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I'd say it's been long enough, and it's time to continue on and see which of you will claim the 4th YCH slot. As with before, Moonlight, Duino, and Mishka are not allowed to play, and the criteria for this one is, at least in my opinion, the most simple of them all. In this post, or on my Discord Server, just send me something that will make me smile. Seems pretty self-explanatory, but it can be absolutely anything. A piece of art you made, however big or small, a photograph old or new, a joke, a video, absolutely anything goes. It does not have to be something you made yourself either, just something you found on a whim and thought was funny checks out too. But be warned, you only have one shot, and I will only take your first submission.

So that's that ^^ Send me something to make me happy, jolly, cheerful, and after a week's time, I'll select the one that made me smile the most! Best of luck to you all!



Here's a Disney Infinity Wars trailer I did back when those were popular. https://youtu.be/scGHdcNzOwQ


My sister has a pet dog that's going to have it's birthday soon, so I've been looking up fun toys I think I could get it. And I think I found the perfect one that'll not only make her laugh, but will also make sure her little pupper has a great time: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/951430587/dog-toys-pawsecco-bottle-plush-dog-toy?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=funny+dog+toy&ref=sr_gallery-1-9&frs=1 It's a Dog Toy that looks like a glass of Prosecco, filled to the brim with Dog Puns. And it squeaks as well. Should be great for her and her dog.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHKfrz65KSU Here is some cute cat compilation. I hope it makes you feel good!