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Today we are going to be doing two things, introducing a quick change and talking about arpeggios. 

A quick change is fairly basic, it is changing the 2nd measure of the blues into the IV7 chord. In D the IV7 is a G7, and normally the first four measures in D are D7 D7 D7 D7, but with a quick change they become D7 G7 D7 D7, this just gives the 12 bar a little more movement and makes it a little more dynamic and fun to play. 

The new 12 bar would look like this

|D7 //// |G7 //// |D7//// |D7 ////

|G7 //// |G7 //// |D7//// |D7 ////

|A7 //// |G7 //// |D7//// |A7 ////

Arpeggios are a little bigger, well, the concept is much bigger. Arpeggios happen when you play a chord, but play the notes individually as opposed to all at the same time. This makes fingerpicking a type of arpeggio, but not the only one, in fact the concept can be much bigger. This 12 bar will tackle two of those shapes, the C7 and G7 shapes (these shapes can be used to make any chord, we will explain that, too) as well as what exactly is an arpeggio and how to put them into play. 

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#TenThumbsBluesChallenge - Day 8 - Arpeggios and Quick Change

#TenThumbsBluesChallenge - Day 8 - Arpeggios and Quick Change Today we are going to be doing two things, introducing a quick change and talking about arpeggios. A quick change is fairly basic, it is changing the 2nd measure of the blues into the IV7 chord. In D the IV7 is a G7, and normally the first four measures in D are D7 D7 D7 D7, but with a quick change they become D7 G7 D7 D7, this just gives the 12 bar a little more movement and makes it a little more dynamic and fun to play. The new 12 bar would look like this |D7 //// |G7 //// |D7//// |D7 //// |G7 //// |G7 //// |D7//// |D7 //// |A7 //// |G7 //// |D7//// |A7 //// Arpeggios are a little bigger, well, the concept is much bigger. Arpeggios happen when you play a chord, but play the notes individually as opposed to all at the same time. This makes fingerpicking a type of arpeggio, but not the only one, in fact the concept can be much bigger. This 12 bar will tackle two of those shapes, the C7 and G7 shapes (these shapes can be used to make any chord, we will explain that, too) as well as what exactly is an arpeggio and how to put them into play.


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