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Immortal Path Space : Table of Content/Chapter List


After understanding the opponent's strength, he carefully assessed both sides' capabilities and felt there was a reasonable chance of victory.

Dealing with that mid-tier three-star Demonic Beast might pose a bit of a challenge for Little Peng. While it had managed to withstand the attacks of several three-star Demonic Beasts during their encounter at the Chuyun Sect's old site, it was a unique situation where the opponents had already been poisoned for several hours.

If they were to face a Demonic Beast one tier higher, it would depend on the opponent's level, which wasn't entirely secure.

However, he could deploy some Poisonous Bees to assist Little Peng in restraining the opponent, and that should suffice.

After making his decision, Wang Hong released the Poisonous Bees. The Poisonous Bees buzzed and flew toward the mountain, leading the way.

With the Poisonous Bees in the front, they encountered Demonic Beasts along the way, and the bees would swarm and bite the opponents, swiftly dispatching them.

These Poisonous Bees had undergone mutations, resolving the previous issue of being unable to penetrate the defenses of Demonic Beasts. They only needed to break through the outer flesh of the Demonic Beasts and inject their venom with their stingers.

This Bee Poison would paralyze the opponent, rendering them unable to move, allowing the Poisonous Bees to take over from there.

As they charged halfway up the mountain, they finally alerted a three-star Demonic Beast on the mountain.

"Roar! Roar!"

A four-legged lizard crawled out of a mountain cave at the peak, measuring ten feet long and covered in black scales.

"Little Peng, I'll leave this little snake to you!" Wang Hong said to Little Peng, jumping down from Little Peng's back.

"East Master, rest assured, I'll bring it back for you to enjoy with your wine," Little Peng replied before pouncing towards the lizard.

"No need, this thing's meat is tough and sour, not worth eating!" Wang Hong shouted from behind. Although he loved food, he had no appetite for this creature's appearance.

Although the three-star lizard couldn't speak, it didn't mean it couldn't understand. Even before the battle began, they were already discussing whether its meat was palatable or not.

Feeling disrespected by the two, the lizard decided it didn't want to talk anymore. It roared and charged towards Wang Hong and Little Peng.

After Little Peng finished his joke about cows, he wasted no time engaging the Demonic Beast, quickly entangling with it.

Upon the lizard's roar, it summoned all the Demonic Beasts on the mountain.

At this point, Wang Hong divided the released Poisonous Bees into two groups, with half assisting Little Peng against the lizard and the other half dealing with the Demonic Beasts surrounding them.

Wang Hong no longer held back and soared into the sky, heading for a second-tier flying Demonic Beast.

In the air, he focused on dealing with these second-tier Demonic Beasts.

As for the hundreds of first-tier Demonic Beasts, they were helpless because none of them could fly, making it impossible for them to provide any assistance.

In battles between cultivators and Demonic Beasts below the Golden Core stage, human cultivators had a slight advantage. Foundation Building cultivators could already control flying weapons, making it a straightforward task to deal with Demonic Beasts of the same tier that couldn't fly.

At this moment, across from Wang Hong, there were only five flying Demonic Beasts, while the rest were left helplessly on the ground.

Wang Hong had no intention of wasting too much time. His figure flashed in mid-air, appearing behind one of the flying creatures.

In an instant, he thrust his Long Spear downward, and with a single strike, he pierced through the creature from front to back, killing it.

Before the creature could comprehend what had happened, it was already dead.

Wang Hong's figure continued to flicker, and soon, all the flying Demonic Beasts in the sky had been slain.At this moment, several Demonic Beasts gathered below in the direction of his feet, roaring angrily at him.

Wang Hong couldn't be bothered to pay them any attention. He took out a Spirit net from his Storage Bag, activated it, and cast it over a large area before tossing it downward.

Due to their dense numbers, when the net descended, it not only trapped a second-tier Demonic Beast but also several first-tier ones in the process.

The wooden thorns on the Spirit net pierced the flesh of these Demonic Beasts, absorbing Spiritual Energy and essence blood while injecting poison into them.

Wang Hong didn't have time to wait for these Demonic Beasts to slowly die. He needed to resolve this quickly and provide support for Little Peng.

At this point, flames appeared in his hands, and he pointed his finger. The flames attached themselves to the Spirit net and descended upon a group of Demonic Beasts within.

The Demonic Beasts within the net howled, quickly reduced to ashes by the flames.

He lifted the Spirit net and cast it towards another group of Demonic Beasts.

While Wang Hong had the upper hand in his battle, Little Peng, assisted by the Poisonous Bees, was finally holding his own against the three-tier Demonic Beast.

Wang Hong decided to redirect all the Poisonous Bees to assist Little Peng in dealing with the three-tier Demonic Beast.

As the remaining Poisonous Bees swarmed around the Demonic Beast, they vigorously gnawed at its scales. However, these scales were exceptionally tough and not easily penetrated.

But with the assistance of so many Poisonous Bees, Little Peng finally gained the upper hand.

In contrast, Wang Hong's battle seemed rather mundane at this point.

He flew in the air, casting his net time and again, capturing varying numbers of Demonic Beasts and then using Spirit Fire to burn them to death.

After completing this cycle, he repeated the process.

These Demonic Beasts had relatively low intelligence, and because they couldn't reach Wang Hong, they dared not flee too far due to the commands of the three-tier Demonic Beast.

Wang Hong idly played with the Demonic Beasts he had netted. Suddenly, he realized that all the Demonic Beasts below him had been killed, and the remaining few had fled.

He didn't have the time to pursue them, as they posed no significant threat.

Hastily controlling the Spirit net, he headed toward Little Peng.

Before he arrived, he dropped the Spirit net onto the three-tier Demonic Beast.

This Demonic Beast, previously retreating under the combined assault of Little Peng and the Poisonous Bees, was now additionally ensnared in a massive net.

After about a stick of incense time, Wang Hong watched as the three-tier Demonic Beast trapped in the net took its last breath, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

However, he recalled the last time when he had been seriously injured due to a demon core explosion, narrowly escaping death.

This time, he didn't dare to approach it. Instead, he placed Spirit Fire on the Spirit net, causing the Demonic Beast to howl in agony.

Soon, the Demonic Beast breathed its last, but they still didn't dare to approach it too quickly, mindful of any potential surprises it might have left.

Wang Hong decided to leave it there for a while. Even if the fire couldn't kill it, the thorns on the Spirit net would slowly drain its life.

Since the spoils of war were immobile for now, he decided to explore the surroundings.

He found that the Spirit Qi on the Yunxia Mountain was quite rich, suggesting the presence of several medium-sized Spirit Veins.

He first entered the cave mansion of the three-tier Demonic Beast. However, he felt somewhat disappointed upon entering; this Demonic Beast had indeed been rather destitute.

The items displayed in the cave mansion were of little value, but there were many spirit ores, which piqued Wang Hong's curiosity. Generally, Demonic Beasts didn't refine tools and rarely collected materials like spirit ore.

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Next Chapter >>Chapter 430: The Vein 


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