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Here are the zoom links for each workshop

Bernadette and Boris- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86010557766?pwd=cEtEWU0zb3JpbENKb3pORXk0WUlOUT09

Vasko Ukulele Cheats- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87542292747?pwd=M0FnMkF1aTZZN25ZdG9SNDJtVmNIdz09

Tenthumbs- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89837291974?pwd=ZFoycUUzbEpaRTBhTnhpenJ0YjNkQT09

Abby Lyons - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83416947116?pwd=REI0cXE2QUViR3dVWlJpMzYwTXFVUT09

Matt U Can Uke- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87450215812?pwd=MEozYXdPQlFmc00ya1FROENkL1FSZz09

Chris 'Banjo Ukulele Man'- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89845269225?pwd=OVdGcTZZM24xTTZXS0grU0NoQTFNdz09

Brooke- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oD90QWU0Vms&feature=youtu.be

*All of the meetings are via zoom with the exception of Brooke who is doing a youtube live. 



Claude Généreux

Hi. Forget my previous message. Zoom finally let me in. 👍

Tyler Austenfeld

Happy you got in, sorry about the 100 limit. At first it was on and then it was turned off because the total ended up being almost 200. Also the reply is up, so anything you missed because of password and connection issues you can watch it now! The replay was posted today after the lesson.