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Okay, I need your help

I have been reflecting a lot on Patreon and how to make it a better tool for your learning and I have come to the conclusion that I want to

  • Host live concerts
  • Do weekly zoom lessons

I want to talk about the concerts first, the ideas is that it isn't me playing for you, but select Patreons playing a song for all of us, like an open mic

Twice a month, once a month, I am not sure. I also don't really know how to choose who gets to sing at the concert, the idea is that everyone that wants to gets to participate, but coordinating time zones, choosing who, etc, might be a little tricky. 

So, my questions are

How to organize who gets to play when? 

  • I was thinking a sign up sheet and depending on how many people sign up would determine how many concerts a month we would do in a month. 

Time Zones

  • I want the idea to inclusive, so we might need to find a way to do two a month to make sure every time zone has access. Anybody with a background in organizing international meetings would be a great help.
  • Another thing to think about is availability workwise.
  • I am almost thinking 1 time for the Americas, 1 time for Europe, 1 time for Asia and Oceania, but that means 3 a month and we need to see if the demand for all the time zones is there.

Curse Words

  • I have never cursed on Tenthumbs, but I also don't want to limit creativity. So with this aspect was thinking before a performer starts their song they could let the audience know if there are curse words or not and the listener could decide to listen after that or not. 

A Monthly Song We All Play? 

  • I also thought it might be fun to put up a song a month that we can all play and then at the end collect and share all the links, but this might also blend into the weekly live idea as we can spend a month learning a more complicated section together then at the end we can all share our covers. 

Any other ideas and suggestions are welcome. 



Ben Bovard

This all sounds awesome. I’ll participate in any way