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In DC World With Marvel Chat Group : Table of Content/Chapter List


At this moment, Schiller was conducting an examination on Bob Lorde. As it was a preliminary examination, there was no need for psychological counseling or treatment at the moment, so the entire process ended quickly. After asking Bob Lorde a few questions, Schiller was able to determine the cause and symptoms of his illness.

In the field of psychology, the symptoms of the majority of ordinary people are relatively typical. Although the causes of emotional issues are varied, the symptoms displayed always correspond precisely to a certain illness.

This is also why mental illnesses are referred to as diseases, not just innocent bad moods, because the majority of people exhibit the same symptoms in certain emotional states. This is not a coincidence, but rather because different emotional accumulations lead to the same pathological changes in the body, which can be classified as a single disease.

Schiller came out holding the diagnosis and prescription he had written, handed it to Eddie, and then said, "Moderate to severe depression accompanied by anxiety symptoms. It is recommended to take medication treatment and change the environment..."

Schiller looked around the room and said, "Haven't you noticed? It's a bit too damp and gloomy here. This kind of environment is very likely to induce negative emotions and increase psychological pressure."

"Furthermore, I noticed that there is a little girl living in the back room. I suggest you move to another place. Not only is this bad for the children's emotions, but an overly damp and cold environment is also not good for women's health."

However, Bob stood up excitedly, shouting loudly, "If we could change the environment, would we still be living here?! Do you think I want to live here?! When I first rented this place, I clearly rented a very nice house, but not long after, the landlord rented it to someone else, a bunch of gangsters who pointed guns at us and told me to get lost!"

"How could I confront them with little Tina? So, I went to another real estate agency, they showed me a nice house, but in the end, I ended up living here. I wanted to confront them, but then I found out they were colluding with the gang!"

Bob gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, "Those damn inhuman beasts! They even wanted me to sell my daughter. I will never fulfill their wishes. I will kill them all!"

Veins popped on Bob's forehead, showing signs of excitement. Schiller took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, saying, "Don't get too excited, unless, you don't want your friend's prescription anymore..."

Schiller handed the paper to Bob, but Bob seemed to be stimulated again, roaring, "You and they are all the same!! Damn rich people, high and mighty rich people!!"

"All of you doctors are like this! Using prescriptions to blackmail patients. As long as we obey you, you give us prescriptions. If we don't obey you, you won't treat us! Damn kidnappers!"

"Do you think this is charity? I don't need your charity! Get out of here!"

Originally, Eddie had led Bob to tell him about his experiences. Bob intermittently spoke a lot, and just when he was emotionally charged, Schiller said these things to him, which further stimulated his already fluctuating emotions, causing him to lose control completely.

Eddie swallowed hard. Compared to Bob, he was more worried about Schiller being stimulated. Bob going crazy at most meant he would hit a wall himself, but if Schiller went crazy, New York would be in danger.

Eddie regretted bringing Schiller out. He should have realized that ordinary people like Bob, in such extreme states, couldn't possibly have strong self-control. If they did, they wouldn't have fallen to this point.

In Eddie's career as a journalist, he had seen too many people like this, falling from the upper echelons of society due to reckless gambling, business failures, and lack of preparation.

They were often full of resentment, unwilling to accept reality, blaming all their mistakes on society, and thus becoming hostile and irritable towards everyone.

Schiller coughed heavily, crumpled the paper in his hand, threw it on the ground, and then began to pound the nearby wall with his fists.

Eddie quickly pulled him outside. Once outside, away from the dark and narrow environment, Schiller's condition improved slightly.

Schiller lowered his head, gritting his teeth, "The mental issues of superheroes are very complex and difficult to deal with, but I am not afraid of complex diseases, nor am I afraid of difficult cures..."

"I know they are a group of noble people. If they knew I was helping them, they would never speak ill of me to harm me..." Schiller became somewhat short of breath, speaking intermittently, "But ordinary people, they emit malice towards anyone, rejecting anyone who does not act according to their expectations..."

Speaking of this, Schiller suddenly froze, then muttered to himself standing in place, "Superheroes wouldn't harm me... so why would they..."

Later, on the way back, Schiller seemed somewhat lost, different from his previous state of withdrawal and stiffness.

When Eddie first met Schiller, he was in a state where he couldn't think, as if he had just broken free from a mental trauma and fallen into a state of numbness.

But on the return journey, Schiller seemed to be filled with thoughts, muttering to himself in a low voice the whole time. Eddie had tried to listen, but Schiller's heavy accent made it difficult for him to understand anything.

Back at Eddie's house, Thor was moving a Christmas tree inside. Eddie looked at the tree and said, "Wait a minute, why does this pine tree seem a bit... I mean, why does it seem a bit different from the ones in store shop windows?"

"Oh, it's more primitive and wild," Thor said tactfully.

Eddie paused for a moment, then roared at him, "You didn't go and chop down a tree, did you?! Don't you know illegal logging is a crime?!"

Thor waved his hand and said, "In Asgard, illegal logging isn't a crime. I'm telling you, I'm the God-King."

Finishing his statement, he moved the pine tree into the house and said, "Originally, I wanted to buy one on the street, but the trees sold by you humans are weaker than the weeds in Asgard, completely lacking in beauty."

"Look at the tree I brought. It's a sturdy lad. I call it 'Bull's Horn'! See that branch at the top? It can easily hold a string of stars without breaking!"

Eddie looked speechless at the pine tree, which was almost as tall as his ceiling, occupying half of the living room. He didn't know whether to scold Thor for pursuing strength and beauty excessively or to praise him for being meticulous enough to choose a tree that matched the room's height perfectly.

Schiller sat on the sofa, expressionless, lost in thought. Behind him, Eddie walked by with a string of Christmas lights, and then Thor approached with a climbing Santa Claus toy.

At times, Thor patted Venom's back, making him regurgitate the Christmas bauble he had just swallowed, and at other times, Venom grabbed Thor's neck, making him turn off the radio playing Christmas songs at maximum volume.

The two slackers decorated the Christmas tree for the entire afternoon until Thor clutched his stomach and said, "I'm feeling a bit hungry. Shall we eat something? How about some reindeer meat with sour cream?"

"Eating reindeer meat near Christmas, aren't you afraid Santa Claus will punch you when he comes to deliver gifts?"

"Even though I'm not human, I know that it's reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh, not camels. And besides, he won't give me any gifts. I'm not a child."

Under Venom's control, Eddie and Thor bickered back and forth, and at that moment, Schiller snapped out of his daze. He turned his head to look at the two and said, "I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?"

Thor raised the spatula in his hand and said, "Wait and see, the deer meat from Asgard will make you lick your lips."

With that said, he went to cook, while Eddie and Schiller sat on opposite sides of the dining table. Schiller placed his hands on the desktop, looking into Eddie's eyes, and said, "About two weeks ago, all the superheroes I knew, my friends, stopped contacting me..."

Eddie raised an eyebrow, knowing he was about to hear some earth-shattering news. So he grabbed the Viking beer Thor had bought earlier and poured himself a glass.

"At first, they just stopped coming to me for psychological treatment, even though they were still facing various rotten stalls and negative emotions in their lives. But they stopped contacting me altogether."

"And then, all the subjects I could find for psychological treatment disappeared, including criminals, mob bosses, and con artists..."

"And then. Everything I used to divert attention also disappeared. Cigarettes, alcohol, drugs..."

Eddie's frown deepened as he listened. He said, "Really? They couldn't have deliberately isolated you, could they?"

"I understand them, although I don't like the personalities of some of them, especially that Tony Stark, but I have to acknowledge. They are all good people, and they wouldn't collectively isolate some people."

Eddie stroked his chin and suddenly grasped the point. He looked at Schiller and said, "First of all, I'm not blaming the victim, but did you do something before? Like, maybe hurt them?"

"On the contrary!" Schiller raised his voice, starting to become excited and agitated. His hands began to tremble as he continuously pounded the desktop, speaking rapidly, "I did a lot for them! I healed every one of them, dealt with every situation! I even..."

Schiller's voice attracted Thor, who was frying the cutlets. He scooped the meat onto a plate and put it in the oven for slow roasting, then stood behind Eddie with the spatula, listening to Schiller's story.

Schiller spoke incessantly and somewhat aggrievedly to Eddie and Thor about everything he had done before, emphasizing his perfect plan and the perfect results it could achieve.

In all of New York, there were few who had received such treatment. Even Stark or Loki and Strange hadn't heard Schiller explain his entire plan so clearly and comprehensively.

In the majority of cases, they only knew part of Schiller's plan, and even in the end, they would doubt whether they had truly deduced all of Schiller's intentions. And more often than not, the answer was no.

However, for some reason, Schiller, whose mental state was unstable, spilled out his entire plan, including how to design a series of events, stabilize the mental states of the superheroes, mend their relationships, expand the map, create a bigger cake, unite everyone, and finally achieve a perfect resolution.

As Schiller talked confidently at the table, he felt that his logic was clear, causality was distinct, the plan was perfect, and its execution was extremely feasible.

But in the eyes of Eddie and Thor, their faces grew increasingly pale.

After Schiller stopped talking, he felt that something was wrong. So he carefully looked at their eye contact and finally saw a sentence from their eyes—

"Schiller, are you insane?!"

[Read at www.patreon.com/shanefreak, and thanks for the invaluable support!]


Next Chapter>>Chapter 1059: Startling Mundanity (Thirty-Six) 


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