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Rock/Pop hit on MTV revolving around a Ukulele...yes please! Here is one to get the youth involved and show them that yes, the Ukulele is cool. 


House of Gold - Twenty One Pilots - Ukulele Tutorial

House of Gold - Twenty One Pilots - Ukulele Tutorial Intro 1:40 Chorus 3:03 Bridge 4:29 Verse 5:47 Play-a-long 6:17 Learn all the previous lessons at http://www.tenthumbspro.com/ Help us grow at https://www.patreon.com/TenThumbsPro?ty=h Ready to learn how to play some Twenty One Pilots on Ukulele?


austin jonas

Hey tyler, can you email me the pdf for this song? thanks, and do you have insta?

Tyler Austenfeld

Yeah, totally man. I am on the road in southern Chili on a mountain, or heading in there, so give me a day or two, but I will make it happen. What is your email address?

austin jonas

cool man! ok thats ok ill just wait thank you!