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Time to tip our caps to the godfather of Grunge music, acoustic and electric guitar master with a voice like a mocking bird, Mr. Neil Young! The tune has a really cool groove with an off beat change that is the emphasis of the song and once you get it the groove down the rest of the song is a piece of cake. There is a part of the song after the chorus that vamps on an A chord that we didn't teach in the song but it is in the tab. 

Will improve

  • Changing chords on the offbeat
  • Transforming rock grooves to the ukulele
  • Use of the E minor and the G chord

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Rocking In The Free World - Neil Young - Ukulele Easy Song Tutorial w/ Play-a-long

Time to tip the cap to the father of grunge rock, one of the greatest guitarist of all time, and one of the few people to make both rolling stones top 100 guitar player and top 100 singers list, Mr. Neil Young. Became a Patreon and support our growth here (https://www.patreon.com/TenThumbsPro). This song is so awesome but listening to it I had to modify it a little bit for our Ukulele because Neil was playing all down strokes on an electric guitar and we need something that would sound a little better on Ukulele. We have done some lessons with only down strokes but I don't think that sound fits the Ukulele's personality that well so we made some adjustments here with some mutes. If you have some trouble with mutes you can just play them as down strokes but I think it helps keep it somewhat close to the original rhythm. If you want to really jump into the Ukulele and really learn it, if you want more how to play beginner song Ukulele tutorials, or how to play intermediate song Ukulele tutorials, maybe you want to learn how to play the Ukulele blues? We have everything that you need right here at tenthumbspro.com You just go and click the Ukulele link and find the ukulele tutorial that you want and enjoy free ukulele lessons with one of the best Ukulele teachers that the internet has to offer. Inquire about skype lessons, how you can get involved and donate some cash, and much more. The whole goal is to help you make the music that you want to make! Rocking In The Free World - Neil Young - Ukulele Tutorial


James Wilkinson

Tyler, is there a chord sheet for this?

James Wilkinson

Thanks so much! By the way, the search bar is doing much better than before, for whatever reason, and I can find your lessons easier, thanks for that! I enjoy your tutorials, I get a lot out of them, and respect your knowledge of music. Thank you so much for helping me and others.