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Join the crowdcast! Live chat and see who wins the grand prizes! The link will be live at noon central standard time, same time as Chicago! 

I just want to say thank to everyone who participated, we had a lot of people finish the entire challenge, very very impressive! Around 50 of you were able to complete all 10 lessons, amazing job! I know that you had to push yourself, I know it wasn't easy, but I just wanted to say great job and I can't wait to see you at the next challenge... when we learn to solo! 


#ChordMelodyChallenge Winners - Crowdcast

Register now for Tyler's event on Crowdcast, scheduled to go live on Friday October 02, 2020 at 12:01 pm COT.


Stephen Pagani

Haha my little row boat. Boys from work are taking our annual guys weekend “stag “ trip that was postponed due to covid in the spring. But is see noon for you is less then a hour so I’m holding out. That’s the great part of this weekend. No schedule. :)

Christina Trefry

Squeeee!!!! I missed the live but juatvwatched the playback on IG 🤩🎉 Also i am terrified for the next one “Random solo” is my nemesis 😬😬but i trust your teaching skillzzzzzzzz