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A lot in this one, an F boogie 12 bar blues, than a F major lick, an F minor lick, a double stop lick, and a nice delta turnaround take this blues to delta... and beyond! I had a lot of fun putting this one together for you, I hope you have as much fun playing it! 


F Boogie Blues with Tasty Major and Minor Licks - Ukulele Tutorial

F Boogie Blues with Tasty Major and Minor Licks - Ukulele Tutorial Be a Patreon and get PDFs, learn faster here. https://www.patreon.com/TenThumbsPro Learn more here http://www.tenthumbspro.com/ This lesson is an F boogie blues lesson. If you are an intermediate or beginner player it can stop there, but the lesson is so much more.


Wayne Thomas

Hey Tyler, just clicked on the link for the PDF for this one and got a "not found" message. Help?

Tyler Austenfeld

Hey Wayne, I just downloaded it no problem, it might have been an error with Patreon, I've seen a couple of other creators posting about simliar problems yesterday, try it again and let me know if you can download it. Thanks for the support!

Rostislav Nikolaev

hi Tyler! thank you for good tutorials i really like yours blues lessons! and i have a questions can i mix F boogi blues and Boogie Blues in A ? is it possible? and how it will loke like?

Tyler Austenfeld

Great question man, the sad answer is no, the blues can't really be mixed, as far as harmony goes blues is pretty simple, but the good news is ideas can be learn and moved. This is the art of transposition, for example the F boogie major lick, if you take that same like and move it up the neck four frets, that lick would work in the key of A, because we changed the scale from F major to A major. Is that clear?