a life devoted solely to the sword with no distractions. Such unwavering dedication formed the foundation of their unparalleled combat prowess.

However, Wang Yi's current state didn't quite match the brilliance of his sword technique. After all, he had only recently advanced to the Golden Core stage, and his Spiritual Power was not yet fully stable.

He had been stationed here, continuously battling for five days. While the depletion of his Spiritual Power could be supplemented with some Spiritual Objects, the mental fatigue was beyond relief.

Suddenly, the sky was graced by six enormous figures, radiating immense pressure. Even the Demonic Beasts currently assaulting Taihao Sect hesitated and dared not advance.

As these six fourth-tier Demonic Beasts appeared, three formidable figures emerged from within Taihao Sect's protection formation to confront them in the sky.

There was no room for words between them. They swiftly engaged in battle, having clashed multiple times during the Demon Clan's siege.

Although sword cultivators were unrivaled in combat, the higher the tier, the narrower the gap between individuals, be it human or Demonic Beast. Those who reached this realm were truly exceptional, and none were ordinary.

Taihao Sect's Nascent Soul cultivators, despite fighting two against one, did not gain much advantage, and one of them had even sustained injuries in a previous battle. However, this Nascent Soul ancestor seemed unaffected and continued to participate in subsequent skirmishes.

Meanwhile, on the ground within the Demonic Beast ranks, hundreds of third-tier Demonic Beasts charged forward, aiming to breach the protection formation.

At the same time, Taihao Sect cultivators inside the protection formation swiftly mobilized nearly a hundred Golden Core cultivators to reinforce the defenses.

After this period of combat, they had become accustomed to the Demon Clan's tactics and had already prepared contingency plans. For a sect of Taihao Sect's strength, assembling over a hundred Golden Core cultivators was not a difficult feat.

As their Golden Core cultivators engaged the third-tier Demonic Beasts, two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts suddenly burst forth from the beast horde. Taking advantage of the Nascent Soul cultivators being occupied in the sky, they launched a surprise attack on the protective formation.

With resounding booms, ripples spread across Taihao Sect's protection formation.

"Damnable creatures! How dare you!"

In the skies, the Nascent Soul cultivators engaged in combat naturally noticed the unfolding events. However, they were entangled by six Demonic Beasts of the same tier and couldn't break free.

These two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts had only recently arrived in this area, patiently biding their time until this opportune moment.

Now that they had made their move, their intention was clear: to break through the Taihao Sect's Large Formation this time. Once the Large Formation was breached, no matter how resilient Taihao Sect was, they wouldn't be able to hold out for long.

It was astonishing that the Demon Clan had assembled eight fourth-tier Demonic Beasts just to attack Taihao Sect. Keep in mind that there were only twenty Nascent Soul cultivators in the entire East Zhou Cultivation Realm.

Under the assault of these two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts and countless lower-tier Demonic Beasts, Taihao Sect's Large Formation was finally shattered.

However, even with their Large Formation breached, Taihao Sect's disciples did not lose heart. They continued to resist the surging Demonic Beasts with unwavering determination.

They wielded their Flying Swords and relentlessly struck down Demonic Beasts that greatly outnumbered them.

In the forefront of the battle, both in the air and on the ground, human and Demon Clan corpses fell in clusters.

Despite their previous enmity, in death, all were piled together.

Facing several times their number in first, second, and third-tier Demonic Beasts, they could still fight with their strength, courage, and sheer willpower.

However, when it came to the two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, everyone despaired, as they had no means to defend against them.

Just then, the Sect Master of Taihao Sect led the nine strongest Golden Core cultivators of the sect to the scene.

"All Taihao Sect disciples, follow my command and break through to the north!"

The Sect Master of Taihao Sect shouted loudly, his voice transmitted far through the use of Spiritual Power.

At this point, they had no other option. If the enemy didn't have these two fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, they might have stood a chance. Now, their only choice was for the entire sect to break through and conserve their strength as much as possible, giving them a chance for a comeback in the future.

After giving the order, the Sect Master of Taihao Sect and the nine others formed a mysterious formation.

They each summoned a Flying Sword, intricately inscribed with complex runes. As they infused them with their Spiritual Power, the runes on these ten Flying Swords lit up.

There seemed to be a mysterious connection between the runes on these ten Flying Swords. Guided by the runes, the ten Flying Swords gradually drew together in the air, eventually merging into a colossal Flying Sword, approximately three zhang long and nine chi wide.

The Sect Master of Taihao Sect pointed towards one of the fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, and the enormous Flying Sword, known as the "Ten Absolute Sword Formation," followed his command and slashed towards the target.

This Ten Absolute Sword Formation was a genuine cooperative formation of Taihao Sect, capable of unleashing power equivalent to that of Nascent Soul cultivators when executed by ten Golden Core cultivators together.

One of the fourth-tier Demonic Beasts, currently brutalizing Taihao Sect's disciples, suddenly found a formidable Flying Sword appearing before it.

Quickly attempting to evade, it was a moment too late as the Flying Sword passed by, severing one of its front limbs.

Enraged by the attack, the fourth-tier Demonic Beast charged forward to confront the colossal Flying Sword.

Upon hearing the order to break northward, Wang Yi, in the midst of battle, had to abandon the fight and swiftly moved along the edge of the shattered Large Formation.

"Feng Junior Sister, come with me!"

Wang Yi located a fellow disciple on the battlefield and pulled her along as they headed north.

At this moment, the entire Taihao Sect was attempting to break through to the north. Their method of escape differed from that of the Qingxu Sect. Qingxu Sect had chosen to leave a portion of their members to hold back the Demonic Beasts, allowing some elite disciples to escape.

Taihao Sect, on the other hand, was attempting a complete exodus, a much more difficult strategy, but perhaps it would preserve more of their manpower.

Accompanied by Feng Ai, Wang Yi followed his fellow sect members in their northern escape. His Flying Sword circled and danced around him, rendering any second-tier Demonic Beast incapable of opposing him.

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and heartfelt thankyou for your support!]


Next Chapter >>Chapter 432: Face-to-Face on the Battlefield 


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