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So we nailed the foundation for our 12 bar blues in A yesterday, but every good blues needs a strong turnaround. It gives the blues personality, they are fun to play, you can mix the rhythm up, but most importantly, it turns the loop around. Otherwise it would just a pretty basic two chord vamp. We will break down two turnarounds in the key of A. 

Another little secret, besides using these turnarounds at the end of your blues, you can use them at the start to kick of your 12 bar too! Alright, tomorrow we are going to add some licks and fills and you will have a full 12 bar blues in the key of A inspired by Robert Johnson! 

Will improve

Blues turnarounds in A

Double Stops

Mixing Swing and Straight Rhythms


#CrossroadsUkeChallenge - Day 2 - Turnarounds in A

This challenge is dedicated to teaching you how to play the Ukulele like Robert Johnson. So we nailed the foundation for our 12 bar blues in A yesterday, but every good blues needs a strong turnaround. It gives the blues personality, they are fun to play, you can mix the rhythm up, but most importantly, it turns the loop around. Otherwise it would just a pretty basic two chord vamp. We will break down two turnarounds in the key of A. Another little secret, besides using these turnarounds at the end of your blues, you can use them at the start to kick of your 12 bar too! Alright, tomorrow we are going to add some licks and fills and you will have a full 12 bar blues in the key of A inspired by Robert Johnson! Want to win a some Ten Thumbs Swag like a new T-shirt? Starting the 1st of December we are going to do a 10 day blues challenge dedicated to the style of Robert Johnson (that is why it is called the#CrossroadsUkeChallenge, because of the legend of Robert as a young man selling his soul to the devil. Starting from the most basic of basics up to playing and jamming in 3 different keys and a song of Robert's! Want to enter? - Tape yourself playing the challenge - Upload the video to your IG account and @tenthumbspro and add the hashtag #CrossroadsUkeChallenge - https://www.instagram.com/tenthumbspro/ - No Instagram? Send me the video on facebook, make sure you add the #10DayBluesChallenge hash tag so we can watch and support each other! https://www.facebook.com/tenthumbspro... - Camera shy? You can put the video on on our 10 thumbs challenge group without your face, it is a closed group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2655998171105984/ - You have until the 25th to finish all the videos - Christmas day we will announce the Ukulele winner! - This 10 day crash course will take you from knowing nothing about blues to pre-intermediate/intermediate level in just 10 days! - Join the facebook group dedicated to the challenge! Share your progress with friends! https://www.facebook.com/groups/26559... #CrossroadsUkeChallenge #RobertJohnson #Tenthumbs



😎Cool 'n' Tasty! 😋

Robie Sprouse

Love the hat. Had to watch it 3 times to get it right but man was that awesome. Looking forward to day 3.

Tyler Austenfeld

Thanks Robie. It is kind of tricky going from swing to straight time, but it sounds so good when pulled off properly.